chapter 27

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My mom stayed silent looking at elsa.

" mom? " I ask

" I don't know what to say , I'm so happy for you Elsa! "

Mom went and hugged Elsa.

" really? " I asked

She broke the hug " yes! I mean it was unexpected but I'm still happy for you both "

She got down to Elsa stomach level " hey there little one , I'm your grandma. Oh I can't wait until you're born and I can carry you "

" I didn't expect you to be this exited " I said

She standed up again " of course I'm gonna be exited I always wanted grandchildren , how long has it been? "

" one day " Elsa said and laughed

" well no matter what happens or what your father says , I'm always gonna be here to help you "

" thanks mom , we'd really appreciate that "

" who do you think it will look like more? "

" I don't know , back where I live they say that sometimes the mother gets dreams of who's the baby gonna look more alike " Elsa said " but I really hope it looks like hiccup , boy or girl "

Out of nowhere and question came into my mind.

" how do you think dad will react? " i ask " I mean we're not even married " I add

" well let's hope he'll take it well " mom said

" don't worry hiccup , I'm sure it'll be fine " Elsa said

" sure hope so "

" good , now , I'm gonna go take a shower " she said and left upstairs

" and about you two not being married , how about you propose to her? I mean you are already having a baby "

" I've thought about it , but I don't know how "

" how about you go to a cliff at dawn , prepare a romantic dinner and then you propose to her "

" you think it'll be good enough "

" it doesn't matter if its good enough or not , if she loves you she'll say yes " she patted my back " and I think you two made it pretty clear you love each other if you're having a baby "

I chuckle " thanks mom " I sigh " now the real problem beings , how to tell dad " I sigh again

She laughed.

The door closed signaling dad was home.

" better now than ever hiccup "

I sigh " yeah "

Dad entered the kitchen.

" hiccup! There you are , I've been looking for you "

" those are some word I never thought you would say " I mutter

" well I'm gonna go " Mom said

I looked at her with a pleading look for her to say.

She gave me a glare.

I sigh.

" did he tell you? " dad asked mom

" he did " she said and left

" I heard the news " he said

" you did? Did astrid tell you? "

If she did , what els did she told him?

" no , gobber did "

" gobber? "

How the hell did he know? Neither Elsa nor I told him.

" what exactly did he tell you? " I asked

" that gothi choose you as the winner for the final lesson! "

Oh right , that.

" yeah and I have to- "

" I am so proud of you son " he cut me off " I have to say I thought she would choose astrid "

What a surprise.

" but no! She choose you! I will finally see my son fighting a dragon "

" dad I need to tell you somethi- "

" I can't wait to see you slice that dragon and- "

" dad elsa's pregnant! " I cut him off

Dad looked at me " what? "

" Elsa and I are expecting a baby "

" when did you find out about this? "

" today "

" hiccup how could you be so irresponsible? you're not even married! "

" so what! Yeah we're not married , but we love each other "

" hiccup , what will the village think of this? The chief's son having a kid and he's not even married "

" is this the only think you're thinking right now? The village? You're having a grandchild for crying out loud! "

" what's going on? "

We both looked back and saw Elsa.

" you told him right? " she asked

I nodded " yeah "

" Elsa , hiccup I have to say this is something I'm not really proud of " dad said and turned to me" I can't believe you were so in responsible and let this happen "

" its not only his fault , its mine also. It takes the two of us to make a baby " Elsa said

" yes i know that , but I thought you guys would at least be married or engaged before this would happen "

" you're not even happy that we're having a kid " I ask

Tears threatened to fall from elsa's eyes.

" not yet "

A tear came out from elsa's eyes. She wipped it off and nodded her head.

I grabbed her hand " come on els let's go "

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now