Douma | New Member

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Douma's so precious, honestly.

"Y/N-Dono!" Douma yelled your name as he ran through the hallway.

You look behind your shoulder, turning around. "Yeah?" You ask confusingly.

"I gotta show you something! C'mon!" Douma grabbed your arm, dragging you to his own room.

"Oh- um, okay.." You slightly blush, shocked by his immediate surprise.

You enter Douma's room, blinking at him confusingly. You shrug and go with what he was doing.

"Okay, close your eyes." Douma puts your hands over your face as you chuckle nervously under your breath.

While your sight is disabled currently, you could hear a slight panting sound.
"Er- Douma? Is that you?" You ask with an awkward smile that spreads on your face.

"No, silly! You can open your eyes now." You nod, removing your hands from your face as you spot Douma with a little white puppy in his arms.

"Oh- what's that?" You keep a distance from the puppy, observing them from afar.

"I think humans call it "the puppy." Weird name, huh?" Douma laughed, hugging the puppy in his arms.

"It's not a demon?" You ask.

"I don't think so. Wanna hold her?" Douma lifted the puppy to your face.

"It's a she?" You step back.

"Mhmm!" Douma nodded quickly.

"Did... "He" approve of this?" You air quotate "He" as you mean Muzan.

"Oh! Um, I dunno. Probably!" Douma shrugged. "Wanna hold her??"

"Pass." You exhale. "And What do you mean "probably??"" You tap your foot on the ground.

"Y/N-Dono, it's finee! Now, we need a name for her!" Douma tapped the puppy's nose.

"We'll-" You cut yourself off, shaking your head. "You do that later." You rub your head anxiously.

"I'll be back" You sigh, closing the door behind you.

"Oh, okaaay!" Douma replied as you can still hear his voice on the other side of the door.

You sit down on the floor of the Infinity Castle, sitting up against a wall. You exhale as the sound of silence relaxes you for a while.

Suddenly, Douma's door busts open as the white puppy runs through the castle, yapping. You get up on your feet to look for Douma.

"Douma!" You yell, entering his room. Douma was on the floor, paw marks on his face.

"Don't worry, I'm okay!" Douma waved his hand, smiling.

"The puppy! It escaped!" You exclaim to Douma.

"Really? I'll um.. be back!" Douma ran out the door, going the opposite way the puppy did.

"I'm gonna get killed." You mutter under your breath, sitting down on Douma's bed.

A few minutes went by and Douma came back with bite marks on his hands and the puppy in his right hand.
"I'm back..!" Douma exhaled, sitting down.

"Thank goodness." You sigh, looking at the puppy as she looked at you innocently.

You look away, looking at Douma. "How did you even find this puppy anyway?" You raise a brow.

"Oh, right." Douma sat up, fanning himself with his fans.

"She um.. came to me!" Douma looked at the puppy.

"Wow." You blink.

"We need a name. I'm out of ideas." Douma looked at you, tilting his head.
"Wanna help?"

"Fine." You shake your head, smiling as you push Douma away playfully.

"Since the puppy has a white color to her, we should name it something white."
You look at Douma.

"Ice!" Douma confidently said.

"That doesn't really stand out." You lower your voice.

"Aww.." Douma said, grabbing the puppy.

"How about Snowball?" You turn to Douma.

"Ooo! I like that!" Douma nodded eagerly, rubbing the puppy's belly in the process.

"Snowball it is then." You scoot closer to Douma, patting Snowball's soft fur gently.

"This is so adorable!!" Douma smiled.

"Like you." You bump his arm playfully.

"No, you." He'd bump your shoulder as a pink color spreads on his nose.

"Admit it." You shake your head, bumping his arm with more force.


Snowball is a Pomeranian dog breed. So, I guess the name fits.

Have a wonderful day!

𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now