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They say not to seek revenge.
They want you to dig two graves if you do.They tell you it’s not worth it. Then they say,

‘It’s better to forgive than seek revenge.’

They say a lot of things, but they don’t know what Hanseo knows. They don’t know what he has
been through. From the cold night of the shooting, through the suffering of pain and rehabilitation – the only comfort Hanseo had known was the fact that Hanseok was alive!Vincenzo had let him live, and he was alive for the taking.

“You can do what you want with him.” Vincenzo had said,
encouraging him to pull through the darkness. The tears that were shed on the pillow, and blood that soaked through the bandages which contaminated the bedding every day. The scrunched-up noses of the nurses who would clean him every morning – to the humiliation of being washed down there.
Depression has been the worst part of it. Pain – he could recover from, physical pain was nothing,
it was the emotional pain that hurt him the most. His life upended by the cruelty of his half-brother – the man who put him in the hospital for seven months, and then ten more months of rehab.
“Where is he?” Hanseo asks, voice linear with one goal – revenge. “He is in his apartment.”
Apartment?” Hanseo repeats,
“you let him stay at his home?”
Vincenzo looks out of the car they are in.
“He isn’t going anywhere. I made sure of that!”
He looks at Hanseo with certainty.
“I broke him already.”
Hanseo exhales sharply,
I thought I told you I was going to do the breaking.” It sounds like a kid whining.
Vincenzo smirks, cups Hanseo’s face in one hand, “Don’t worry. He has a long way to go.” He
strokes the younger man’s cheek with his thumb – pulls it away when Hanseo’s eyes brighten.
Hanseo’s heart swells as he flickers his eyes away from Vincenzo’s soft eyes and out the car window.
“He is very rebellious.” Vincenzo continues, “I have my people on him all the time.” Hanseo nods, lips tight, “What about his people?” Vincenzo scratches his cheek, and his lips twitch up,
“I have control of his banks, and stocks. I took over all his business endeavors. Without money, he has no one left on his side.”
Hanseo sucks in his cheeks, “Are you sure? he is a snake!”
Vincenzo raises an eyebrow at Hanseo, “Are you forgetting who I am?” His smirk reaches
Hanseo’s face, and the young man smiles in return. “I have him wrapped around my finger, and he can’t do as much as sleep without my permission.” Hanseo laughs with joy. “I have cameras all over his apartment and I have him watched all the time.”
Hanseo starts chuckling. “I hope you have been keeping him miserable.” He swallows hard,
remembering all the hardships he has been through because of Hanseok. “I’m going to get my
revenge. I’m going to destroy him. I’m going to make him feel the way I did.” He remembers the
time Hanseok had slapped him in front of the office. The times he had been shoved down the stairs in front of the shareholders conference, or the countless times he had been humiliated. “I’ve been breaking him every month, giving him time to recover and repeating the process.” Vincenzo starts, “He knows what’s coming is worse than what I’ve been doing to him.” “You’ve told him about me?” Hanseo asks, heart pumping.
Yes, and he is furious.” Vincenzo says, “I told him only three months ago. He didn’t know you
were still alive.” With that Hanseo starts laughing, “Wish I was there to see his face,” he mourns, “Must’ve been
“It was.”
“I can’t wait to see him.” Hanseo looks out the window again, “I can’t wait to lay my hands on
Vincenzo nods, “let’s go home first.”
Hanseo had been in Italy for the past one and a half year. In that year, he had learned a lot about
himself and the people surrounding him. The only person who helped him was Vincenzo – the man who had gone through hell and back to bring him home in one piece.
Hanseok. Hanseo bites his lip in anger. The animosity he was holding was spilling out, he had
come home at about the right time. He couldn’t hold back, he wanted Hanseok so bad. Wanted to hurt him, scare him, make him beg for mercy. The fantasies he was having about his brother, writhing in pain was enjoyable – the excitement it gave him was even more so. His stomach would sink in anticipation every time he thought about his brother in pain – and that is exactly what he was going to do, he was going to hurt Hanseok.
Make him cry out in pain, anger and frustration. The car comes to a stop, and Hanseo looks up at the tall building they have parked in. When Vincenzo meets his tentative eyes, he says, “I’ve rented an apartment in the same building as his.”
Hanseo’s eyes slide towards Vincenzo, “To make it easier.”
Hanseo’s lip stretches upward, and he howls in delight.
“Let’s go.” Vincenzo gets out of the car.
The driver of the car is already out and pulling all their luggage. The airport tags still hanging on
Hanseo’s bags.
“We will be living in the same building, why can’t I see him first?” Hanseo asks, going back to
what Vincenzo had said earlier about going home first. Vincenzo grabs the luggage and starts moving into the building, Hanseo two steps behind. “Aren’t
you tired? You just came out of a twelve-hour flight.” Hanseo rolls his eyes, “I’m not a child. I can handle it.” Vincenzo smiles. “Alright, whatever, but I’m still seeing him today.” Deal.” Vincenzo agrees, smiling at his little victory. When they reach Hanseo’s new luxurious apartment, he realizes why Vincenzo wanted him home
first. There was a party for him. Cha Young - front and center has a wine bottle in hand and
popping it midair. “I can’t believe you did this,” He hugs Cha Young and looks at Vincenzo, “You
should’ve told me.” Then it won’t be a surprise party.” Vincenzo says and grabs a wine glass.
It’s welcome back party, not a surprise party.” Cha Young corrects and mixes into the crowd behind her. They howl and cheer, and Hanseo laughs.
The apartment is huge. Hanseo breaks away from everyone and explores the large bedroom and
bathroom. The marble floors are shining, and the large windows are lighting the area perfectly. It’s
two in the afternoon, and the sun is glowing right into the living room. “You like it?” Vincenzo asks, two glasses of wine in hand.
Yes,” Hanseo says, accepting one of the wine glasses. Down the hallway, there is another room. When Hanseo tries opening the door, he realizes it is locked. A pad key next to it. “That’s a private room,” Vincenzo says, face turning towards the living room where the crew was
having a party. “I’ll give you the code once they all leave. I don’t want anyone walking into the
room.” Out of curiosity, Hanseo tenses, “What’s in here, Hanseok?” He asks, timid but hoping. Vincenzo shakes his head, and Hanseo’s lets out a breath – relief or drowsiness? Unsure of the certainty.
“It’s the cctv from Hanseok’s apartment. You can watch him anytime.” Vincenzo eyes Hanseo’s
face intently. Watches the forehead smooth and expand, sees the tired eyes brighten in delight, and the mouth opening and lips sliding upwards. The pearly white teeth show his excitement. Hanseo nods, and looks at Vincenzo, “I don’t know how to thank you.” Vincenzo shakes his head, “You don’t have to.” They join the living room after a few minutes, and Vincenzo sits down on a brown leather wingchair. Legs crossing each other as he watches drunk Cha Young grab Hanseo by the arm.

The End

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