Kanroji Mitsuri | Be Yourself

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Happy late birthday, Mitsuri!
Watermelon hair :)

You were pretty nervous about confessing to Mitsuri. You couldn't even sleep at night, thinking about the things you've said to her, if you even got the chance.

Your greatest fear about confession is getting rejected. But, Mitsuri is a really peppy and joyful girl, and on top of all of that, she's adorable.

Mitsuri's been turned down from a couple of guys, just for her abnormal eating, strength, and hair color. Honestly, that's why you adore her the most.

You entered the garden filled with butterflies, spotting Mitsuri on the front porch. She had her head held up high with her eyes closed. You blinked, approaching her.

"Mitsuri?" You called her name in a low tone, trying again in a louder tone, causing her to flinch a little. "Eep!" A small sound came from Mitsuri's mouth, shooting her head in your direction.

Mitsuri calmed down a bit before speaking. "Oh! Y/N, sorry. You startled me..!" A nervous giggle escaped the pink and green haired girl as she shook her body side to side. She was also wearing a pink color on his face.

"Don't apologize! Please..!" You paused, taking a breath. "The reason I came over here is to ask you, would you like to eat somewhere with me?" You asked in a quick, slightly pitched voice, opening your eyes to see a blushing Mitsuri in front of you. "Ehe, of course!" She accepted, getting up from her seat.

You both walk together, hand in hand. Mitsuri gently swings her hand, causing you to do the same action. I hope Obanai won't kill me, just for this day... You looked up at the sky, clenching your stomach. Thinking about that just makes me feel sick to my stomach. You let out a sigh, making Mitsuri eye you with slight concern.

Mitsuri's gaze went to your hand, resting on your stomach. "Y/N? Are you okay?" Mitsuri asked, letting your hand drop and not swing anymore. You glanced at her. Oh great, I didn't mean to make her nervous now.. You took another breath.

"I'm fine!" You gave a smile to Mitsuri. "Just hungry, that's all!" A nervous chuckle exits your mouth as Mitsuri gives a slow nod, her smile returning on her face. "I hope your tummy will be okay!" Mitsuri continued to swing your free hand, humming a little tune.

You both eventually arrive at the eating area as Mitsuri paused. You turned your head to find a very shocked Mitsuri with her hands over her mouth. You could see the bit of pink under his hands as well. Mitsuri squealed with a hug, shaking you side to side.

I like this, but she's basically crushing my ribs..! You patted her on the back, trying not to seem rude of slipping out of her hug and affection. "This is amazing, Y/N! Thank youu!!" Mitsuri cheered with a bright smile on her face.

"Of course..!" You gave a smile back to Mitsuri, your mind in a small panic attack as the thoughts overlap with each other. Aww, she's so cute when she's happy. No, she's cute all the time. I made her happy! I should confess, shouldn't I? No, too soon. But what if-

"Y/N? You doing okay?" Mitsuri tapped you on the shoulder, tilting her head. Mitsuri asked concerningly, interrupting your racing thoughts. You flinched, nodding quickly. "Hmm, okay then! Let's eat!" She stood beside you, since it was her first time here, you had to guide her.

You both got settled down, you ordered something a bit light, since you didn't feel like eating that much, but Mitsuri was a whole different story.

Waiting for the food to arrive, you changed seat positions to sit right beside her. Mitsuri took a glance at you, only to let out a couple of small giggles and a red color appearing on her face quickly. A faint blush formed on your face, taking deep breaths to calm down your body.

"So, Mitsuri." You got her attention. "What's your favorite food to eat?" You asked as Mitsuri put her hand up to her chin, looking up for a moment. "I have lots of foods I love, but if I had to pick one, it'll be... hmm..." Mitsuri hesitated for a moment, fidgeting with her hands.

Mitsuri looked at you with a big smile when she got her answer. "Sakura mochi!" She happily answered. "Ah, I see. Your hair kind of gives it away." You looked at her pink and green colored braids. Mitsuri played with them for a while. "Ehe, trueeee..."

Your food came first, since it was a light meal you've ordered. Mitsuri stared at you for a moment as you started to take small bites out of the food. Mitsuri caught her staring after you did, shaking her head. "Sorry! That was rude of me.." Mitsuri muttered an apology. "Don't worry, that's completely fine!" You pat her on the shoulder with a smile.

Minutes go by as you're almost done with your meal, eventually, Mitsuri's food arrives on stacks. You stared at the bowls on top of each other, then back at Mitsuri. "You're really going to eat that all?" You blinked, questioning her.

Mitsuri placed the two finished bowls down on the table, frowning a bit. "Oh, yeah, sorry. You've never seen me eat like this, I'm guessing?" Mitsuri eyed you, pausing. "I know, it's weird. But, please don't go like the others. Please?" Mitsuri looked up at you, giving sad puppy eyes.

A small exhale came out of your mouth. "I wasn't going to leave anyway so, you don't even have to say that. Besides, be yourself! No one's going to blame you for that." You smiled, Mitsuri feeling a bit confident. "Thanks, Y/N..!" She gave you a small hug before eating again.

About a few minutes go by as you watch Mitsuri finish all the bowls. "I'm ready for seconds!" Mitsuri giggled as you stood there, counting how many bowls of food she ate.

37?! She's a heavy eater. I don't blame her though. You shrugged as Mitsuri looked over towards your direction. "I only just nibbled today, wasn't that hungry, ehe!" Mitsuri added on.

Nibble, huh? That definitely looks like a nibble. A slight snort escaped your mouth, shaking your hand at the bowls stacked on top of each other, with a smile.

"Oh, yeah, Y/N..." Mitsuri got your attention. "Why did you bring me here today?" Mitsuri asked, wiping the food off her mouth with a napkin. You felt your face heat up a bit. "Well, two things." You cleared your throat.

"First, it was your birthday yesterday, correct? So, I decided to celebrate it today since I wasn't there yesterday." You paused, looking at Mitsuri. "Aww! How generous!" Mitsuri complimented you with a big smile.

You clenched your chest, continuing. "The other reason is because I love you deeply, Mitsuri. I really do!" You quickly spat out the words in a rush. Opening your eyes, you find Mitsuri putting her hands over her mouth. She looked like she was about to cry anytime soon.

"Y/N! I love you too! Like, a lot!" Mitsuri raised her voice as you put her own hand on her mouth, shushing her with a giggle. "We're in public." You reminded her. "Ehe, sorry." Mitsuri lowered her voice.

You gave her a small kiss on the side of her face. "Should we go back?" You asked. Mitsuri paused you a moment, her body still reacting to the quick kiss you gave her. She eventually shook it off, her face still staying red for a while. "Y..yeah, let's go!" Mitsuri smiled, getting up from her seat as you followed her.

You both walk back to the mansion, swinging hands again.

I have nothing to fear now.

Because I have Mitsuri to myself.

Probably need to keep one eye open when sleeping, just in case of Obanai.

Have a great day!

𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now