Iguro Obanai | Summer Cold

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I couldn't bear writing about Karabumaru dying, he's too precious

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I couldn't bear writing about Karabumaru dying, he's too precious.
So, I'll go with a sick Obanai :)

Also, I gotta take a break from writing Obanai chapters—

You walk inside the Butterfly Mansion, greeted by a broken air conditioner, and multiple fans all spread out around the mansion. It wasn't much, but it was something to cool you down from the sun's heat.

You sit down in one of the chairs, slouching down instantly. You constantly fan yourself with one of your hands. “Still hot?” Aoi questioned, entering the mansion as well. She flapped a white sheet against the air. “Very.” You groaned, taking multiple sips of water. The water wasn't very cold for long, so it didn't quench your thirst, nor throat that well.

“Mhm. Well, it is summer season. Pretty surprised there isn't a heat wave yet.” Aoi shook her head in disbelief, folding one of the sheets in her hand. “You.. have air conditioning, right?” You ask, setting your cup of water down after almost chugging the whole thing.

“Yes, why?” Aoi flapped another sheet against the air. Luckily, a bit of cool air hit your face due to the sheet. “Is it on?” You blink, sitting up straight in the chair. Aoi gave half of a nod, not sure yet. “Hm. I'm not so sure. I'll go check real quick.” Aoi picked up her folded sheets, walking into another room.

“Is summer this brutal?” You mutter to yourself, letting out a overdramatic sigh. You pick up your cup of water, noticing it was empty. You let the small leftover drops of water hit your tongue before getting a refill.

You eventually rise to your feet, just to be stopped in your tracks. There, you saw a wobbly and sickly person who had entered the mansion. You narrow your eyes. Iguro? You thought, which your guess was correct. You decide to help the poor snake pillar.

“Hey— are you alright?” You quickly ask, helping him stand up straight as he had the biggest look of confusion on his face. Obanai looked like he was going to fall over any second. You look over your shoulder to find the nearest seat.

“Why not sit down for a second?” You suggest, slowly walking him over towards a chair to sit in. Obanai let out muffled coughs under his bandaged mask, rubbing his hand through his short black hair stressfully. You sit alongside him. “You don't look that well. Did something happen?” You gave a slight frown at his condition. The summer heat wasn't helping him at all.

Obanai refused to speak, only closing his eyes for a moment and relaxing his whole body. You eye his kanata on his hip. You have lots of questions to ask him, but you keep your mouth shut. Looks like he wanted to be alone for now.

You quietly leave him for a while, getting a quick refill of slightly cold water. The coldness was already being replaced with warmess in the cup at this point. You take another sip, a bit concerned for the health of the snake pillar.

You run into Aoi once again. You both open your mouth at the same time, two different topics, though. “Sorry, you can go first.” You mutter to Aoi as she gave a nod. “The air conditioning was broken. It's getting repaired right now—”

“I need—” You close your mouth, noticing you cut Aoi off again. “Sorry..” You dip your head as the butterfly helper shook her head. “No worries. Your topic sounds more important than mine.” Aoi gave you the chance to speak. You gave a quick nod. “I need to show you something. I'm a bit concerned about Igur— the snake pillar.” You guide Aoi towards Obanai.

You let Aoi go ahead first. She tapped Obanai's shoulder, waking him up from his gentle daze. The snake pillar slowly blinked at the female butterfly helper, a small sigh escaping his mouth. “Is everything alright?” Aoi questioned as Obanai struggled to speak a bit.

Aoi stood in silence for a second. She lifted her head, concern smeared on her face. “Here, put weight on my body if needed.” Aoi gave a nod, helping Obanai stand up. You stood from afar, eventually following them both. You followed them into the room with multiple beds as Obanai slowly laid down in one.

Cautiously, Aoi attempted to gently grab Karabumaru, Obanai's snake off of his neck. Aoi flinched at the little movements Karabumaru made. Eventually, Aoi quickly grabbed the white scaled snake, putting him on the table for now. Aoi also put a small clamp on Obanai's finger, tracking his pulse. “Oh— L/N.” Aoi noticed your appearance. “Are you.. good at handling snakes by chance?” She questioned as you gave a hesitant nod.

You didn't know if Karabumaru was poisonous or not, but mostly likely was. So, nervousness was rising. Aoi relaxed her shoulders. “Alright. I'll be back. Please, keep an eye on that snake.” Aoi rose to her feet, quickly leaving the room. You stood around the bed, keeping a distance from the snake.

“Iguro?” You called his name, repeating it once more till you got his attention. He lifted his heavy head, slanting his eyes to see your face. “Can you talk?” You ask a bit cautiously. “Yeah..” Obanai responded with a raspy voice, coughing a few times after that short answer.

“You're... not doing well..” You muttered with a frown. Obanai let out a small scoff, like he was offended at your comment. “I'm.. fine.” He quickly said. “I don't think so.” You shake your head.

“I believe we haven't met before?” You paused. “I'm Y/N, L/N. I've practically heard your name everywhere. Obanai Iguro, right?” You tilt your head as the snake pillar gave a nod.

You tap your hand against your leg, trying to block out the awkward silence between you two. You keep an eye on Karabumaru at the time. Karabumaru was doing well, wrapped in a small, white scale-ball with his eyes closed.

Obanai grumbled at his own sickness, flipping the covers on his body, then off his body every two seconds. You took another sip of your warm water, a shiver of dissatisfaction washed down your body. “So, Iguro. What exactly happened when this occurred?” You ask, eventually getting no answer. “Iguro?” You call his name, spotting that he was asleep at the time.

Minutes went by as Aoi eventually entered the room with simple medical supplies. Respectfully, you keep your distance. When Aoi was done, she looked up at you. You looked back, waiting for her response. “Just a summer cold.” Aoi replied. You gave a nod. “At least it wasn't something serious.” You mutter.

“I think it's best to leave him alone for now.” Aoi suggested. You gave a hesitant nod, glancing at Obanai again. “Could I.. maybe just stay in here for a while?” You lower your voice as Aoi let out a soft sigh. “Alright. Try to stay quiet.” Aoi exited the room again as you gave a nod.

You sit on another bed that's closest to Obanai. What happened out there? Did it just occur randomly..? The thoughts were endless in your mind as you stared at Obanai. His haori was hung up on a hanger rack. You glance at Karabumaru, tapping the wooden stand next to him to get his attention. The white snake turned his head at your finger, looking at your face.

Cautiously, you decide to do a risky move. Try to pet a poisonous snake. Luckily, you still had all your fingers when you gently and carefully stroked the rough scales of Karabumaru. A soft smile formed on your face.

You quietly walk over towards the door, sliding it open. Karabumaru stared at you from afar, his head slightly tilted. You take a breath, standing by the doorway. Get well soon, Iguro. The smile got a bit wider on your face as you slid the door closed behind you.

Yes, Karabumaru is actually poisonous. I looked it up.
I'm not surprised, though. You need a fierce and harmful sidekick anyway. /j

Have a great day!

𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now