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Hanseok stays pliant in the tub, seeking answers. Hanseo shreds his eyes away from his brother’s body and looks at the shower head – a sudden urge to see his brother wet pops in his head and his eyes widen in anticipation. He grabs the handheld shower head and turns on the water.
“What are you doing?” Hanseok asks, trying to get up but Hanseo pushes him down by the
shoulder. The younger sibling sprays his brother with the shower head and laughs. Watching the hot water
shoot in his brother’s face and his top get wet. Hanseok curses as Hanseo turns up the pressure and hold the shower head straight in his face. He tries to get away, but his brother holds him down firmly by the neck – making it impossible for
Hanseok to move. The water is hot, burning and stinging his eyes and ears. He feels like he is
about to drown. “Your crazy son of a bitch,” Hanseok manages to say before Hanseo grabs his face and forces his mouth open. His mouth fills with water, and Hanseok starts coughing. He tries to spit it back out, but Hanseo keeps pouring it in. It takes a few minutes but the lights in the room start going dim, and Hanseok feels like the walls are going to close around him. His brother is still laughing, enjoying the struggle. Hanseok can’t catch a breath. “Beautiful,” Hanseo says, as he brings the shower head down to Hanseok’s chest and down to his groin. Hanseo turns off the water and watches his brother, cowering and coughing for air. The sight is
magnificent. Hanseok’s clothes clutch to his skin, and it makes him look sexy. “You look good.”
Hanseo says, as he throws down the shower head. Hanseok inhales sharply and looks up. Eyes red, and face dripping with water. “Like I said,” Hanseo scratches the tip of his nose, as a smile spreads his face, “I don’t want you in the bathroom for too long.” Fuck you.” Hanseo pouts, “Or I’ll have to install a camera here too.” The look Hanseok emotes is of anger, disbelief and hatred.

The End

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