Don't touch my soul with dirty hands

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My dad kept saying the N word today.

My dad goes out of his way to touch me. He was playing with my hair and poking me all day today. One time, while we were driving to his house, he kept putting his hand on my leg. I'd try to swat his hand away, but it wouldn't work.

At one point he grabbed my hand while I was swatting him away and said, "Aww! She wants to grab my hand!"

I smell like horse.

I miss Dan.

I wanna go home.

Estoy temblando, mi lluvia de otoño. Estoy temblando. Todos los días vivo con miedo. no he comido no he dormido Quiero ir a casa.

Te veo bailando bajo la lluvia y lo extraño. Te extraño. Los extraño a todos; mi hermano, mi madre, diablos, incluso Karl.

אני אשרת אותך, ואז ארוץ.

Tuesday Wesley RayemondWhere stories live. Discover now