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Three days after the visit to the warehouse, Hanseo ponders over Vincenzo’s words. What should he do? He still wants to hurt his brother; the animosity isn’t gone. He still wants to humiliate and shame his brother as much as possible. However, the thought of hurting him physically is becoming a sick thought in the back of his head. But then, he can’t back out of it either. How would that make him look? Weak? After all that time, dreaming of torturing his brother, seeking revenge; now suddenly his heart is wavering? Why? Three days of being unable to see his brother, Hanseo almost misses him. He wants to visit him. He wants to watch him sleep, wake up, read the newspaper, and look out the window. How is Hanseok doing? Are Vincenzo’s men treating him, right? Vincenzo promised not to punish Hanseok while he stayed at the warehouse. His stay depended on Hanseo’s decision on what to do. He has been so uncertain over Hanseok. Unsure of what to do. To knock his brother senseless with his fists or roam his hands over his brother’s perfect body. It was his choice what he wanted, and he didn’t know what exactly it was. Both of his feeling was equally strong. They just depend on what kind of mood he was in. When Vincenzo had walked him from room to room. Hanseo’s heart sank each time. The thought
of his brother with a dog collar was humiliating, and the fact that it was Cha Young doing it
bothered him a lot! Hanseo sits in the cctv room with the monitor displaying Hanseok’s empty bedroom. The footage
is automatically erased every eight hours, and Hanseo can’t even go back to a point to see his
brother. Did he really miss his brother or was he too weak to go along with the plan to hurt him. Hanseok was already obedient enough, weak enough and did what he was told. Hanseok’s life was over; there was nothing he could do under the grip of Vincenzo or even Hanseo.
Hanseo remembers his brother hugging him, begging him. He wants to hold his older brother
again. Right now, Hanseo just wants to look at his brother, watch him sleep or read his newspaper. Since his return two months ago, Hanseo was having fun. For the life of him, he thought he would be using his brother in the apartment. He never thought about moving him, but Vincenzo was solid in
the process of carrying out torture in the warehouse. It was understandable, but it wasn’t something Hanseo really thought about.During his recovery period, when he dreamed of his brother, it was always blood and gore. Hanseo never put eyes on his brother, or the look of someone asking for mercy. It was always an obnoxious man looking at him while Hanseo beat him in the face over and over again. Hanseo always dreamt of beating his brother while being reminded of his humiliation over and over again. That anger burned in him, and he was eager to get home and carry out his revenge. He never imagined returning home and finding his brother to be a different man. Without the obnoxious face, and the almighty attitude; Hanseok was just normal. Someone who could be easily manipulated the way he was. Hanseo wipes at his face, and sighs. Why did he feel so empty? Since when did watching his brother make him feel whole? He chews on the thought as he gets up and gets ready for work. Was this the reason why Vincenzo waited to tell him? Was it to change Hanseo’s mind? Or was it
to make sure it’s exactly what Hanseo wanted? Whatever the reason was, Vincenzo got what he wanted. Hanseo wears his clothes proudly as he looks himself over the mirror. Hanseok was getting exactly what he deserved, so why was Hanseo becoming soft? Now, that
Vincenzo showed him how to bend Hanseok to his will. If Vincenzo had taken him to the warehouse early, maybe Hanseo wouldn’t have fallen for his
brother’s force. Maybe, If Vincenzo had kept Hanseok away from him, his heart wouldn’t be clenching right now.
If Vincenzo never introduced him to the new obedient, submissive Hanseok, maybe Hanseo would have never put his fingers inside of his brother.
The images of Hanseok on his knees and kicking his knees comes to mind. The erotic view of his brother bent over and at the mercy of his fingers. That’s the kind of punishment Hanseo wants to inflict. Something that would pleasure him and make him feel good. He was allowed to change his mind; no one was forcing him to do anything.
Vincenzo already told him it was his choice. Hanseo didn’t understand why he was being hesitant. He can easily bring his brother home and put him in bed. He can make Hanseok bend over and Hanseo can fully claim him. It was what his heart wanted, so why wasn’t he letting himself go for it. Would that be too easy for Hanseok? After all, he can always bring Hanseok over to the warehouse and remind him of what would
happen if he disobeyed. It was that little feeling. No matter how strong he feels – there’s still that low self-esteem inside of him. The feeling he might fall for Hanseok’s trap if he allows himself to get so deep. He still needs Vincenzo – to keep him in check. He doesn’t want to hand over the reigns to Vincenzo, but what if he has to? What if he fucks his brother and Hanseok uses it against him? What if he becomes so obsessed with Hanseok that he gets wrapped around him? He loved him – very much. Even the thoughts of hurting him was becoming vulgar. Hanseo doesn’t want his brother to be in the warehouse anymore. He isn’t certain about the punishment, yet, but he is definitely sure he doesn’t want his brother in that warehouse. The last thing he wants is to break his brother down mentally. If that happens; there would be no point of holding on to Hanseok. He drives himself to work. His old car is back. It had been sitting in some parking lot for the past year and a half – almost two years now. It feels nostalgic. The smell takes him back to the time he used to drive Hanseok around the city – the petty coffee stops in the middle of the day. Or the late-night drives when Hanseok wasn’t able
to sleep. He calls Vincenzo on his way to work. Not once, but three times. The man doesn’t pick up, so he calls Cha Young. She picks up on the first call and starts apologizing before Hanseo can even say a word, “Hey, Sorry, we have a court date.” Hanseo shakes his head, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” “That’s fine.” She speaks. Hanseo can hear Vincenzo talk in the background, “Vincenzo says he will come over to your office later.”That’s great.” Hanseo answers, it’s better to talk to him face to face. Rather than beat around the
bush, he wants to be upfront and clear with him. At the office. He sits in front of his oversized desk and twirls around in the chair. There’s nothing to do except sign papers over and over again. His assistant reminds him of meetings, and interviews, he has phone calls to make – but his mind isn’t working right now.
He stands up and stretches. Looks out the window and down at the working class. Everyone is
running somewhere – trying to impress somebody. This has been the most boring few days since he returned to Korea. His time is going by so slow, and he has no desire to accomplish anything at work or at home. He wants only one thing, Hanseok. He looks at his phone and then at the clock hung on the wall. It’s been an hour since his call to Cha Young, and he wonders if the court proceedings have ended. But from experience, he knows
they will be stuck there for at least four more hours. Hanseo - with half his will, decides to get some work done. At about twelve thirty, Hanseok takes his lunch break. He tells his assistant to stop taking calls, and he goes towards the parking lot and sits in his car – by himself, he lays his head on the steering wheel and closes his eyes.

The End

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