Shinazugawa Genya | Hidden Truth

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~*~It was the summer season, meaning the sun was toasting the air, and for people to scurry round to find somewhere to cool off

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It was the summer season, meaning the sun was toasting the air, and for people to scurry round to find somewhere to cool off.

You sat in the butterfly mansion's room, due to an injury... again. You liked going all out on your fights, but your body didn't agree to your violent movements at a quick pace.

Since it was in the middle of the summer season, your were burning up. A lot of people were. Multiple fans surrounded your bed as they both when in different ways, side, stop, and to the other side again.

Some of the butterfly helpers suggested for you to wear short sleeves for the shirt or shorts for the pants. You wanted to agree, but something stopped you. You had scars. Thanks to the long pants and shirts, the scars that were on your body were covered up.

You roll up your sleeves a bit, the same thing to your pants as it feels like multiple covers are laid on top of you, or you right next to the sun, though there's no covers on you at all.

Gosh.. summer is my least favorite season at this point. You huff, sitting on the edge of the bed now as you sit in front of one of the moving fans. Felt good, but wasn't helping that much.

"Knock, knock." You heard a voice as your head darted towards the sound. You quickly roll down your sleeves and pants as they walk in. You realize it was Aoi with folded sheets in both of her hands. You stare at her with a wide smile as she glances at you confusingly.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Aoi blinked with a slight head tilt. "Oh, yeah! I'm fine. Sorry if I seem a bit weird." You reply in a rush, letting out a nervous chuckle. Aoi gave a soft smile. "No worries." She said, putting the folded sheets in a drawer. She stopped walking as she paused by the doorway. "Oh, did I ever tell you, Shinazugawa's brother is visiting?" Aoi looked over her shoulder as you froze. "Pardon?" You mutter, blinking a couple of times.

"Mhm." Aoi gave a nod as you shook a bit, stopping your action as soon as you noticed it, which didn't take very long. "May I ask, why?" You question as she paused. "Genya, asked me if you were okay. I told him you were fine, but he wanted to see for himself. So, you have company." Aoi explained in almost one breath, giving a small bow to excuse herself from the room.

"Oh, um.. okay! Thanks.." Your words got caught in your throat as you stared at the door for a while. Genya? Here? I never knew he cared about me that much...

Minutes go by as you relax your body, waving your hand up and down against the scorching air. You fan yourself with your hand as you huff annoyingly at the heat. Your hand eventually gets tired as you drop it down onto the bed. A knock was heard on the wide open door. You lean your body forwards a bit to see who it was.

Your eyes revealed to see Genya. You clear your throat before speaking. "Come in, please!" You say as Genya steps foot in the room. The first thing he's greeted by is blowing fans, scorching heat, and a nervous you.

"Oh, hey, Y/N. Feeling better?" Genya greeted you with a small wave to his hands, walking over to you, observing your appearance. "Mhm! Yeah!" You say, the words escaping your mouth before you have a chance to catch them. "Man, it's burning hot outside. The same goes for here, too." Genya gave a small smile, glancing at your long clothing.

"How aren't you burning up in those clothes? I'm practically almost shirtless and I'm still hot.." Genya muttered his last few words with a small chuckle under his breath. "Don't worry! I can take it!" You say quickly, along with a nod.

You couldn't take it. You were sweating through the clothes it seemed like, but Genya didn't notice. You felt like he was the only one you could tell about your scars, due to his appearance. You take a breath. "Hey, um, Genya? Has anyone teased you for your scars?" You question, eyeing one across his nose.

"Oh, never. Why do you ask?" Genya blinked, tilting his head to the right a bit. You pause, looking at your long clothing. "Genya. I never told you or anyone else about this but. I too have scars." You mutter, loud enough for him to hear. No absurd reaction was from him as you expected, only a slight smile from his face.

"Y/N. How long have you kept this secret from me, or from others?" Genya lowered his voice a bit. "Since I was 12. So, a few years.." You reply as Genya's smile dropped, just a little bit. Genya sighed, sitting next to you. "There's nothing wrong with scars. It makes you who you are. Just.. don't keep that a secret anymore." Genya said in a soft-like tone of voice, patting you on the back.

You give a slow nod as a smile forms on your face, the words Genya spoke to you eventually entering your head. "Thanks Genya." You thank him, hugging his side with a soft snuggle. He froze, looking at you for a moment, though, Genya eventually hugged you.

"Now, get those long clothes off of you, you're burning up." Genya said with a smile, poking your chest. "Alright, I will." You say softly, messing with his black mohawk-styled hair playfully.

And there you have it, folks!

Remember, don't be insecure about your looks, you're fine just the way you are. You better believe that.

Have a wonderful day!

𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now