chapter 7

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I enter my house and plopped on my couch.

" hey hicc , how did your day go? " mom asked

" mom I hate my life "

She sighed and sat next to me " what happened? "

" I got this burn mark on my hand when I became elsa's rider " I showed her my burn mark " I was eating today and astrid asked me what was this burned mark and I lied saying elsa's my girlfriend and they think I'm liying "

" well you kinda are because she isin't your girlfriend , right? "

" no she isin't , I just wish she was "

" did you ask her out? "

I sighed " I did "

" what did she say? "

" she doesn't have the answer now , but when she has she's gonna tell me " I cover my face with my hands in frustration " I bet tomorrow everyone's gonna make fun of me again "

" its okay hicc , just go to sleep maybe that's what you need "

I nooded my head.

" okay , goodnight mom "

" goodnight hicc "

I went upstairs to my bed and fell asleep within minutes.

I ran into the lesson , which was know in the place where we have lunch and inner and also the place where we celebrate all of our parties.

" hiccup you're late " gobber said

" sorry gobber " I say as I sat down

But I really don't care , I already know all of these things about dragons and even more.

" maybe he was with his ' girlfriend ' " astrid said while making fingers at the word girlfriend and everyone laughed

" girlfriend eh hiccup? " gobber asked while raising both of his eyebrows up and down

" shut up and get to the lesson "

" okay okay don't need to get mad , in today's lesson you will ask me about dragons and I will answer you , since I know everything about dragons " gobber said

Yeah right , you wish.

The real reason that I was late its because I over slept.

I really can't sleep these nights thinking of what would be elsa's answer to my question.

Gobber started explaining stuff that weren't true about dragons.

I didn't pay much attention.

I decided I was gonna ask one that nobody here would ask.

" how about a nightfury? " I ask

I already know everything about a nightfury , but I wanted to know what things would say gobber.

" oh the nightfurys , I know nothing about this one , no one does , but everyone knows that if you see one you would have to kill it instantly "

" I know about nightfurys " fishlegs said

" you do? " gobber asked

Fishlegs just nooded his head in response.

" then tell us about it "

Oh I can't wait to see what he has to say.

" they only come in the color black , they only come out at night , they're the unholy offspring of lightning and death it self , they're the hardest to train , they have a purple plasma blast , they have no soul other dragons may have but this one doesn't , they have a hideous aspect and as gobber said you have to kill it instantly "

The one he said about hideous aspect really made me want to punch him in the face.

" how did you know all of this? " gobber asked

" I read "

Gobber was going to say something but he was cutt off by lighting.

And lightning at day can only mean one thing elsa or thootless are out there.

" what in Odin's beard is going on? " gobber asked

I ran outside and saw a white nightfury , elsa , and a monstrous nightmare chasing her.

She was going to the forest , maybe to our spot.

" wow a white nightfury , it must be a female " fishlegs said

" capture them! Before they escape! " someone yelled

I looked around and saw my father looking for weapons.

He was going to throw them but they were already gone.

" agh we missed them! " he yelled

" what was that about only coming on the color black and only appearing at night fishlegs? " snoutlout asked

" this is incredible " fishlegs answered

Suddenly I felt like my hand was burning in a fire.

I kneeled down on the floor screaming and holding my hand.

It was my burn mark , it means elsa's in danger or trouble.

She said that everythimne the mark burns it because one of the two of us is in danger or trouble , if its starts despairing and coming back it means one of us is about to die and if its gone it means one of us is dead.

If it happens to her it means one of those things are happening to me.

If its happening to me it means one of those things are happening to her.

" hiccup what the heck is happening to you!? " dad asked coming to me

" nothing , I'm fine "

The pain stopped and I standed up.

" I need to go " I say and start running into the forest to our special spot.

Elsa please be safe.

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now