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It had been hours since Hanseok had passed out. Hanseo looked at his brother's figure. Marks all over his chest and stomach. Bringing the ointment he applied them on the bruises he created. "Big brother c'mon wake up you have been sleeping almost for hours. Just a little fun and you look so dead." Hanseo spoke as he slid his hand into his brother's soft hair. He checked his brother's forehead. Heat radiating from his brother's body. "Is he having a fever now ? Big brother you really impress me somehow." Hanseo spoke as he dialled the doctor's number. In an hour the doctor was back at the same place he had treated Hanseok last time. Hanseok's bedroom. The doctor checked over his wounds and looked at Hanseo for an explanation. "Oh nothing to worry he was being punished for something. You know just a little lesson for him to learn." Hanseo spoke with a cocky tone. "I'm afraid that this might be the cause why he is in this state. " "What do you mean doc?" "He's a patient to severe migraines. Whatever happened triggered his serotonin causing his brain vessels to narrow. If this keeps happening too often he won't live long." "What do you mean by he won't live long ?! Huh?" "The only way to keep him stable is by not giving him stress and pressure to trigger whatever he is suffering from. This will help him to live long." Hanseo kept quiet swallowing each word coming out from the doctor's mouth. "since when is this happening to him? I mean the migraines?" "I'm not sure I'll have to run a CT scan over him for that but speculating over his previous condition it is almost risky. If he get more servere attacks then his brain will eventually give up." Hanseo looked at his brother again sighing softly. He never knew Hanseok was suffering so much internally. The doctor again prescribed some tablets and injections instructing Hanseo about the time and meal. After few more hours Hanseok finally woke up from eternity. To Hanseok it was all painful. He felt like he was a rock that couldn't move. He looked around slightly to check if Hanseo was still in the room but he praised God for his absence. He slightly moved out, limping? No almost crawling, heading towards the bathroom. No matter how many times he scrubbed himself over the wounds it just gave him more pain. He knew he was too tainted by Hanseo. He's forehead felt heavy but he did not care about it. All he wanted to do is hide forever. What was the use when his feelings all scattered when his brother tainted him too badly and he can't even try to forget about it ?. His lips quivered again as he couldn't stop himself from crying, making his head pain increase. "Why couldn't he just kill me? He could just use the tactics that I used on him, why does he have to do this?" Hanseok spoke slightly as his voice was hoarse and wavering from the crying. Hanseo who came back after escorting the doctor was suprised to see his brother missing on the bed. "this man really stresses the hell out of me. " Hanseo thought in his mind. He pulled open the bathroom door to see his brother scrubbing himself as he sobbed. The bath tub soon covered in red. Hanseo cursed under his breath. "What are you doing here ? You have a fever, you should be resting." Hanseo spoke trying to be gentle. Hanseok felt small everything around started to feel blurry, matter of seconds and Hanseok had fainted into Hanseo's arms. "Shit ! " Hanseo did the honours of cleaning his brother and getting him back to bed. "I guess I'll be taking a leave for a week untill he heals." Hanseo spoke to himself as he pulled the blanket over his brother's body. "rest well big brother " he again patted his brother's hair and walked to the study room. Nearing dinner time and Hanseok was waking up as he felt a towel on his head. He would admit he felt a percent better but the pain was still killing him. He adjusted his sighting to the light and he swore he passed out when he saw Hanseo sitting next to him with a bowl of water. He gripped the sheets hands trembling as he saw Hanseo remove the towel from his forehead. Hanseo moved forward towards Hanseok to place the towel on his forehead again but the man fully traumatized fell off the bed dragging his body and the sheets into the corner of the other side. "Big brother why are you running away?". Hanseo spoke suprised by the act of his brother. But Hanseok just pushed himself further into the wall. Hanseo tried to reach for his brother when he halted halfway staring at his brother in uttermost shock. His brother was crying, the body was trembling as his lips quivered and he mumbled incoherent words. "Okay big brother calm down I'm not going to do anything I just wanted to help you because you have a fever." He spoke but Hanseok was only shaking his head inhaling deep breaths and whimpering. Hanseo stared at the man with guilt. He did take things too far. "I'll leave the medicine here on the table, I'll get some food for you. Please rest on the bed while I'm gone. I'll comeback after I'm done with dinner. " Hanseo shut the door behind him. He teared up looking at the stage of his brother. "Did he also tear up when he beat the living hell out of me ? Did he even shed a tear when he shot me? All I could see was only anger while he shot me. If he did not care then why am I being a heartful asshole and feeling bad for him? Shouldn't I be like him now? Ruthless and merciless?" Hanseo shut all his thoughts up and headed towards the kitchen to make dinner. Cooking vegetable soup for the man Hanseo headed with the dinner to Hanseok's room. Hanseok was mentally preparing himself, not only was he hungry but his migraine was acting up. He heard the door knob as he saw Hanseo come in the room  with a bowl of soup. Hanseo smiled at him as he held the soup bowl on his hands bringing the spoon of soup infront of his brother's mouth Hanseo tried to keep it as soft as possible. "here you go Big brother eat well". He dared not to look at Hanseo. Hanseok just took one sip of the trying to digest it, it wasn't even half the food when he felt nauseated and limped to the bathroom throwing up whatever he has eaten. Hanseo rushed behind him to check on him. He patted his brother's back trying to soothe him. Hanseok gripped his own chest trying to breathe, he felt suffocated. Hanseo hugged his brother, his heartbeat quickened. This wasn't what he planned for the aftermath.

The End

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