chapter 32

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I woke up chained to the wall.

I recognized this place , when I was little dad used to bring me here to watch as he punished traitors in the village.

I never like these things , but I was forced to watch. And now I'm like one of those persons chained to the wall.

The whole village was here watching with confused looks and murmuring stuff , wondering what's happening.

Dad came and stood in the middle of all.

" people of Berk! " that got everyone's attention " I know you may be confused , because my son is chained to the wall , well the reason is that he's a traitor! "

The whole village gasped.

" do you remember his girlfriend , elsa? "

The twins came and with elsa in their arms , she had her hands and legs chained and she looked beatened up.

I tried to break the off the chains once I saw them trow her to the floor.

" elsa! " I yelled

She turned at me with allot of effort then gave me a weak smile.

A tear escaped my eyes , what did they do to her?

" do you all remember cloudjumper , my wife's friend which is now.....dead "

Everyone nodded they're heads.

" well elsa's just like him , a dragon! "

Everyone gasped again " hiccup knew that , and he still dated her "

People started yelling things like ' traitor ' or ' kill him ' or ' how could you? ' over and over.

" since he's my son , I'm gonna take it easy on him and not kill him "

People started yelling again stuff like ' he's a traitor , he deserves it ' or ' are you crazy? " and many more.

" but you do know what we do to dragons "

Everyone cheered , since they hasn't been a dragon attack in a week and they finally have the opportunity to kill a dragon.

" no! Please! She's carrying my child , your grandchild " I begged

" consider this as your punishment for being a traitor "

" a traitor? A traitor? I'm a traitor for falling in love?! "

" in love with the enemy! "

" what did she ever do to you to make her the enemy , huh?! "

" not her , her kind. And I will not stop until I kill every species of dragons and they're extinct! "

" you're a monster! "

" no. She's the monster! " he pointed to elsa who was now fighting to stay conscious " now , as usual I would pick someone from the crowd to do it , but someone already asked me "

Astrid came to my dad's side with a knife in her hand and an evoil grin on her face. " thank you stoick , it's such an honor to do this "

She looked at me , her evil grin still plastered on her face. I wanted to beat up that evil grin of her face , at this moment I didn't care if anyone was a girl or boy.

I pulled the chains again , trying to break them if its even possible for me to do it.

" astrid , you may start now "

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now