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Hanseok goes to the closet and picks up some clothes. Hanseo watches his brother disappear into the bathroom and it gives Hanseok the opportunity to freshen himself up as well.
His heart thumps, as he pulls on some jumpers and takes a bite out of left-over sandwich. He stays in the kitchen as he eats and thinks about why Vincenzo was there. Probably to see this through? What? That didn’t make sense. Hanseo raises his eyebrows in confusion and takes one more bite before leaving the sandwich on the counter. He can eat real food once he comes back.
If Hanseo wasn’t too depressed during lunch time, maybe he could’ve eaten something. But the thought of his brother in the warehouse kept his appetite away. Now, he was starving.
Either way, Hanseo’s hunger for his brother is stronger, and he steps out of his apartment happily. He can eat later, but he needs to see his brother now.
There was different kind of hunger he wanted to satisfy, and no amount of food was helpful.
On the top floor, and at the hallway; Hanseo notices the thugs at the door are gone.
Hanseo never thought about them while Hanseok was in the warehouse. It never crossed his mind. He enters the apartment quietly. The door still makes a sound, but Hanseo can’t really shut down the beeping sounds.
The shower in the bathroom is running, and Hanseo muses at how long his brother takes showers. It’s probably his way of wasting as much time in the bathroom as possible – something he has learned over the two months. He hears Vincenzo in the bedroom, laughing and talking. When Hanseo enters, he doesn’t seem
surprised and just waves him over. Vincenzo is on the phone with somebody, and he says goodbye to them, not once but twice, and Hanseo realizes it’s Cha Young on the other side.
Sorry,” Vincenzo says, sitting up, “It’s Cha Young. She wants me home for dinner.” “Will you go?” Hanseo asks. Hoping the answer is ‘yes, I’m out.’ Instead, the mafia boss shakes his head. “I’ll order dinner and we can eat here.” Vincenzo looks at the time on his phone, “He’s still in the
bathroom, huh?” his forehead wrinkles. Hanseo raises his eyebrow slightly, “He stays there for a while.” Vincenzo mutters something under his breath and rolls his eyes, “Let me order food. What do you want?” he looks up with tired eyes. Hanseo thinks, “Where are you ordering from?” he asks. “Doesn’t matter. I’ll check the menu from whichever place you want from.” Hanseo’s eyes linger downwards, and then turn his face towards the bathroom. Maybe he should get something Hanseok likes. “Chinese food. Shredded beef with vegetables and sweet sauce. Also fried rice.” He speaks. “What’s the name of the restaurant?” Vincenzo asks.
Rin Chinese.” Hanseo replies, “Get two of those.” “One is for Hanseok?” Vincenzo says without looking up. Hanseo doesn’t answer, he knows Vincenzo is just looking to add to whatever he is about to say. “Don’t let him whip you too hard,” Vincenzo smirks. “Shut up.” Hanseo says, as he hears footsteps approach the bedroom. Hanseo’s heart beats faster with each step.
The older brother walks into the bedroom with wet hair, and flushed face. Red eyes that won’t
deny shedding tears, and mouth openly quivering with anxiety. He looks at Hanseo with deep
pleading eyes, and then at Vincenzo. Hanseo realizes something is up. He looks at his brother who is standing nervously at the doorway. Wearing a white t shirt, and gray cotton pajamas. There’s a slight tremor in his hands as he waits for someone to say something to him. “Hey,” Hanseo turns to him, “Come sit down.” He nudges his head towards the bed. Hanseok doesn’t need to be told twice. He sits on the edge of the bed and watches Hanseo closely. Hanseo stands close to his brother and puts a hand on Hanseok’s cheek. What a beautiful specimen. He wipes his thump over Hanseok’s cheek and chin. The eyes looking at him are beautiful, and the
open mouth gap looks exquisite.
Remember,” Vincenzo starts, “It’s because of your brother that I brought you back.” He looks at
Hanseok sternly, “If it was up to me, I’d let you live there forever.”
Hanseok whimpers as his eyes moisten. He blinks rapidly as he looks between Vincenzo and
Hanseo. “Now, show him your appreciation.” Vincenzo moves back in the bed and lets his back rest at the headboards. Hanseo waits for Vincenzo to finish speaking before he asks, but as soon as he opens his mouth to
say anything – he feels Hanseok’s shift. The older brother gets on his knees nervously and looks up with pity. Hanseo looks down at his brother and wonders what’s going on. Vincenzo looks at Hanseo teasingly, “He agreed to blow you.” Hanseo’s stomach sinks in excitement, and a smile crosses his face. Is this what he has been thinking about? He looks at Vincenzo who smirks.
“Consider it a gift. After all, you are saving him.” Vincenzo bites his lip. Hanseok’s hands come nervously towards Hanseo’s pants, and he dissents.
“Have you gotten a blow job before?” Vincenzo asks in curiously. Left eyebrow rising at Hanseo. Hanseo’s breathing is hitching as Hanseok’s hands linger on his hips, unsure of what to do. All he has to do is pull them down. Hanseo’s groin is getting hard with anticipation.
“Sit down,” Vincenzo says, eyeing the bed. Hanseo bites his lips and turns to sit. Hanseok is still kneeling, and it seems like he is hoping for a way out. Hanseo grabs his brother by the shoulder and pulls him close. He cups Hanseok’s cheek and assures him, “Just be good and I’ll treat you good from now on.” Hanseok looks like he wants to scream but holds back. Instead, he nods – obediently. He looks down at Hanseo’s groin and submits.
Besides pulling his dick out in front of the camera the day he fingered Hanseok; Hanseo has never gone nude in the eyes of anyone. He pulls his joggers and boxers down, and watches Hanseok intently. The older brother turns away, and hesitates, but blinks back and eyes Hanseo. He takes a deep
breath and grips Hanseo’s dick with his warm hand. Hanseo licks his lips as his groin jumps with the touch. He feels so overwhelmed right now, he
wants to shove his dick right into Hanseok’s mouth. The older sibling stares for a good minute and then he breaks, “I don’t know what to do,” He looks at Vincenzo, pleading. His voice is hoarse when he sobs, “I’ve never done this.” Hanseo doesn’t believe it, “Oh, please. I’m sure you have gotten one.” His dick is throbbing for Hanseok’s lips, and he can’t take excuses. “I told you what to do already.” Vincenzo sits up, angry. “Or remember, you will go back to the warehouse if you start acting up.” Hanseok sniffs and breathes out. His chest dropping in defeat. Vincenzo starts patting his pant pockets and pulls something out. It’s a small size bottle and he
hands it to Hanseo. “It’s lube, help him out.” Hanseo looks at the bottle and reads the label, ‘strawberry flavored lube’. His eyes blow with lust as his dick throbs eagerly. Hanseok removes his hand from Hanseo’s dick when the younger sibling starts jerking himself with the lube, “I’ll help you today, but next time this is going to be part of your job.”
When his dick is wet and slippery, he throws the bottle on the bed, and grabs Hanseok by the back of his neck. “Just suck me off and make me come.” He says, “You’ll learn along the way if what you say is true.” Again, Hanseok gives a pitiful stare and nods.

The End

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