Tokito Muichiro | Fading Away [Angst]

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“Muichiro.. you remember me, right?”



You and Muichiro were close childhood friends. Muichiro was acting a bit strange towards you. You try to approach him lots of times, the only things from him was either silence, or a rude comment.

Muichiro..” You get his attention again, after many weeks and days of bugging him. Muichiro looked over his shoulder, slanting his eyes annoyingly. Your voice got a little quieter over the times Muichiro ignored you.

I'm going on my misso—” Muichiro inhaled as you stopped talking. The mist pillar gave a cold glare, blinking. “Who.. are you?” Muichiro questioned as you froze. “What?” You muttered, a hint of sadness wavering in your voice.

Muichiro didn't repeat himself, only walking away from the scene. Your body trembles, choking on your sobs as you fled the scene as well.

Almost slamming your door shut out of sorrow and anger, you collapse on your bed, stuffing your face in the pillow. Small, muffled inhales escape your mouth as tears pour from your eyes out of most confusion.

Muichiro.. why? Do you really not remember me?

We promised..

You began to doze off, crying yourself to sleep. You cover your face, moving one of your hands to the side to at least breath a bit.


“Tag!” You tap Muichiro's shoulder, running away from him with a smile. Muichiro quickly looked at you, rising to his feet as he stumbled a bit, trying to tag you back.

“C'mon, you can do better than that!” You slightly tease at him, sticking your tongue out. “You run too fast!” Muichiro put his hands on his knees, catching his breath. You grin. “Slowpoke!”

You run backwards, eventually tripping on your other foot. Your body meets the ground as you scrape your knee a bit. You tense at the sharp pain, tears slowly running down your face.

“Y/N!” Muichiro rushed towards you in a panic as you hugged Muichiro, crying on his shoulder. He froze, looking down. “I- Y/N..” Muichiro muttered. Your sobbing stopped as you hugged Muichiro.

He was always your comforting person to you. Your only cuddle buddy. “Muichiro.. can you promise something?” You get his attention as he gives a small nod.

“We'll never be separated. No matter what.” You tighten the hug as Muichiro hugs back, softly patting your back.

“I promise.”


You awaken again, tears still in your eyes that looked like they have just fallen. You rub your eyes, wiping the leftover tears as you sniffled a bit. Was that.. a dream..? You thought to yourself, clenching your chest.

You rise to your feet, opening your door with a sigh, grabbing your sword. You entered the garden, only to be interrupted by your crow in front of you. “Mission! Mission! Northeast!” They squawked a bit as you gave a couple of nods, getting the message.

Your crow flew off, dipping its head before leaving the scene. You quickly leave the garden, trying to get your mind off the incident that happened.

You walk around the forest for awhile as the sun slowly falls under the clouds. Rustling was heard from above your body. Suddenly, you get hit in the head, causing you to fall unconscious.

You regain consciousness again in the butterfly mansion's bedrooms. Multiple up butterfly helpers gather around you, a bit of space for you to breathe at least.

“Oh, you're awake.” Aoi's concerned expression faded as soon as she saw you open your eyes. “Miss Y/N!” The butterfly children gathered around you, crying of joy.

You blink at all the people in the room confusingly. “Who are all of you..” You responded, muttering. Everyone paused, Aoi was the first one to speak. “Pardon?” She blinked.

“Where am I..?” You turned your head, tensing at the fatigue around your body. Aoi quickly stopped you from doing your action. “You're in the Butterfly Mansion. You fell unconscious during your mission as I was told.” Aoi explained.

“We were so worried! Good thing you're alright!” The butterfly children whimpered. Confusion was spread on your face still, remaining there for a long time.

The sound of fast paced footsteps caught everyone's attention in the room. Muichiro stood by the doorway, huffing under his breath. He walked over towards you, the butterfly helpers backing away from the mist pillar.

“Y/N.” Muichiro muttered your name as it seemed a bit familiar to you. You blink at the mist pillar. “And you are?” You responded. Muichiro paused, his eyes slightly widened. He bit part of his lip, a loss for words at the moment.

Muichiro softly cleared his throat. “Muichiro. You're childhood... friend.” Muichiro hesitated on the response, trying his best to remember. You stood there completely unfazed. You raised a brow. “Us? I've never seen you in my life.” You blink.

Muichiro's heart slightly ached at your response as he gave a half nod, backing away. He quickly stopped his action, remember something. He got your attention again.

“Y/N.. you promised me something years ago.” Muichiro paused, clenching his eyes shut for a moment. He opened his eyes as they started to waver a bit.

“We'll never be separated. No matter what.” Muichiro spoke in a low tone of voice, catching his breath. “What... happened to you.” The mist pillar sharply inhaled through his teeth as he questioned.

You squinted at Muichiro. “I'm sorry..?” You mutter, Muichiro closed his mouth, lifting his head up. It looked like he was mentally hurt in your eyes.

Muichiro slowly dragged himself out of the room as you remained silent, closing your eyes again. “Wait, Y/N. We have more to tell—” Those were the last words from Aoi before you quickly dozed off.

Y/N.. I'm sorry.

I didn't keep your promise.

And you'll never remember.

It's all my fault...

I gotta stop making long chapters for the sake of my hands, and stop making myself cry- :')

Have an amazing day!

𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now