Music has been my whole world for as long as I can remember. My dad has never been as into music as he claims to be. He never really liked listening to me sing or act or play my toy keyboard and always took the spotlight from me whenever he could, ever since I was a little kid. He tried to be better than me and got upset when he wasn't. He buys a guitar. He doesn't play the guitar. He gives the guitar to me. I spend every waking second playing the guitar. He makes me do 10 times the amount of chores as usual.
Though, it may not seem this way, I don't like playing in front of people. Like cara mía said, people who aren't interested or judge you the whole time, ruin it. The last time I played in front of my dad, he just sat there until I was done and left. He didn't even say good job. He didn't say a word. My mom always criticizes my playing. She used to take me to guitar lessons when I was like, nine, but they didn't work out. Now I think that she believes she's my personal guitar trainer with the little to no information she knows.
Since music has had a special place in my heart, a lot of things have happened because of it. My band teacher personally asked my mom to join an after school club for all the parents of the best/most dedicated players. Many musical related teachers have pushed me into doing things. My English teacher-who is also the drama, forensics, and pride club director-told me multiple times to join drama club before I joined.
She probably told me 4 times in the span of less than 3 months. Every time I'm done with speaking I'm front of class she says I need to join forensics. I get paper reports of my presentation and the only thing in the comment section is always, 'have you considered forensics.'
My band and choir teachers urged me to do solo and ensamble. I ended up doing three of them. Basically the whole choir class wanted me to join this high school play. My band teacher hinted at me doing jazz band and once I joined, basically begged me to come to a field trip to a late night jazz club.
Even now, I'm getting roped into things like staying after school to organize the drama club dressing rooms. I even got pulled out of choir because of it. She talked to me during ELA class about how she hand selected a few students and trusted and thought were more responsible than others.
When I came back from organizing the black box during choir class, I walked through the door and it was utter chaos. People were screaming at each other, the kids were screaming at the teacher, some poor girl got thrown across the classroom. In the time that I was gone, they managed to break a $50 music stand and probably a girls arm.
Lots of songs really speak to me. The other day I was listening to a song and I really related to one of the lyrics; she never felt that sage in her own head.
I need to make a list of lyrics like that. Though I do cover art on my notebooks and folders, I kind of want to post a list.
I have an idea board for my stories, so that even if nothing interesting happened that day, I could still write an entry for the day. On my way to write that song lyric down, somehow I read somewhere: when I was your best friend. I just about cried.
I like to say that I'm getting back into my metal head era. I've been adding new songs like crazy to my playlists. My biggest one is almost 13 hours long, and once I add these next few songs I have saved, it probably will be.
I'm getting my friends to listen to a lot of weird songs and things that are just generally out of their normal genres. We have a shared playlist that I'm hoping to expand to the whole entire group, so I send them songs and they tell me if I should add them. This chat has been blowing up with song after song.
After a while of this, one of my friends just said fuck it. Do your worst. Add all of them. A few minutes later they were listening to satanic German rock.
GOD IST EIN POPSTAR! I forgot to add it to my playlist.
I listen to a lot of music in math class. I don't do math. That's weird.
One time, in the middle of class, a really heavy, screamy song came on. I showed it to Shelly because I thought it was funny that I was listening to that in mat class. She called me goth.