Kanroji Mitsuri | True Feelings

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~*~Valentine's Day is known for love, and being true to yourself

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Valentine's Day is known for love, and being true to yourself. Unfortunately, you don't believe in any of those things. But, someone's going to change your mind in a blink of an eye.

You do a couple of quick jogs around the butterfly garden, to shake off your tiredness. Suddenly, someone got in the way of your path. You stop in your tracks to find the love pillar. You blink at her with a head tilt.

Mitsuri paused, looking at you with several chocolates in her arms and possibly in her mouth. It took a while for her to speak up. “Oh! I'm sorry, L/N! I'm so embarrassed..” Mitsuri mumbled the last few words under her breath, covering her mouth. You shook your head with a smile. “Don't worry.” You respond in a calm manner, eyeing the chocolates curiously.

“Where did you.. get those?” You questioned. Mitsuri had an open box in one arm, and the other box was sealed closed. “Right! Here you go. I got the other one from the master! Isn't that sweet?” She gave you a smile, handing you the closed chocolate box. “I contained myself from not gobbling them all up! Ehe!” She covered her mouth again as she let out a small giggle.

“Oh, thank you..” Your tone of voice wavered a bit, going soft. “Sorry for getting in the way again, I'll be going!” Mitsuri gave a small bow to excuse herself before leaving. You quickly stop her. “Mitsur— Kanroji, wait.” You get Mitsuri's attention. “Are you perhaps.. free today?” You ask her, glancing at the ground every two seconds. Her face lit up a bit. “Yes! I am!” Mitsuri gave a nod, speed walking towards you.

“So! Whatcha wanna do?” Mitsuri sat down on the front porch with a huge smile on her face. “That's up to you.” You reply with a small smile. “Oooh! Okay! Get this..” Mitsuri signaled you to come and sit with her as she blabbered about her topic for a good 10 minutes.

The sun was slowly setting as you two spent more time, getting to know each other more clearly. You eye her light green striped socks. “Where did you get those from?” You ask, catching your yawn. “Iguro gave them to me! Isn't he the sweetest?” Mitsuri swayed her body side to side.

Even though Mitsuri does call everyone sweet, she definitely had a different connection towards you. Surprisingly, you didn't know it yet. You and Mitsuri sit silent for a moment. You touch her pink and light green colored braids, fidgeting with them. Mitsuri let out a small giggle for her mouth, blushing in the process as he dipped her head.

You let go of her braid, hoping you didn't do anything wrong. “Kanroji?” You speak up a bit more. She lifts her head up a bit, looking at you with a blink. You stare into her big round green eyes for a second. “Are you alright?” You blink back. Mitsuri gave a nod, taking a breath. “L/N, I want to tell you um.. something.” Mitsuri's voice got a bit lower, stammering over words more than normal.

You stood quiet, letting her speak. “Ever since I've met you, you've been really nice and kind to me. Sometimes my first impressions from people are a bit mean..” Mitsuri paused, her smile dropping a bit. She shook her head, inhaling. “Why? Why are you so kind to me?” Mitsuri's smile returned as she fidgeted with the tip of her braids.

You gave a soft smile back. “You look and you are a sweet girl, Kanroji. People should know it too. Just because you don't look normal makes you special.” You pat her hand, a steady blush forming on her face. “I..” Mitsuri spoke, closing her mouth. It looked like she was going to cry any second. “L/N.. I..” Mitsuri spoke again, taking a small inhale.

“Waaaa! L/N!! I'm so happy! You really.. think that way about me?” Mitsuri broke out into tears, sobbing happily as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hands. You gave a nod. “I don't think that, I know that.” You comforted her with a hug. She hugged back, tighter than yours.

Her body was so soft and warm. Like a gentle sun beam on your skin. You could hug her forever and never let go. Eventually, you did have to let go of her body. You looked at the pebbled ground in confusion a bit. What is this feeling? It's strong and it occurs very often.. You think, grasping your hands. Am I sick? You thought, shaking your head softly to yourself, dismissing that thought.

You couldn't be sick. The only sickness you'd probably get is the fever of love. Mitsuri gently tapped your shoulder, getting your attention. “L/N.. those words you've said to me.. I don't know how to feel..” Mitsuri paused, clenching her chest as she dipped her body with a blush flooding her face. “L/N, I love you! Um.. more than a friend!” A small, nervous giggle escaped her mouth. She covered her mouth, the pink color on her face switching to red in an instant.

You freeze, a hint of a pink color spreads on your face. “Oh I uh.. um..” You stammer, finding it difficult to speak up. You take a deep breath, calming yourself down before you know English again. “Mitsu— Kanroji.” You pause, looking at her. “Sorry.” You mutter, the love pillar shaking her head and hands. “No worries! Please, call me Mitsuri if you want!” She gave a soft smile. It looked like she calmed herself down too.

You gave a nod. “Weird how I um.. didn't believe in this stuff before and now I feel a certain feeling after this..” You clear your throat, Mitsuri blinking a few times. “I love you too, Mitsuri.” You lower your voice, the love pillar gasping before she pulls you in for another hug. “You do?!” Mitsuri looked like she was going to cry again as you gave a small nod to your head. You hugged her back with a bigger smile on your face than last time.

“Happy Valentine's Day, Mitsuri.” You muttered your words to her as she looked down with a smile.

“Happy Valentine's Day, L/N!!”

I forgot how adorable Mitsuri is.

Have a great day!

𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now