Kamado Tanjiro | Sick

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"Looks like you have a fever." Aoi took her hand off of your warm forehead, tapping her foot against the ground with a sigh.

"Fever?" You repeat, letting out small coughs as you sit in one of the mansion's beds.

"Mhm. I'll bring you some tea." Aoi paused, turning her head as she eyed you up and down. "Try to rest as well. Okay?" She'd nod as you repeated.

The door was silently closed, only leaving you and your sickness in one room. It's hard for you to even lay down and rest, since you really can't breathe that way.

You rub your face, exhaling. You cover your mouth, catching your coughs into your arm.

The door opens with a slight slam, startling you. You exhale, pulling your legs up to your chest "Hi Tanjiro." You mutter, forcing yourself to not cough or sneeze.

"Hello, Y/N!" Tanjiro smiled. He was seen with a mask on, due to your sickness he didn't want to catch.

Tanjiro didn't have to come in here at all, though you guys are wonderful friends and with an amazing bond. So, he came to check and comfort you.

"Mind if I stay?" Tanjiro lowered his voice to a more comfortable level. He'd tilt his head to the side, sitting down on one of the other beds.

You quickly nod with a faint smile. "Please, stay here." You speak up a little as a faint blush appears on the lower half of your face.

"Gotcha." Tanjiro nodded, setting his box down gently on the floor with a small pat. "So, I haven't seen you in a while. How has it been?" Tanjiro blinked.

You lift your head, holding in the coughs. The door opens as you both find Aoi with a cup in her hand. She'd set it down next to you. "Here's your tea." Aoi nodded, giving a small wave to Tanjiro in the process.

"Hello Ms. Aoi." Tanjiro smiled with a wave. The door closed, leaving you two alone again. You stare at him, looking at his pure and kind eyes with a slight smile.

"Something wrong, Y/N?" Tanjiro questioned. You blink a couple of times, looking away. "Sorry. Spaced out." You mutter.

"That's completely fine!" Tanjiro nodded. You cover your face with your hands as much as possible, trying to calm down. You turn your head slowly in the direction Tanjiro is. He was seen with a slightly concerned expression.

You exhale, lifting your head up from your hands. "Tanjiro, this might not be the best time to tell you this but-" You cut yourself off, sneezing into your arm.

"Bless you." Tanjiro smiled. "Thanks.." You inhale, hesitant this time.
How should I confess my feelings towards him? I have known Tanjiro for years, but does he feel the same way about me?
You thought, looking at Tanjiro every two seconds.

You clinch the cover sheets, shaking your head. "Tanjiro I love you." You decided to spit it out, tired of keeping it a secret. "I really do." You smile, blushing a pink shade.

"Aw, Y/N..." Tanjiro smiled, seen with a small, faint blush on his face as well.
"I love you too." Tanjiro let out a small chuckle, eyeing your tea. "Don't let that get cold."

"Ah, right." You grab the cup of tea, drinking it till it's almost gone. You'd set it down, exhaling.

"Can I... hug you?" You question as Tanjiro didn't hesitate to say yes. "Of course!" Tanjiro nodded, rising to his feet to come closer.

Tanjiro didn't care about him getting sick. His goal was to make you feel better mentally and emotionally.

You slightly get on your knees, hugging Tanjiro. You feel much relaxed in the hands of Tanjiro, making you want to never let go.

"Thank you." You let go of his torso, sitting up against the bed.

"Anytime." Tanjiro patted your shoulder, putting his box on his back again. "I'll be heading out now."

"Alright. Be safe..!" You spoke up, covering your coughs.

"Will do!" Tanjiro smiled, dipping his head and body slightly to the ground as he gave a quick bow before closing the door behind him in respect.

You rest your eyes while sitting up against the bed. You open one eye to adjust your pillow, so your neck won't hurt. A small smile appears on your face. As you thought.

Thank you, Tanjiro.

He's so polite.. :')

Have an amazing day!

𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now