chapter 28

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Hiccup and I entered his room and another tear fell from my eye , I wiped it and I lied down with my back on the headboard of hiccup's bed.

" hey hey , don't cry els , please. I hate seeing you like this " hiccup said and clied down next to me

" I just thought that he'd be happy , not upstet about us getting our first kid and him getting a grandchild "

" well that's my dad , never happy of what I do unless its something he wants me to do "

" do you think he's gonna be like that with our child? Ashamed of it and trying to force it into doing things "

" I hope not and even if he wanted to force him into doing something I wouldn't let him " he putted a hand on my stomach and carresed it " I won't let my father treat my child the way he treated me "

He got down to my stomach level " look I know you're not formed yet and that you're not listening to me " I giggled a bit " but I want you to know that I process that you won't have the life I had , nobody will be ashamed of you and you will have lots of friends. You have an awesome father " I giggled again , he looked at me smiled and then back to my stomach " which loves you obusly , you have a beautiful , smart , understanding , amazing , awesome mother who also loves you , a fun , awesome grandmother who loves you and your grandfather , well let's not talk about him. I want you to know that I will always love , will never be ashamed of you and I will support you with every choice you make , except if you're a boy or girl doesn't matter , you will be getting your first boyfriend or girlfriend at your twenty five and I will have to judge who you're dating "

" hiccup " I say and looked at him with a ' seriously ' look

He looked at me " okay fine , thirty "

" hiccup "

He sighed " how about twenty? "

" sounds good "

He looked back at my stomach " you will not get your first boyfriend or girlfriend until you're twenty "

" and we both will be judging who you date , 'cause your father didn't quite judge his first girlfriend " I cut him off

" I was young " he defended

" doesn't matter "

" he sighed and looked to my stomach once again " I love you " he kissed my stomach and he putted his back on the headboard next to me " and I love you "

" I love you too "

He smiled and gave me a peck on the lips " that's good to know "

Valka saw everything and heard everything.

She was gonna enter the room but then decided to look at them with the door creek open.

She smiled once his son was done talking to the baby.

She closed the door and knocked on it like if she hasn't heard or seen anything.

" come in " was heard from inside

Valka entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

" how did it go with stoick? " she asked

" oh you know the usual , not proud nor happy , how could I have been so in responsible and what will the village think about this " his son said

" I'm guessing not well then " she said " but I want you two to know that I'm thrilled that you two are having a kid and I'm finally having a grandchild and I will always support you "

" thanks valka , that means a lot " Elsa said

" well you two better go to sleep , tomorrow you gotta be there early for the final lesson " valka said getting up

" oh right , I forgot about that " hiccup said

" goodnight "

" goodnight " Elsa and hiccup responded in unsion.

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