Iguro Obanai | Compliment

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~*~You started your habit of hanging in trees, due to Obanai

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You started your habit of hanging in trees, due to Obanai. You calm your limbs with an exhale leaving your body, closing your eyes.

You feel a slight press around your neck as you open one eye to find Karabumaru, the snake pillar's snake. “Oh, hello Karabumaru.” You say under your breath with a faint smile, stroking his scales. Karabumaru flicked his long, slim red colored tongue, rubbing against the palm of your hand.

You were always an animal lover, and animals even knew. You scratched Karabumaru's chin, tapping his faint, pinkish snout with a giggle. “Karabumaru?” You hear a faint voice down below, calling the white snake's name.

You take a glance at the ground, quickly noticing it was Obanai looking for his pet snake. Karabuma—oh.” He paused, eventually spotted you in a tree. You decide to slowly climb down the tree, Karabumaru wrapped around your neck as he rested his small head on top of yours.

“Hii, Iguro!” You gave a smile towards the snake pillar as he gave a hand wave. “Were you looking for Karabumaru?” You question with a blink, the snake on top of your head looked like he was drifting off to sleep.

“Yes, I was. Seems like you took a liking towards you.” Obanai replied calmly, fidgeting with his oversized black and white haori in boredom.

“I agree! He's so adorable!” You pat Karabumaru's head as he instantly awakens, nuzzling the side of your face affectionately. “Oh, right, sorry. Want him back?” You gently grab Karabumaru in your hands as he wraps around your arm, clinging on to it.

Obanai nodded, taking Karabumaru back and putting him around his neck. Karabumaru flicked his tongue again, nuzzling the same placement on his face. You giggle, eyeing Obanai's mask curiously. Obanai quickly noticed your act as his face shifted. “What?” The snake pillar blinked.

“I never asked you but.. why do you wear a mask?” You questioned, Obanai leaning against the tree. Karabumaru extended his neck for you to pet him. You quickly did, waiting for Obanai's answer in the process. “Long story.” Obanai grunted, slowly pulling down his mask.

You weren't used to seeing his mouth fully at all. You only saw a glimpse of it when he was eating, but that was it. You stare at the long scar across his mouth, Obanai exhaled looking at the ground. He didn't speak, only waiting for your response.

“Woah.. that's pretty cool!” You complement. Obanai didn't expect a compliment from you about his scar, so he flinched a bit. He got a bit off guard, causing him to show a faint blush in the process. Karabumaru tilted his head at Obanai, trying his best to comfort him with tongue flicks and soft head bumps.

“Thankssss..” Obanai inhaled through his teeth, rubbing Karabumaru's white scaled. You gave a nod, a smile smeared on your face. “It's pretty cute, y'know..” You mutter under your breath, loud enough for Obanai to hear. The snake pillar paused again, softly grumbling as a pinkish fade of color embedded on his face.

He crossed his arms, pulling up his mask with a smile underneath. “Enough.” He muttered, a small noise came from Obanai's snake. Karabumaru slanted his eyes, his mouth getting a big wider. He looked like he was... smirking? Obanai pushed his snake away with one of his hands softly.

“Aww look! You're blushing!” You point at the snake pillar's face, giggling. Obanai gritted his teeth. He was infact flooded in a soft blush on his face, visible for anyone to see.

You give him a side hug, Karabumaru nuzzling your face again. He quickly slithered between you and Obanai, closing his eyes for a moment. You pat the snake's head, Obanai, hesitantly hugging you back with a exhale.

The complement Obanai received from you was still playing in his head, over and over till this day.

I miss doing Obanai chapters. He's also a great character.
I tried to give Karabumaru some time in this chapter too.

Have a wonderful day!

𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now