Tomioka Giyuu | Argument

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“What? What did you just say?” You'd question, turning your body towards Giyuu with a slightly offended look.

I think—”

“Say it louder! C'mon!” You'd cut Giyuu's words off, taking a step closer towards him.

“You're not fit to be in the demon slayer core.” Giyuu said with a squint of his eyes. You'd pause, letting a slight snort escape your mouth.

“Go to hell, Giyuu. For all I care.” You'd mumble a bit louder, walking away.


Snapping back to reality, you awaken to find tears running down the sides of your face. You'd grasp the covers tightly, putting them up to your face.

“Why... why would I say that?” You muttered under your sobbing. The purpose you sat in the bedroom area in the Butterfly Mansion is for your minor injuries to heal.

The Kamado trio were also there. Though, they shortly arrived after you, due to a mission. Their injuries were not so bad, but worse than yours.

The door opened as you quickly wiped the tears out of your eyes with the back of your hands, exhaling.

The opened door revealed Tanjiro, who immediately knew something was wrong, the moment he stepped foot in the room. “Ow, ow..” Tanjiro muttered, rubbing his wrist. Setting his box down gently, Tanjiro's head turned towards you.

“Y/N? Are you okay?” Tanjiro questioned in a gentle manner. You gave a slight nod to your head, quickly spilling a lie. Tanjiro frowned. He saw and smelled the scent of sorrow and anger mixed up, building inside you. You were not okay, not in the slightest.

Tanjiro walked over to where you were resting. “We can talk about it if you want.” Tanjiro suggestioned. You turned your head over to a concerned Tanjiro, hesitating for a moment.

You can talk to Tanjiro about anything and he won't judge you at all. He's the guy who would actually listen and ask questions. So, you eventually nodded as Tanjiro sat down next to the bed.

“About Giyuu and me, we...” You paused, trying to find the right words to say. Tanjiro didn't interrupt your thinking or talking. You took a sharp inhale, letting go of the covers in your hand.

“We don't have the best... relationship right now..” You said with a mutter, looking down. About a few seconds of silence, Tanjiro opened his mouth. “What do you mean?” He questioned.

“We've been fighting often, but I haven't seen nor talked to him in almost a month. I don't know what to do.”
You caught your tears, continuing. “Plus, I had a dream. A dream where I said horrible things to Giyuu, that I want to take back.”

Tanjiro shook his head disappointedly. He made a slight touch to your cold hand, grasping them softly for comfort. “I'm sorry you're going through all of this. But..” Tanjiro paused, getting your attention.

“..Maybe you should apologize to Mr. Tomioka. It wouldn't hurt to try.” Tanjiro gave a soft smile at you, making you feel a bit better.

“You sure?” You looked at Tanjiro with doubt. You both knew you felt some sort of way for Giyuu. “I mean what if he..” You stopped, dropping the thought.

“It doesn't matter 'what if,' it matters if you just try.” Tanjiro gave a nod. You looked down for a moment, taking a couple of deep breaths before agreeing.

You rose to your feet. “Thank you, Tanjiro.” You gave a slight, quick bow before leaving the area. Tanjiro gave you a quick thumbs up.

You quickly find Giyuu in the butterfly garden. Giyuu was resting near the pond area, gazing at the water. He eventually spotted your shadow, turning around. You saw his eyes flicker to a look of uncertainty quickly.

“Giyuu, I apologize for interrupting you right now, but it's something important.” You paused, looking up at Giyuu. You'd take a breath before speaking.

“I know we don't have the best times together, but I want to change that. Today, right here.” You let the air exit your mouth and body as you spoke.

Giyuu blinked a couple of times at you, not responding back. You clenched your hands a little, behind your back. Relax, relax. He won't get mad, handle your feelings. Relax. These thoughts echoed and played repeatedly through your mind.

“I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not listening to you, for not letting your explain, not even once.” You took a breath. “And honestly, I love you, Giyuu.”

You and Giyuu stood there for a couple of seconds before Giyuu decided to speak. “No.” Giyuu paused. “I'm sorry. I started this. It's my fault.” Giyuu looked down, staring at the pebbled filled floor in guilt.

Giving him a tight, embracing hug to Giyuu, he paused, freezing up for a second. “No, no, Giyuu, please don't apologize.” You muttered low under your breath, though he could hear you. Giyuu didn't reply after that.

You let go of Giyuu's torso, wiping the small tears away from your eyes, forcing them not to run down your face. “Sorry.” You apologized for your sudden cry act.

“Y/N.” Giyuu called your name as your instantly shot your head up towards him, blinking. Giyuu paused, eyeing the ground before continuing.

“I love you too.” Giyuu spoke, forcing his eyes to make contact. His body shook a little after his words. You suddenly couldn't control the tears escaping your eyes, though these were happy, relieved tears.

Giving Giyuu a hug again, and a possible, quick kiss on the forehead, you both make up and drop your argument, never to be brought up again.

This was kind of moving to write for me. Also Tanjiro would be a great therapist.

Have an amazing day!

𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now