Tokito Muichiro | Hidden Stress

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Hope you feel better and everything's sorted out

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Hope you feel better and everything's sorted out. Feel better soon! 💕

Thanks for the free teddy bear! But, it feels like you need it more. <3 🧸✨

You stressfully walk outside of the mansion into the garden, rubbing your face. You keep your emotions together, trying not to spill a tear.

You hear footsteps approaching your way as you wipe away your attitude by putting your face in your hands for a moment. Putting a fake, soft smile on your face, you find Muichiro infront of you, blinking curiously at you.

"Oh! Muichiro.." You lowered your voice as you said the young boy's name. You voice sounded a bit different than normal. It was more.. higher pitched. Muichiro paused, looking down at the pebbled filled ground for a while.

Clearing your throat, you began to speak again. "What are you.. doing here?" You question Muichiro, sitting up with straight posture. Muichiro slowly sat next to you, leaning against your body as he puts one of his hands through your arm.

Muichiro always had empathy for you. It definitely wasn't hidden, though. You hug Muichiro a bit with a shaky exhale, grasping your chest. I can't keep ignoring and locking up this feeling forever. Just, a little longer. You thought, taking a glance at Muichiro.

Just a little longer...


That.. 'just a little longer' turned into months. Almost a year passed of holding this stress feeling locked up.

You weren't doing well. And others knew.

Muichiro gave a small knock on the doorframe before coming in himself. He stood quiet until you spoke your first few words. Muichiro stood over your body as you layed down in a bed, your head submerged in the pillow.

"Please.." You mutter under your breath, turning your head towards Muichiro a bit. "Please go away, Muichiro." You request, small groups of tears fill up in your eyes, slowly sliding down the sides of your face. Muichiro's eyes flickered and showed concern.

Muichiro let out a small, soft exhale from his mouth, sitting down. "Y/N." He spoke, putting his hands on his lap, staring at you. You didn't reply, though you were silently listening.

"Are you okay.. Y/N?" Muichiro muttered, looking at the tears run down your face a bit faster this time. You quickly wipe your eyes with your hands, giving a nod to your head. "I'm fine." You reply, sniffling.

Muichiro rose to his feet, standing over your body once again. Muichiro patted your back, giving a slight head tilt. "Tell me what's wrong." Muichiro said, feeling your body tremble a bit. He lifted his hand off your back, holding his own hand.

You grumble under your breath, sitting up to look at Muichiro. "You're right. I'm not okay. And there's something wrong." You pause, clenching your eyes as tears fall on your hands. "There's something wrong, with me." You mutter, Muichiro, blinking a couple of times as he lets you continue your words.

"There's just... a lot of things happening in my life and.. I can't take it." You slightly shake your hand, side to side, balling your hands up into fists. "There's so much stress. I can't take it. I'm loosing control. This is why I'm crying." You pause once more, looking away from the young boy.

"But, no matter what. No matter how painful it is. I push through it. I put on a smile for others." You glance at Muichiro again, opening your mouth, only to he cut off by Muichiro's soft and warm hug. "Muichiro..." You mutter, more tears fall from your eyes as you hug him back with a tight grasp.

No words came from his mouth, but his gesture and expression showed the most words. He understood what you were going through, and he's there to help you overcome your stress.


Thank you.

This was a bit emotional to write, for me.

Y/N's problem connects with my life as well.

So, you can say this was a true story.

Have a great day, everyone..!

𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now