chapter 22

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I walk into what seems to be the academy.

" Elsa! What are you doing here? "

I turn around and see gobber.

" I see you went shopping for new clothes " he said
I looked down to myself then to him " yeah I did. I'm just here to see hiccup in his training , well if I can? "

" oh sure you can , you can see him from outside same as the others "

I nodded my head " then come with me " he said

He took me to the bleachers outside. I could see hiccup's back facing me.

Everyone stood watching me.

" what is she doing here? I thought you didn't like killing dragons " astrid said in a mocking voice

" I don't. I just came here to see hiccup "

She stayed silent.

" now that that's over " gobber said while swinging on his toes " let's get this started! Hiccup in this lesson you will have to kill a skrill! "

My breathing got a little heavier. Those are a little more difficult for someone to make it faint. You just have to touch its chin , sounds easy but he will not let you do that so easily, It will trow a fight.

A purple skrill came out of its cage. Hiccup breathed in and circuled him. The skrill just stayed in the same attack position looking at hiccup , oh Thor please help him.

The skrill tried to attack hiccup by jumping on him but hiccup bounced away. He tried that many times until he was tired.

Hiccup quiqly jumped on its back and pretended to stab him with his sword while touching its chin. The skrill imediatly fainted.

I sigh in relive he didn't get killed and smiled.

" hiccup wins again! " gobber yelled

I saw astrid trow her axe , clearly mad because hiccup won again.

Hiccup came to the bleachers panting , when he saw me his eyes grew wide and his jaw fell. I giggle and kissed his cheek.

" what's wrong? " I asked

" you "

I giggled again " thank you for the complement viking boy "

He came out of his trance " viking boy? What kind of nickname is that? "

" well you're a viking right? "

" yeah "

" and a boy? "

He looked to himself " well yeah , I have been for twenty years "

" well then you're my viking boy "

He looked at me blankly " sometimes I really don't understand you "

" oh well that's life "

He sighed " come on let's go eat something at my house "

Before I could ask my question he cut me off " and I'll cook "

I giggled again.

I looked at them grab each others hands and walk away happily , that should be me and hiccup grabbing hands and walking away happily!

But I got a plan for hiccup to dump her. You see I heard valka say ' must be something about you being a dragon or something ' to Elsa , I got really curious about what she meant so I went and looked at the dragon book and read that some dragons can transform into humans but the have what it seems to be a burnmark identifying what kind of dragon they are on their arm and when they find their rider the rider gets the exact same burn mark in their hand.

Elsa has the burnmark of a nightfury in her arm and hiccup's her rider.

Hiccup and elsa you don't know what's coming your way.

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now