chapter 12

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I enter my house the most silently way possible.

But being the clumsy boy I am , I stumbled with everything in the house including the couch making noise that could wake up the entire village.

" who's there? " a rough voice asked

I'm guessing my dad.

And as suspected my dad turned on the light and saw me.

" hiccup? "

" heeeeeeeeeey dad "

" hiccup I was so worried you've never come back "

I looked at him with both eyebrows raised with a ' really ' look.

" yes really , I mean if the best student at Gobber's class at killing dragons is missing I would be totally worried " he said

" oh so you weren't worried for me because I'm your son , like a normal father would do , instead you were worried for me because I'm the best student at Gobber's class at killing dragons "

" hiccup of course I was worried for my son "

I could tell that he was liying.

" yeah right , you were never worried for your son , you know why? Because you were always ashamed of me , disappointed of me , you're never there for me until I became one of the best at killing dragons! " I yell

Although I never killed a dragon , you just think I did.

" don't raise your voice at me young man I am your father and the chief of this village and you will have to respect me! "

" I don't care that you're my father , I just wish that you were a good father and not the father you are! "

" I have been a great father to you hiccup! I raised you i- "

" what? Are you kidding me?! You've been a terrible father to me , you've never been there for me , you never asked me for what I would like instead you just do it and you didn't even raise me! Mom did! She was the only one who ever loved me , the one who wasn't ashamed of me , disaponted at me , the one who's always there for me! " I cut him off

He stayed silent.

" what's with all the yelling? I think they could hear you at the other side of the village " mom asked coming out of my room

" hiccup? Is that really you? "

" hi mom "

She came and hugged me " I missed you so much "

" I missed you too mom "

" where were you this whole time? " she asked breaking the hug

I gave her a look saying ' elsa ' and it looks like she understanded it because she relaxed.

" I'm just glad you're okay "

" thanks mom "

" for what? "

" for being worried for me " I said " because some people are just worried for other stuffs " i add looking at dad

" you better go to sleep hiccup , tomorrow you have a dragon killing lesson " dad said

I look at my feet " okay " I look at him " dad "

I go up to my room followed by my mom.

I enter my room so does my mom closing the door behind her.

" so? Did has she told you her answer yet? " she asked coming close to me

" she did "

" what did she say? "

" she said yes "

" I knew it! See I told you you would find true love some day "

" I guess you were right "

" I'm your mother I always am "

I smiled " goodnight mom "

" goodnight hicc " she left

I got into bed and fell asleep.

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now