The Next Day

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I wakes up to babies crying all over the house😩like wtf is wrong😒? Baeeeeeeee baby Kayla is crying. Just give her a bottle it's beside the crib. Okay babe😘. I went back to sleep for 5 mins and the phone rang😡. WHO THE FUCK COULD THIS BE IN 5 IN THE MORNING!!!

WHO THE FUCK this is?


Wtf you want nicca? It's already bad of enough your child over here crying😫

Why she crying🤔

Cause she hungry!

Go feed her

I did dick😒

Wtf you call me?


You wasn't saying that when you was with me☺️so at least I gave you two kids. And plus you was amazing🤘🏼

Carlos shut the fuck up😡

So I just hang up the phone and went back to sleep. As I went back to sleep I could hear Cj watching Mickey Mouse... like why the fuck he got that tv so loud😡.. I wake up to the house smelling so good... baeeeeee what is that you cooking? Grits and eggs, bacon, pancakes, waffles, smoke sausages... I want summmm😩😩okay bae I got you.. As I'm waiting on Terry to come with my food😒both of the Cj's come running and jumping in my bed.... STOP YALL TO!

Mom tell him to stop taking my toys!!

Carlos jr stop taking your brother toys before I whip yo ass..

But mommie he took my toys!!

I know y'all better give each other back the toys before y'all asses won't have nothing😡

Okay mom☺️

They left and I heard Terry talking to Cj while he was coming up the stairs. Cj pick up yours toys in the room. Okay dad😒. As Terry walk into the room all you could smell was throw up😷. Bae you okay? Noooooo I'm so sick why this baby got to be so difficult and stubborn like you Terry😒. All he could do is laugh here bae eat your food maybe this will help you. So I'm eating my food and I can feel that my stomach has gotten a little better. But anyways I decide to lay back for at least 3 more mins.

~45 mins later that day~
Everybody in the house chilling until we heard a knock on the door. Cj ran to the door and said WHO IS IT?  Boy answer the damn door it's Uncle Charveon and Auntie Mya. Ohhhhhh😲. I got up and walk to the door to open it because Cj was to short to open the door. Terry said bae who at the door? Mya and Charveon.

Wassup asia what y'all doing today?

Shiddd ion know I have to see😕

Well nicca you need to see because it's boring asf😒

Not my problem go have children and maybe you will be happy😊


Mya begin to walk to the sofa and had ask Where is baby Cj? Girl he upstairs sleep, but if you want him you can go get him.. ohhhh fr🙀. Ummmmm yea 🙄. As we all sit down all I hear is Kayla crying. Like why is she always crying? Ummmmm🤔. She must miss her daddy since he haven't been around lately. Maybe he should come pick her up for a few hours.

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