That Night

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After the police took me in and all that shit!! I get a call from Carlos saying that he was on his way to come bail me out. As I was in jail I was thinking about my babies really and the baby that was growing inside of me. I waited for an hour til they decide to call my name. So I got up from the bed and as the gate was pushing back I was walking out of the cell heading to my husband and kids. Cj was like mommy I miss you so much!! Charevon said Nigga she only been gone for 1 hour!! He said it seems like it's been years!! I grab him and kiss him all over his face. Mya said Asia you gotta stop this fighting girl!! Especially in front of yo kids!! I said Ik Ik!! Carlos was like dr bae we both are telling the truth!! So I decide to stop for a lil while until the baby was due. As I was driving home I was feeling some kind of pain. Carlos look at me and said BAE ARE YOU ALRIGHT?? I said NO!! He said WHATS WRONG?? I said THE BABY!! Carlos look at me and said AWWW HELL NO!! He took the wheel and push down on the gas to get at the hospital. As we was finna park I call Mya and Charevon and told them to meet me at the hospital!! They both said Okay!! Charles was already there because Carlos had told him that I was in pain. And of course you know my mother in law had to come. As we was waiting in the lobby. The doctor called my name and said Mrs. Moore it seems like it's just your baby girl is trying to move around and get comfortable!! I said BABY GIRL😳👧🏽👶🏼!! He said YES YOU ARE HAVING A GIRL!! Carlos gave me that look and was like NOW I HAVE TO SPOIL HER TO DEATH!! Charles said NO YOU NOT!! I told them to Don't start that stuff in here. Carlos said Okay Baby, while giving me a kiss on my lips. Dr. Smith said that we could now go back home. He said Mrs.Moore you should go home and sleep and let your husband help you!! Carlos said SEE BABE!! Dr.Smith said YES ASIA LET HIM HELP YOU!! I said Okay😉!! As we was leaving out the room Carlos said now when we go home we have to pick a name for this baby girl, while rubbing my stomach. I said IK Babe😫!! Carlos said Awww don't make that face you went through it with Cj and baby Cj, now you have to go through it with this baby. I said Okay Carlos😏😘!! As we was walking out the hospital everybody said that they wanted to come to my house. I said Okay while opening the door. I jump in the car and fastened my seatbelt. While Carlos was talking to Charles I was getting ready to start up the car. I told Charles to tell mama that I was going to come pass by there to get the kids while Charles at the house watching the guest!! He said Okay Asia!! So Carlos finally got in the car and then we pull off. As we on the interstate Carlos is rubbing my stomach and then slid his hand down to my pussy!! I ask Carlos WHAT WAS HE DOING?? He said TRYING TO MAKE LOVE❤️!! I said Carlos we already have a child in the way and you trying to make another one!! He look at me and gave me that looking saying HELL YES!!! I said CARLOS REALLY!! He said YES BABE!! As I was pulling up in my mother in law house!! Me and Carlos had already started making love. Until I told Carlos to stop and come on!! So as I closed the car door, my mother in law was just opening the door for us. Carlos came walking behind me helping me get to the door. Mama said HEYY BABY GIRl👶🏼👧🏽!! I said HEYY MAMA!! Carlos said HEYY MAMA!! Carlos said Mama we have a surprise for you!! She said WHAT😳💁🏼!!! Carlos said Mama your daughter in law is pregnant again!! She look at me and gave me a hug, and ask how far was I?? I told her 6 weeks!! She said will have tall pick out a room color or name the baby!! We both said NO!! She said LOL!! Carlos said Mama where is the kids👶🏼👦🏽?? She said they in my room sleep. So Carlos went in the back to go get the both of them. As I was talking to my mother in law she ask me why I went to jail!!! I said because Cj daddy came over there starting mess with me and Carlos!! She look and said I WISH I WAS OVER THERE!! I look at her and shook my head and laugh😆!!! Carlos came back with both of them in his arms. I carry baby Cj, while Carlos held Cj in his arms. Carlos said Well mama we gonna see you later!! She said Okay!! As I walk to the car and put baby Cj in the car seat, Carlos was already done putting Cj in the car. He was just waiting on me to start the car and head home. I jump in the car and fastened my seat belt, and started up the car. As I was pulling out the driveway, baby Cj woke up crying!! Carlos grab him out his seat and fed him his bottle. It took us 45 minutes to get home. I decide to stop and get Carlos something to eat because he was talking about how hungry he was and shit like that. After that we finally made it home. Cj was happy to see his Uncle Charles and Auntie Coot and others. He ran straight to his room where Charles would be at and played his game. While me and Carlos was getting baby Cj out the car Carlos was saying how we need to go pick out room colors for the baby girl. I told him Okay💁🏼👌🏼!!!! Then he started feeling on me!! Lord knows Carlos know which spot to turn me on at!! He look at me and said Asia you know I know how to turn you on?? I said Yes Carlos😍😘!! He kiss me and smack me on my ass!! I hurried up to the door and open it! Charevon and Mya was at the kitchen table talking about somebody. While Ricky and Bryce was watching football. When I walk in everybody was like Asia you alright?? I said Yes☺️!! Me and the baby are fine!! Carlos said Yall think she going to be fine for now. But wait till it's time for the baby to be due!!! She gonna be screaming and fussing like a crazy person!! I look at him and laughed!!! As I was breast feeding baby Cj, the doorbell rang!! So Ricky got up and answer the door. Ricky said Why The Fuck You Here?? I said Ricky WHO IS IT?? Ricky said Carl!! I said WTF😏😤 HE WANT!! Ricky said Come On In!! Carl walk straight into the kitchen saying Lil Mama I'm sorry for doing that that forgot that you was pregnant!! And I didn't mean to I just get mad and jealous because I see you with Carlos!! I said Carl I don't get mad when I see you with POPCORN HOE!! He said NO YOU DON'T!!! I said SO WHY ARE YOU MAD AT ME!!! Carlos was like nigga you can't get mad because I got yo girl. You should have taken care of her right!! Carl got mad and said NIGGA I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU!! Charevon said IS YALL ASS GONNA FIGHT OR WHAT!! I told Charevon to SHUT THE HELL UP😡!!! Charevon got mad and said IF YOU FEEL FROGY THEN JUMP THEN🐸!!! So I jump up and said Charevon go sit yo ass down!! While reaching for baby Cj!! Charles said Asia is the food ready?? I said Yeah Charles!! Carlos said Bae fix my food🍝!! I said Okay!! While walking towards him reaching him baby Cj while I fix them two something to eat!! Coot said WHY THEY ASS CAN'T GET UP?? I said IDK😒!! So as I was fixing Carlos and Charles food, baby Cj started crying I told Carlos to give him his baby food that was in the refrigerator. After I fixed they plate I told them to come eat. Then I grab baby Cj and fed him some peas and chicken. While I was feeding him Cj was eating fried chicken and red beans and cornbread, yams. Mya and Charevon was at the table eat and talking. Then the doorbell rang and Cj answer it!! Cj said WHO IS IT?? Carl said Its Ya Daddy!! Cj said Awwww Hell No!! Charevon said Nigga Open The Damn Door, while eating!! Cj open the door and Carl said Heyy Son!! Cj said Heyy Dad in a low voice while walking back to the kitchen!! Carl walk in the kitchen and said Heyy Lil Mama!! I said Heyy Carl!! Carlos and Charles, Coot and Charevon and Mya all said WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?? He said I CAME HERE TO APOLOGIZE TO MY BABY MAMA!! Charles and Carlos said YEAH YOU BETTA!! So Carl walk up to me he grab my hand and said Lil Mama I'm sorry if what I did to your house yesterday and the things I did to you!! I said I ACCEPT YOUR APOLOG BUT YOU NEED TO DO BETTER!! He said IK while telling Carlos and the other sorry!! Then he gave Cj a hug and gave him some money and left. After everyone finish eating they decide to leave and go home. Then me and Carlos decide to go to our room and make love. I told Carlos to hold up and let me rock baby Cj to sleep. So as I heading to baby Cj room. I got his bottle and his pacifier and rock him to sleep. I gave him his bottle while singing him a song. It took me 5 minutes to get him to sleep. He finally went to sleep and I made sure I tuck him in the covers and turn the bright light off. Then I went to go check up on Cj to serif he was sleep. After that I went to my room and got ready for Carlos. As I walk in the room Carlos was laying in the bed waiting on me!! I look at him while I was fixing my hair in the mirror. While I was fixing my hair Carlos was asking me did I wanted to go look at baby rooms tomorrow?? I told him Yes!! While blushing. He came behind my back and started to kiss my neck and feel on me. I turned around slowly and started to tongue kiss him. Then he gentle laid me on the bed while licking my stomach. He then got a condom and inserted his dick in my pussy. We made love for 6 hours. Then he finally put me to sleep.

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