Kamado Tanjiro | Appetite

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~*~You step foot outside of the mansion for some fresh new air

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You step foot outside of the mansion for some fresh new air. You sit down, grabbing one of the pebbles as you play with it for a moment.

Some minutes go by as Tanjiro walks up to you with a cheery smile, looking like he has a lot to say at once. "Hello Tanjiro." You say in a calm manner with a soft smile. "Hello, Y/N! Question.." Tanjiro paused.

"Would you like to go.. somewhere with me?" Tanjiro questioned, leaving out the details, so it would be a surprise to you. You haven't went out in a while, so you gave a quick nod to your head. Tanjiro's face lit up even more. "Great!" Tanjiro held out his hand for you to get up.

"Wait like.. right now?" You questioned, blinking at his hand for a moment. Tanjiro gave a nod. "Mhm!" You shrug it off, grabbing his hand. You both start to walk outside the garden.

Tanjiro stops you from walking any further. "Close your eyes please!" Tanjiro gave a smile as you did as told. You immediately suspected this was a surprise for you. You felt your body move a bit as Tanjiro adjusted your position.

"Open your eyes!" Tanjiro moved out of your way quickly as you uncover your vision to see a spread out picnic table, with a bit of shade and lots of food and drinks with it. You pause, looking at Tanjiro, then back at the scenery. "Do you like it?" Tanjiro questioned, a bit nervous since you were quiet for so long.

"Of course I do! Thank you, Tanjiro!" You give him a quick squeeze-hug before running over to the table. Tanjiro let out a relieved exhale, walking over to the table as well. You both sat down next to each other as you spent no time on eating the food that was placed on the table.

Tanjiro also grabbed his tray, eating a bit slower than you. About a few minutes went by and your tray was completely empty. "You sure eat fast!" Tanjiro gave a small chuckle. "Yeah.." You give a smile back, looking at his food for a bit, focusing on something else.

Tanjiro noticed your staring as he moved his plate towards you. "You can have mine, I wasn't that hungry." Tanjiro offered with a bright smile. "No, no, don't worry. You have to eat something." You refused his offer, shaking your head a bit too much.

"I insist. Plus, there's more plates of food here as well." Tanjiro pointed to the trays infront of you. You silently took another tray, then another, then another, till it added up to all the trays that on the table were by you. Tanjiro didn't judge you, only a bit shocked, that's all.

The minutes didn't even hit double digits yet and you were done with all the trays. By that time, the sun was slowly melting behind the clouds, making it a bit chilly. You slightly shiver, rubbing your arms a bit. Tanjiro noticed you slightly shivering a bit, so, being the kindest person, offered his haori to warm you up.

You dip your head with a smile on your face. "Thank you." You muttered, Tanjiro giving a bigger smile. "Of course! Ready to go back?" He questioned as you gave a nod.

You both rise to your feet, grabbing the reusable trays and plates back to the mansion, hand in hand. You snuggle Tanjiro's haori a bit with a bigger smile forming on your face. "Hey, Tanjiro?" You pause. "Why did you do this for me?" You questioned as Tanjiro already had a smile on his face.

"It felt like the right thing to do. Plus, remember that time you saved me?" Tanjiro questioned, fixing one of his earrings in the process. You give a nod. "Didn't you almost drown?" You blinked as Tanjiro dismissed the subject in embarrassment. "Aren't you a water breather, Tanjirooo?" You gave a small smirk-grin. Tanjiro sighed, giving a nod. You pat him on the shoulder. "Don't worry! So, as you were saying.."

"I had to repay you someday. And, it was this day." Tanjiro gave a calm response. "That was months ago and you remember that? Wow." You blink. "Well, thank you.. for everything, Tanjiro." You give a smile as he gave one back

"Of course!"

Stg, Tanjiro is the most understanding, empathetic, wholesome, sunshine you could ask for. 😭

Have a wonderful day!

𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now