Iguro Obanai | Broken Apart [Angst] Part 2

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Requested by ShaneAngeliLising !

You awaken once again, stuffing your face into your pillow as the light shows through your half closed blinds. You turn over to your other backside, hearing muffled laughter from the other side of your door.

You open one of your eyes, rising to your feet to slide open your door a bit. You narrowed your eyes down, finding a glimpse of the snake and love pillar chatting a bit loudly. You paused as your eyes flew wide open. You slide the door close, trying your best not to slam it back.

"How could he?!" You huffed squeezing your pillow stressfully. You loosen the grip on your pillow as warm tears stroll down your face. Forcing yourself not to sob loudly, you decide to pull your emotions together before even looking Obanai in the eye again.

A few minutes went by as the noise settled down. You opened your door again, walking out of your room on the search of the snake pillar. You walked into the butterfly garden, finding Obanai across the garden with two cups in his hand.

You move a bit closer, slanting your eyes. You see Mitsuri with Obanai as well, taking one of the cups out of his hand. They were talking about something, but you couldn't make it out. You inhale, ready to yell at the snake pillar, but it felt like at that moment all the air left your body.

You approached the two, trying your best to maintain your gentle and calm manner, which didn't work that well. The two Hashira stopped their actions as Mitsuri closed her mouth, tilting her head to the side. "Oh! Hi, L/NNN!" Mitsuri waved with a bright smile as usual. Obanai stiffened up a bit at your appearance as you shot a small glare at him.

"Obanai. A word?" You spoke, turning your full attention towards him. Mitsuri sat there a bit timidly, lowering her head. Obanai gave a hesitant nod, rising to his feet. You walk ahead, going far enough for you two to speak without any interruption.

"How could you, Obanai? How could you go behind my back like that?" You immediately snap at him as he looked at you with complete confusion. "What?" Obanai blinked, a bit irritated by your hostile tone of voice.

"Don't play like that. I haven't seen you in weeks!" You paused, controling the amount of rage deep down a bit well. "You've been with Kanroji, haven't you? All these days without me." You mutter, almost biting down on your tongue. Obanai's eyes widened at the last words you've spoke. You scoffed at his reaction. "Unbelievable!"

"Y/N, it's not like that. I would never ditch you." Obanai responded quickly, shaking his head. You squint. "Prove it." You paused, letting Obanai sit in silence for a moment. "Prove to me that you really love me." You rose your head up a bit.

Obanai looked down at the pebbled ground, closing his eyes for a moment. He opened his eyes again, looking up at you desperately. "Y/N, please. You have to believe me." Obanai's tone wavered a bit, stepping towards you. You quickly take a step back with an irritated huff. "Answer me. Do you like Kanroji more than me?" You say in a stern tone.

The snake pillar stood quiet once more, looking away from your face for a second. Karabumaru wrapped around Obanai's neck loosely again, tilting his head at you. "Do you like her more than me?" You repeated your question, stepping towards him this time. "Tell me now."

The agony and rage was strong at this moment. Strong enough to make one of your thoughts a bit hostile. You decide not to do anything physical to Obanai, only get in his face more with a strong and deep glare. "Y/N." Obanai leaned back, tripping a bit on one of the small pebbles. "Answer me, dammit!" You scowled, holding back one of your hands with the other.

The only thing that made you go silent was a slap to your face by Obanai. It stung a bit, felt a bit personal too. You backed away, putting your hand on the side of your face that was slapped. It was a bit warm. "Y/N, I-" Obanai closed his mouth, noticing the anger radiating from your body. It was a self-defense type of move from Obanai. He did feel a bit threatened at that moment, but definitely regretted it.

You caught your breath, walking away from the scene. "Y/N! I'm.. I'm sorry!" Obanai spoke up a bit as you sped up your walking.

You slammed your door behind you, collapsing on to your bed with multiple sobs leaving your body. You clenched your bed sheets. It's not fair.. it's not fair! Those words repeated in your mind. "It's not fair!" You caught your yelling, pounding your pillow with your fist.

It took a while for you to finally calm down and get some fresh air somewhere else. Far away from the snake pillar and the love pillar. You sit down on another small porch, kicking a small pebble across the garden with a sigh. Soft wingbeats caught your attention as your Kasugai Crow swooped down in front of you.

"Oh.. hey." You sniffled, wiping your eyes. Your crow tilted your head, a bit concerned. They decided to stay quiet about that topic. "Mission northern..! You're assigned with the Serpent Hashira and Love Hashira to the Infinity Castle!" Your crow spoke with their head held up high a bit.

You paused, staring at your crow like it was a wild animal. "What?" Your voice cracked a bit as they gave a nod. "Something wrong with that?" Your crow leaned their body fowards. You quickly shook your head, rising to your feet. "I just need some.. alone time, thank you." You gave a nod as they nodded back, flying off.

You quickly made your way inside the mansion, into your room. You pace back and forth a bit, rubbing your face. This is awkward.. arguing with the so called 'Serpent Hashira' then seeing him again. You let out a stressful exhale, shaking it off. Don't worry, it can't get worse than this.

You, Obanai and Mitsuri all meet up once again with the same mission. It was rather pretty quiet throughout the whole mission. Nothing really discussed besides the mission. Mitsuri tried her best to stay quiet, but it felt like she had to say something.

"Are you guys alright? Did.. did I do anything wrong?" Mitsuri questioned timidly. "Not at all." Obanai quickly responded as you stood quiet, grumbling something under your breath.

"Alright. Let's stay quiet." You spoke blandly, looking behind your shoulder to find no Obanai nor Mitsuri. "Guys?" You turn your body around, noticing your location changed in a blink of an eye.

The place was a bit colder, you turn back around as faint footsteps approach. You keep your hand on the handle of your katana. As your eyes focused on the figure infront of you, you caught your gasp, noticing your hand was trembling uncontrollably.

It was indeed a demon, but a demon you knew well. One of the six eyes of the demon gleamed right at you, showing the words;

Upper One.

Get cliffhanger'd! /j

Have a great day!

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