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Hanseok was trying to recover. He noticed the small efforts his brother put in making his day go better. He had access to go out in the garden and get some fresh air, feel the sunlight and nature. Hanseok never planned anything anymore instead he just gave up. Hanseo had gotten him lavenders that his whole room smelled of lavenders. He was trying to act normal around Hanseo. His feelings towards Hanseo were rising back but he was somewhere scared to confess. What if he got rejected and that was taken as an advantage ? He decided to give himself some more time. "Do you want to go on the rooftop ? I have something for you. " Hanseo's voice got him back to reality. It was midnight and he was staring at the stars. What does that something mean? Will he kill me ? Am i getting punished ? Did I do something wrong ? Thoughts and panic rose into Hanseok but he trusted his brother's words and walked along with him to the rooftop. Praying internally he started sweating as he was almost at the door of the rooftop. Here goes nothing as he opened the door he was stunned to see a beautiful table set with shimmering lights. A small strawberry cake with candles stood on the table with a bottle of champagne and two wine glasses. Next to the cake Hanseok spotted a small box. He took two steps back bumping into Hanseo's figure behind him. "what happened? Don't you like it ?" Hanseo asked him as he placed his hands on Hanseok's waist. "is this all for me ?" "Of course. " Hanseok wasn't expecting him to do that. Not anything like this. He took a close look at the box that was placed next to the cake. "What happened aren't you going to check what's in the box ?" Hanseok looked at him in suprise. His heart was thumping as he thought that it was something bad but once he held out the box and opened it he immediately broke down making his brother worried for a moment. He couldn't stop crying as he ran to his brother and hugged him. "Why Hanseo?" Hanseo looked at him questioning. "why ? I don't deserve this at all I killed you, abused you and more than that I never treated you as my brother. So why did you care to do all this for me? I'm just a mere usable person who will only be there to relieve your needs. So why did you take so much efforts to do all this?" Hanseok asked Hanseo softly, tears still dampening his eyes. His shoulders slumped as he couldn't see Hanseo in the eye. "Don't forget! You are the only one that I have. I want us to be there for each other till the end not as brothers but as lovers. I know you craved a lot for sweets but you always asked for spicy food to pay for your guilt. I know it all. So let's just enjoy this day. Happy Birthday to you Hanseok." He even remembers his birthday. Hanseo was really an angel, how could he do such a thing to an innocent angel like Hanseo. He should just die instead of living like this, out of guilt. Hanseok cut the cake after blowing the candles. The cake was his favourite flavour. He fed a small part of it to Hanseo who returned the piece by his own mouth, soon it turned out heated. The cream smeared on Hanseok's lips as Hanseo held his hips pulling Hanseok closer to him. Hanseok was so happy that day since he wasn't expecting his brother to gift him his favourite coloured tie. The men faced eachother in the bathtub as Hanseok was debating to himself. "Hanseo?" He spoke. "Do you think it's okay for us to be lovers? I'm scared that Vincenzo won't like it ?" "That's nothing for him to judge our relationship. It's only us till the end so stay calm. And how about your migraines are they lessening?" "Yes just a few times but I'm fine. I am having the medication on time. " "I'm glad you recovered." Hanseok smiled genuinely. He understood what Hanseo meant. He wasn't rejected instead he was accepted. He knew that his brother would finally free him from Vincenzo. After being used, several times he did not have the courage to fight back. Not after what Hanseo did to him. It was the only way he could live alive. Staying for Hanseo. And Hanseo staying for him. After all Hanseok could finally sleep with no worries in Hanseo's arms as he was glad that he could finally let out all his feelings of love and comfort towards Hanseo.

The End of the book

I would like to thank @Moonsey on AO3 for giving me this opportunity to add more of a side story to this book. I really enjoyed writing this book alot. Please do support her on AO3.

Thank you
~ Chrishelle

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