Kocho Shinobu | Pardon?

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You met Giyuu after you met Shinobu, though you tend to like and spend time with Giyuu more. Giyuu doesn't mind, he's just glad to have someone to talk to almost everyday. Kind of like a dream to him.

Shinobu, on the other hand doesn't tolerate this happening. She absolutely despises Giyuu, making her jealousy a bit higher than before. Kind of like a nightmare to her.

You don't know any of this that's happening yet, though you really don't see Shinobu anymore. Maybe a glimpse at her during her training or missions, but that's it.

Today, you talk with Giyuu like any normal day. Giyuu seems to enjoy it. “That mutated demon thing was huge! I didn't know how I survived that time, though.” You let out a small chuckle after your topic was finished. “What did it look like..?” Giyuu muttered his question softly. Your smile got bigger, noticing there was actual proof he liked your conversations.

“Looked like a fish with arms and legs for fins. I think it had a.. pot on the head? It was weird!” You explain as he gave a slight nod to his head. Giyuu took a sip from his tea as he saw a small human-like shadow in front of you two. A small, annoyed grunt exited Giyuu's mouth as he saw the insect pillar, Shinobu, approaching you two.

“Hello, Kocho!” You dipped your head in a polite greeting as she did the same. Shinobu showed a slight glare behind her fake smile to Giyuu. “Mind if I sit?” Shinobu questioned, already sitting down in the middle of you and the water pillar before you could answer. Giyuu broke eye contact with Shinobu instantly, looking at the pebbled ground in annoyance.

“Soooo.. whatcha guys doing here?” Shinobu asked with a smile, nudging Giyuu's arm in the process, each time getting more and more rough. “Oh, right! I was talking to Giyuu about the demon I fought.” You cross your legs as Shinobu gave a nod. “Oh, wow! Sounds like fun, doesn't it, Tomioka?” Shinobu tilted her head to the side, poking him a bit roughly.

Silence between the three of you stood there for a moment before Giyuu swatted Shinobu's hand away, scooting a bit further away from the insect pillar. “Oh? Is talking too much to ask for?” Shinobu questioned the water pillar, a smile still on her face. At this point, it definitely looked like a fake one.

“Is leaving me alone too much to ask for?” Giyuu responded a bit roughly with his tone of voice. Shinobu paused, her facial expression shifting a bit. “Does my... presence bother you that much?” Shinobu asked once more.

“Yes.” Giyuu didn't hesitate on his answer, giving her a slight side eye look. You stood quite, noticing the tension between them both getting stronger. I'm guessing they never got along from the start... You thought with a sigh. Shinobu's fake smile dropped, only annoyance on her face at that point. The insect pillar continued to poke Giyuu.

“Are you guys alright?” You tried your best to stop the silent fight between them both. Shinobu looked over her shoulder, giving you a nod with a smile returning on her face. “Mhm! Perfectly fine! Why do you ask?” Shinobu pinched Giyuu's arm. The water pillar glanced over at you, like you could read his thoughts. His face definitely said 'I'm tired.'

“Um, well uh..” You stammer a bit, looking at Giyuu's face. Shinobu got her face in the way of you eyeing the water pillar, tilting her head. “It just looks like you guys don't get along that well.” You lower your voice, Shinobu blinked at you, a small giggle escaped her mouth. “We do get along perfectly well! Don't we, Tomioka?” Shinobu bumped his shoulder. Giyuu grunted, eyeing the insect pillar. “Stop.” Giyuu grumbled under his breath.

“No.” Shinobu muttered back with a fake smile, continuing her teasements on Giyuu. “And here I thought your communication skills would improve!” Shinobu grinned a bit, pausing. “You should know by now, that's why people don't like you!” Shinobu stuck out half of her tongue a bit. Giyuu paused, looking at the insect pillar with a small offended look. “Mhm, yeah, I said it.” Shinobu huffed at Giyuu under her breath. Giyuu took a breath. “I am like—”

“If you are, why do you sit by yourself everyday?” Shinobu cut off Giyuu's words, raising her voice a bit. “I do that by choice.” Giyuu replied quickly, you slightly panic, trying to find a way to break up the conversation and fighting.

“Um.. Kocho? Can I talk with you please?” Your voice got low as you got her attention. She gave a nod, rising to her feet. She gave a soft forehead flick to Giyuu when you weren't looking. Her glaring returned back to the water pillar before she caught up to you.

Giyuu took a deep breath, relaxing his body. He softly rubbed his arm that Shinobu pretty much tortured.

“Do you guys really get along? I mean, over there it didn't look like it.” You question Shinobu as she stood quiet for a moment. “Is there something wrong that happened in the past, or..” You questioned her again as the insect pillar shook her head answering with a no.

“L/N, you and Tomioka look like you're having your best time in years. I've met you way before him and.. me and you, we barely talk.” Shinobu paued, taking a breath. Her voice gotten a bit softer and lower in the process.

Why? Why is that? Why do you pick Tomioka over me?” Shinobu asked, a bit a jealousy wavering in her tone of voice. “Kocho, I barely get to see you anymore. It's like.. you're always busy. During that time, I decided to make new friends.” You comfort Shinobu a bit with a quick side hug.

“I want you to know, all the friends I might make in the future are friends. And you are more than a friend. Something special, okay?” You gave a soft smile to the insect pillar as she gave a slow nod.

You two walk back to your seats, Shinobu later apologizing to Giyuu. Giyuu glanced at you with a faint smile, as you gave one back. You three eventually spend time together, sharing equal time with each other.

I got carried away in adding extra stuff, didn't I?

Have an amazing day!

𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now