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Hanseo went back to work. He sat on his seat looking at the pile of papers in front of him. " I wonder what brother must be doing after I fucked him so good." He usually helped with the aftercare but since he had something urgent he just left him there to clean himself up. He checked his phone Hanseo dialled Vincenzo's waiting for him to pick up."oh are you free today? I want to meet you." "I'll text you once I get free." "Sure enough". He ended the call. Hanseo completed things one by one. As he was going through one file he remembered a flashback, the day his brother threw a lamp at him. He remembers how it hurt and how he ended up getting stitches. " I am really looking forward for more big brother. Fucking you is just a habit I developed. Even though I am gentle I still want to seek revenge on what you did to me back then. " Hanseo spoke as he crumbled one of the unused paper. Hanseok got up in panic. He dreamt that Hanseo and Vincenzo had sent him to the warehouse. Sweat began forming on his forehead. His breathing increased. He tried clutching his chest to calm himself down. He got up to into the shower. His vision kept hazing. He managed to take steps into the bathroom. Locking the door he lost his vision fainting right on the spot and banging his head to the ground. Hanseo was having a talk to Vincenzo about buisness. He wanted to join the company and make it co-ed but Vincenzo had other plans. He did not want that. "Want to come with us for dinner?" Vincenzo's question made Hanseo look at him. "I would love to but some other day I have something very special waiting for me." "Still can't get enough ?". Vincenzo joked and Hanseo laughed. "That's right. Still can't get enough. Okay I'll get going". After biding the goodbye Hanseo was back to his brother's apartment. Since he heard no noise he checked through all the rooms and then pushed the bathroom. Having the bathroom door locked he spoke from the other side. " Brother I know you are inside. Come out right away. " Hanseo ordered but was surprised that his brother was disobeying him. "Brother come out nicely when I call you, you don't want to go back to the warehouse do you ?" This time he spoke deeply. Getting no response he's nerve cracked and he got angry. Pushing the bathroom door trying to break he remembered that he had access to the spare keys. Shuffling around his pocket he pulled out a certain pair of keys. Unlocking the bathroom door he was shocked to see his brother on the ground. He thought that his brother was plotting something but then he realised that his brother had fainted. His hand still on his chest. His brother was sweating and he could see his shirt soaked in sweat. He quickly called a doctor, lifting his brother and placing him on the same bed from where he rose. While the doctor was on his way, he made his way to the CCTV footage rewinding the whole footage that's where he saw his brother gasping for air, trying to reach the bathroom. He felt guilty for not taking care of him. Walking back to where he kept his brother he checked on him untill the doctor arrived examining his brother. He waited patiently for the doctor to finish his examination on his brother. After a few minutes the doctor injected Hanseok into the vein. "He was having a panic attack. He has a lump on his head assuming he banged his head to the ground. His heartbeat died at first but now it's normal. Just make sure he doesn't have more of these since it can affect his brain." Hanseo swallowed a lump. Looking at the doctor's prescription he thanked the doctor biding a farewell to her till the gate. Hanseok rested peacefully on the bed. Hanseo returned back looking at his brother. He felt bad after listening to the doctor's words. He should be more careful. "Why are you giving me so much stress brother? Even if I hate you and want to revenge on you a part of me doesn't allow that to happen."

The End

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