Shinazugawa Sanemi | Hurt

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"Ow, ow, oww.." You'd tense in pain, shuffling towards the Butterfly Mansion. You'd let out a sharp exhale through your teeth, relieved it didn't take you half the day to make your way back.

You just got done with your mission. All the fatigue caused your body to cramp and ache. You lean against the gateway, eventually sitting down with your head pointed to the sky.

This pain felt unbearable - just for a moment though. You'd calm your breathing. This was in the summer season, meaning you'd get more exhausted since the Sun was baking the air everyday.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" You heard a voice, closer towards you. You look the direction the voice was closest. Sanemi was next to you, making a disgusted, yet pitiful expression.

"Oh.. hi, Sanemi..." You'd slowly blink. You'd immediately close your mouth, noticing it's difficult to talk. You'd let out a few coughs.

Sanemi's eyes flickered, showing slight concern. "What did you do now, moron?" Sanemi crossed his hands, narrowing his eyes. This was his way of teasing, though he did really care deeply.

"You could probably tell." You swat his foot with a smile. You'd eye your sword, looking at Sanemi who looked completely unfazed.

"Be more careful, idiot!" Sanemi growled, kicking your leg. You'd flinch due to his sudden act.

You forced your body to move and rise to your feet. After a couple of trys of failing, Sanemi helped you up with his hands. "Geez your so delicate." Sanemi muttered under his breath with a faint pink blush.

You lean against Sanemi, putting all your weight on him. He exhaled, carrying you into the mansion. The cool air hit your body, cooling you down a bit. You'd close your eyes, resting your body. "Hey. Don't fall asleep now." Sanemi warned you, flicking your forehead.

"Ow!" You'd open your eyes quickly, tempting to flick his forehead back. "I wasn't!" You poke his scarred chest. Sanemi slapped your hand with force, causing you to whince. "Stay here." He'd pause, changing his mind about dropping you.

You were placed down gently with no force. You'd look at Sanemi confusingly. He didn't make eye contact, walking away. You stayed in the area he ordered, fidgeting with your hands as your mind started to race.

Does Sanemi love me back?
I mean, he didn't drop me...
But that could mean anything..!
What if he likes someone else?
This is too complicated...

The thoughts repeated in your head until Sanemi appeared again. You lifted your head up from your hands, noticing he had a cup of water in one of his hands. "Take it." He'd shove the cup in your face.

You both form a visible blush over a cup of water. You look at the ground immediately after taking the cup from his hands. "Thanks..." You'd smile, taking a sip.

"Mhm." Sanemi nodded, sitting next to you. "Y'know there was a seat right next to you." Sanemi sat down on the seat as you stayed put on the floor.

"I know." You replied.

You stood quiet after that. You really wanted to confess, but did you have the strength to really do it? I mean, he's not the 'nicest' person to interact with.

You decided to shut your eyes, putting your head down. A few minutes went by as Sanemi began to grow a bit of concern. "Y/N." He'd call your name.

In a blink of an eye, your head darted up, your eyes widened. You pause, calming down a little. "Yeah?"

"You gonna...finish the drink, or?" Sanemi blinked. This was also his saying of 'are you ok'. You exhale with a nod, taking another sip. You clench the cup, setting it down on the floor.

At this point, your heart was in your throat. You couldn't find the right words to confess. As the seconds went by, the more concern grew inside of Sanemi.

You decided to say the first words that came to your mind. You'd inhale sharply, getting Sanemi's attention pretty easily.

"Believe it or not but I have grown some strong feelings for you." You mutter, forcing yourself to look at him straight in the eyes, not breaking any eye contact.

Sanemi sat up with straight posture. In the corner of your eye, you notice Sanemi clenching part of his leg. You open your mouth again.

"And, I uhm..." You pause, hearing the loud thump of your heartbeat pressing against your ears. Sanemi blinked, exhaling as he waited for you to continue.

"What I'm trying to say is I love you. Sanemi, I love you. I'll say it a thousand times more..!" You'd rise to your feet quickly. The blood dropping to your lower half of your body.

It felt like all the pain in your body disappeared at that moment. You relaxed and confessed. You wrapped your arms around Sanemi's waist, giving hin a big, tight hug, along with a quick kiss on the cheek.

Sanemi hugged back with a smile. "I love you too, Y/N. Really." Sanemi muttered in your ear. You'd mess with his white messy hair. Sanemi flicked your chin teasingly.

You both sit down, pushing your weight on Sanemi once again. Sanemi bumped your side a little as you repeated his action.

"You're an idiot." Sanemi paused. "But you're my idiot." Sanemi smiled, nudging your arm a little. You hugged his arm. "And I want it to stay that way."

I'll be honest, Sanemi grew on me.

Have a great day!

𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now