chapter 16

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" hiccup get me out of here , now " she said

I nodded my head " okay " I whisper

I help her up and get her out of there on my way to my house.

" what happened in there? " I ask

" the food " she said

" the food? What's wrong with the food? "

" do you know what animal was it? "

" um chicken and sheep? "

" who told you that? "

" my dad , why? Elsa what's going on? "

" it was a dragon , a deadly nadder. You were eating my kind "

" what? "

" hicc I touched the food and I felt all the pain and all the fear the dragon had , I saw it , that's why I shot back "

" what dragon did you said it was?  "

" a deadly nadder "

They thought I killed a deadly nadder today.

That's why they kill dragons and also why in class they want us to kill dragons.

After they're dead , they cook it and we eat them.

" I know what the vikings do to the dragons after they kill it " I say

" what? "

" they cook it so we can eat them , that's also why the vikings kill dragons for food "

" huh? "

" that's why you saw a deadly nadder , in the lesson we had to kill a deadly nadder , after I made it faint they thought I killed it and well they did why they do to every dragon that's dead "

" did you eat that? "

" well yeah "

" YOU ATE SOME OF MY KIND!? " her ears started to grow into dreagon ears and wings were trying to escape and the tail was starting to grow.

Her eyes were glowing with fury.

" els you need to calm yourself , please "

Good thing nobody was watching.


" els please calm yourself "

Steam came out of her nose , in her half human/half dragon form

" els you're turning into a dragon " I say

She looked like she didn't even care.

" look I'm sorry , I know you're mad as hell right now , but I didn't know that was dragon I thought it was chicken , sheep or fish , please forgive me if I'd known I would had even touched it , I'm sorry " I add

She relaxed and turned into her human form.

" sorry hicc , but I bet that if I'd tell you that my kind kills your kind for fun and food you would be mad and start yelling and what not " she moved her hands in a weird way

" it's okay " I grabbed her waist and made our bodys touch " I know that if I were you I would act the same way if I'd find out and you shouldn't be apologizing instead it should be me "

" its okay hicc you didn't know " she kissed me for a couple of seconds " go back to your friends "

" you sure? "

" yeah I'll just go to your house and maybe I'll see your mom there "

" well she is excited to meet you " I say

" go to your friends , they're probably worried about that happened "

" okay , I'll see you later "

I turn and was about to leave.

" hiccup? " she asked

" hmm? " I ask turning to her

" where's your house? "

" keep walking straight and you'll see it , its the biggest house here "

" okay , see you later hicc "

" bye "

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now