chapter 10

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I woke up panting.

" els? Els where are you? " I ask looking everywhere

" what's wrong hicc? "

I look to the river and see elsa again in the water , like the first time we met.

" what are you doing there? "

" refreshing myself , I saw that you were having a nightmare or something. I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't so I went to the river to refresh myself , wanna come in? "

" sure "

I took off my battle armor and my shirt and went in.

" hey hicc "

I turn around and see elsa.

When I see how she is my eyes widened.

" what? whats wrong? " she asked

" " I gulp " you're naked "

" don't worry hicc " she came putted her hands on my neck " my dad's not gonna kill you , only our riders can see us naked , so i really don't care you seeing me like this "

She gave me a peck on the lips.

" you wanna see dragons? "

" what? "

" do you wanna go where I live and see all the dragons I've told you about? "

" how are we gonna get there? "

" you can get there on boat , but flying its the fastest way to get there "

" okay then , let's go. I do wanna see dragons "

" great , then get dressed "

I went out of the river so did she and we both got dressed.

" you all set? " she asked

" I am "

" Kay "

She transformed from her human for to her dragon form and signaled for me hurry up.

And I did as told and we flu up to the sky.

" you know I feel weird being on top of my girlfriend in her dragon form " I say

She rolled her eyes and hited me in my face with her ear.

" I'm kidding , I'm kidding , don't need to get violent "

She laughed.

" ha ha ha that was hilarious " I say with sarcasm
She just laughed more.

In half an hour we were already there.

I memorized all the way in case I have to come in boat.

We landed in front of a place filled with rocks.

I got off elsa and she transformed to her human form.

" we're here " she said

" uhhhhh " I looked at her with both eyebrows raised

" this is just the outside , you haven't seen the inside. That's the beautiful part "

" okay let's go "

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now