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Before going to work. Hanseo grabs a cup of coffee and heads to the cctv room. It's become part of his morning routine to watch his brother. Today, he is running late, but he still takes the opportunity to see his brother off. There's no way he
can start off his day without watching Hanseok wake up with messy bedhair. Hanseo clicks on all the screens and his brother is missing. The bathroom door is closed, and Hanseo realizes his brother is taking a shower.
He rewinds the footage a little before seven a.m, and his forehead curves at the sight of Vincenzo sitting in the bedroom with Hanseok. The mafia boss is sitting in a chair in the corner - and it feels unsettling. Hanseok is sleeping unaware, but the second the alarm goes off - his eyes squeeze in dismay and he
blinks his eyes open. He rubs his face and gets up tiredly - yawning and stretching. It's irritating watching Hanseok startle at the sight of Vincenzo. His older brother almost scares
himself off the bed. Vincenzo stands up and walks towards Hanseok slowly. Face cold and impression remote. Hanseo watches as Vincenzo puts a hand on Hanseok's cheek and looks at the camera knowingly. Hanseo feels as if Vincenzo is trying to say something to him, and he watches as VIncenzo's lips
start moving. They are talking about something. Hanseo can't see. All he can see is Vincenzo's front, and Hanseok's back. He can see Hanseok nodding. He can see the tense rise and fall of his brother's shoulders, but he can't see the expression. Hanseo's nostril flair as he watches Vincenzo bend over to Hanseok's sitting level and grab his face.
There's a heated moment of talking, and it's over in a minute.
Vincenzo looks back to the camera, and his lips tighten. Hanseo wonders what is going on. A minute later VIncenzo is walking out the bedroom door, and out of the apartment. Hanseo relaxes. He didn’t know he had become so worked up to the point his hands hard curled
into fists. Something about Vincenzo and Hanseok being alone made his blood boil. He watches as his brother stays put on the bed for a few minutes and gets up quickly. Picking some
clothes from the drawers and dashing towards the bathroom.
Hanseok looks stressed out, and his eye are red and angry. His body looks tight, as if it’s bracing
for impact. The door to the bathroom shuts, and Hanseo knows it would be a while until his brother came out. After his visit to his brother two weeks ago. After he had shown Hanseok pleasure with his fingers;
Hanseok had went back to locking himself in the bathroom.
Hanseo laughs in his chest. This has been the best two weeks of his life. Not only did he get to pleasure his brother; the
company was doing great after the released video message from Hanseok. What a wonderful
message it was. The past two weeks have been good. Not only did he get to pleasure his brother; the company was
doing amazing things. After the release of Hanseok’s public apology, the message had sent a
positive note to the shareholders.
Cha Young had shown him the raw version of the video. Hanseok had broken down several times as he admitted to the affair with Ji Eun; something Cha Young had come up with herself. The message to the company and shareholders was hard to watch, Hanseok could barely get through a sentence as he apologized over and over again for his erratic behavior being the reason to step
down. The stock price had shot up even more as investors were turning to Hanseo as their head manager. This was all Ji Eun’s fault. She thought she was being smart by asking for Hanseok’s whereabouts, or suspecting Hanseo of foul play. In the end, Hanseo killed two conflicts at once. Not only were people aware of Hanseok’s reason to leaving such a succesful compnay, but Ji Eun was also out of the way. It wasn’t just the article that she wrote which was a problem. She had also begun an investigation into Hanseok’s dissapears. Luckily for Hanseo, she had skelltons in her closet that was easily uncovered by Vincenzo and Cha Young. She put herself in jail, and she deserved to be there. The sound of phone buzzing brought him out of thought. It was a message from Vincenzo, and it asked him to be at the parking lot by nine am.
Hanseo looks at the time, it’s eight fifteen. He wonders if Vincenzo is outside of the building and waiting for him. He taps a quick reply by texting okay, and drums his fingers over the desk. He is supposed to be at work. Hanseok takes a sip of his coffee. Vincenzo was well aware of his schedule to work. It wouldn’t be surprising if the mafia boss was aware of Hanseo’s whareabouts right now. Vincenzo probably knew he was home. Wait, which parking lot was Vincenzo referring too? He sends a quick message and waits. Hanseo wants to be sure. He wonders if they are going to visit Hanseok; it could give him the opportunity to ask Vincenzo
what he was saying earlier, but then why the parking lot? Did Vincenzo want to go to the office
with him? The phone buzzes again, and Hanseo sighs. It’s Vincenzo, asking him to meet him in the apartment building’s parking lot; Hanseo scratches his nose. So, they were going outside and not to Hanseok’s apartment. Hanseo really hopes it’s not another useless meeting with the mafia man and Cha Young. He is getting annoyed by seeing them
everyday.He looks at the time and there is twenty minutes left to nine. Vincenzo was already outside, there was no point of delaying the matter if he was parked already. Hanseo pulled on his dress shoes and steps out. As expected, Vincenzo is outside and leaning on the suv. When he notices, he greet Hanseo with a
smile. “Hope I didn’t abrupt anything.” Hanseo shakes his head, “No, you didn’t.” He looks around the area, “Why did you want to meet in the parking lot?”
Vincenzo’s sharp eyes fall on him and says, “Hanseok is coming with us. I didn’t want him going
through the front.” Hanseo freezes and confusion covers his face, “Why, where is he going?”
“Remember you asked me what I did to him, and to teach you?” Vincenzo reminds, “Today, I’m
going to show you, and teach you. You wanted to wait a month, and it’s been.” Hanseo’s heart thumps nervously; he had forgotten and he feels discomfort. Recently, he has started caring for his brother’s physical well being. Not that he forgot about the previous threats of torture, but Hanseo knew there was another way to torture his brother now, and it didn’t involve his brother getting beaten to a pulp in it. Hanseo wants to tell Vincenzo, but he is unable to. What will the man think? After what he did for
Hanseo, and all of a sudden Hanseo doesn’t want to torture his brother the way he used to imagine. He clears is throat, but doesn’t say anything. Vincenzo pats the younger man on the shoulder and asks earnestly, “Are you okay?” “I’m fine.” Hanseo says way to quickly; he has been enjoying his own way of getting revenge on his brother, and he sure hopes Vincenzo doesn’t pressure him into doing something he will regret.
In a few minutes, Vincenzo’s three men appear with Hanseok – who is being held by the arm by one of them. Was that why Hanseok looked so stressed out? Hanseo remembers from the morning footage. He can see the trembling shoulders of his brother, and the nervous gaze he eyes Hanseo with. Hanseo isn’t a weak man. He isn’t going to pity his brother over the torture that took place in the warehouse. Hanseok deserved it. He had shot him! He had humilliated and embarrased Hanseo for years, and he deserved the punishment. But didn’t Vincenzo already torture him enough? Still, Hanseo’s heart thumps when Hanseok stands in front of him and Vincenzo. “You two can ride in a different car, and you can drive us” Vincenzo points at his men, and orders them. Hanseo sits in the passenger seat, while Vincenzo and Hanseok are behind them. It’s an awkward forty minute ride to the outskirts of the city. Hanseo notices how his brother is looking out the windows yearningly, and it’s a pitiful sight. Vinecenzo Is on his phone, and working. He looks up now and then to check where they are. Hanseo watches the city behind him dissappear, and he leers out at the wood haven they have just entered. There are no cars passing by, the trees are covering the sunlight and it feels supernatural.

The End

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