chapter 3

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I've been walking around this forest for hours.

Is it that hard to find a dragon?

I keep on walking until I hear a noise.

I walk up and hide between the bushes and see a dragon!

But not an ordinary dragon , its a white nightfury. Maybe the last one in existence.

I change from my dragon form to my human form and strip out my knee-high white sundress and get into the water with nothing on.

This is my favorite spot in the forest. It has a beautiful waterfall , and someplace with rocks so you can sit in them or in the dirt and do whatever you want.

I peeked with my eye everywhere and saw a boy with shaggy brown hair and green eyes bidding in the bushes looking at me shocked.

" come out of there " I demand as I walk out of the river and putting a towel over my body covering me from my chest to my thighs

" I said come out of there " I repeat

He came out of there shaking a little.

" who are you? " I ask with a stern voice

" you're a dragon and you turned into a human "

" that didn't answer my question "

" You're a dragon and you turned into a human "

" ugh yeah , yeah and what! Just answer me! "

He fainted.

" oh thor "

I putted on my sundress , grabbed some water and went to him.

I dropped the water on his face and he woke up imediatly.

" what the hell!? Why am I all wet? " he asked

" you fainted and i had to trow you water for you to wake up "

" you're the dragon girl " he got up and backed up

" my name's elsa not dragon girl "

" how did you do that? "

" do what? "

" change from a dragon to a human "

" every dragon can do that and also do this "

I changed to a half human dragon. Which consists on my human body but I have the ears , wings and tail of a dragon.

" wow "

" why were you watching me refresh myself? "

" oh umm...I was umm , Thor how do I explain this " he took a big breath " I wanted to find a dragon and you know.. "

" kill it? " I cut him off

" no , no , no I wouldn't bare to kill a dragon. I was going to say train it , be friends with it "

" huh? "

" what? "

" but you're a viking right? Viking are supposed to kill us , I mean that's all they want to do to us. The last viking that wanted to be friends with a dragon was... "

" valka " he cut me off

" how did you know? "

" she's my mother "

" so she finally got it " I laughed

" got what? "

" she always said she wanted a child "

" and for the looks she finally got one " I add and circle around him

" name's hiccup " he took his hand form me to shake

" and as I told you earlier my name's elsa " I shook his hand and an electricity went troo me to my mark of a nightfury

" what the hell!? Ouch! That burned " he screamed

" burned? "

" yeah " he said checking his hand

" let me see " I took his hand

He had the nightfury mark marked in his hand.

" you're my rider " I whisper and kneel in front of him showing my respect

" umm you okay? "

" you're my rider , I have to show my respect "

" rider? "

" that burn mark in your hand I have it , it means you're my rider " I got up and showed him my mark of nightfury on my arm

Which I cover with my sundress.

" that's the same mark I have in my hand "

" exactly , that means you're my rider " I jump up and down with eximent and run to him to hug him

" I've been looking for you my whole life " I say

" okay this isin't weird " he said in a sarcasm tone

" oh sorry , sorry I didn't meant to weird you out " I laugh nervously as I let go of him and backed out a little

" its okay "

I laugh nervously again.

" okay so friends? " he ask

" friends " I say and we shake hands

" can I ask you something? " he asked

" you just did but sure ask me anything "

" okay " he smiled

He spent all afternoon asking me about dragons and I told him all of our secrets until it was night.

" oh umm I guess I have to go " he said

" yeah , umm we you tomorrow? Right here , like at noon? " I ask

" sure "

" okay "

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now