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Saying nothing, Vincenzo gets up. Looks down at Hanseo’s yearning eyes and smiles. “Let’s go.”
Hanseo looks back at the monitor one more time. Sucks in his excitement and stands up.
Hanseok lives on the top floor, like a boss. Ironic considering, he is nothing more than a prisoner
now. The floor is laid with rich carpet, and Hanseo follows Vincenzo a step behind. His excitement, anxiety, and resentment has reached its peak. Today will be the day. He was going to look Hanseok in the eye and get his revenge. He was going to make the man suffer – break him all over. Tell him
his life is over. He is going to make him beg for mercy.
The elevator chimes open, and they step in. Hanseo’s mind is clustered with the thought of
Hanseok. How the man used to humiliate him – make him want to kill himself. The anger he felt at the time – he used to tell himself to have patience, it was going to pay off. Today was that day, the day he used to dream about. When the elevator doors open again, Vincenzo leads him towards the apartment door. There are two mob guards standing. “Who are they?” Hanseo asks while eyeing the brute men. “My men. If I’m at work and Hanseok is doing something stupid, I make them stop him.” Vincenzo nods at the two men who accost. He opens the door strongly, “I’ve changed the locks and code for the pad.”
Is that allowed?” Hanseo asks, confused why a public building would let Vincenzo do that.
“I have my ways.” Vincenzo says, opening the door to Hanseok’s apartment. Hanseo has been here many times, but the last time he entered was more than a year ago. The furniture is the same, but the air is different. Whenever Hanseo used to enter, the strong rich smell of cologne used to be in the air. The aroma of someone filthy rich living inside the apartment. Now, it smelled like tears and regret.
The walls are different. He touches one side of the wall and realizes the cushion, “Soundproof?” Vincenzo nods, stepping into the foyer. “He’s a screamer.” Hanseo chuckles.
Vincenzo walks into the hallway and taps on the bathroom door. Hanseo steps forward and stands
shoulder to shoulder with Vincenzo. The familiar house feels a little strange.
There’s a loud shuffle in the bathroom, and the door clicks. Both Vincenzo and Hanseo step back as a distressed Hanseok appears. It takes Hanseok ten seconds to recognize Hanseo, and his eyes bulge in fright, anger, and surprise.
Hanseo waves a hand at him.
Hi!” Hanseo grins wide, his heart thumping out of his chest. The look on Hanseok’s face is
beautiful. Vincenzo has his hands in his pant pockets, and he eyes Hanseo and Hanseok intently. The men are staring at each other. Hanseok looks like he wants to bite Hanseo’s head off, and before anything can start, he gives his order. Vincenzo pulls out his hand and points his finger down. Like tapping
at the floor, his finger hammers and Hanseok takes heed. Hanseo looks at what Vincenzo is doing, and watches as the all mighty Hanseok gets on his knees.
It’s a sight to behold. Hanseo laughs and bumps his shoulder into Vincenzo. Hanseok is shaking in anger and humiliation, but his eyes are glued to Hanseo with fury.
You look good on your knees.” Hanseo steps forward, “Beautiful.” He puts his fingers under Hanseok’s chin and raises it more. Hanseok already has his head straining Hanseo, but the sudden jolt of being lifted makes his neck cram. Hanseok hisses, and Hanseo indulges. Vincenzo stands back and watches the brothers. He notices the same clothes Hanseok is wearing
from yesterday, and it makes him mad. “Did you miss me?” Hanseo asks, mesmerized by Hanseok’s lack of response. “I thought about you all the time.” With that, Hanseok smirks, but quickly falters when he realizes what he did. His eyes flicker towards Vincenzo in panic, and then back to Hanseo. Hanseok notices it.
Vincenzo is watching, he also doesn’t miss the beat.  As Hanseok’s stomach sinks, he clenches his fist at Hanseo. Contemplating. There is still fight left in Hanseok. Vincenzo knows, he has left the rest for Hanseo to destroy. “My handsome brother,” Hanseo looks at Hanseok’s fists, “Wants to hit me?” He chuckles at his own question. Hanseok purses his lips, tight with anger. His head wrinkles, and his nostrils flair. No sounds come
out of him except the loud rasping of angry air. “Did you take your shower?” Vincenzo’s words are strict, in a world of his own. Hanseo turns to look at Vincenzo – the man is furious.
Hanseok’s lips quiver when starts answering. Hanseo loves the sudden fear in his brother.
I…I was about to.” Hanseok swallows the lie with much effort. The anger smoothed out by Vincenzo’s intimidating glare.
You were about to?” Vincenzo repeats, stepping forward. “I gave you a strict schedule to follow
all the time, not whenever you feel like it.” There is venom in his words. Vincenzo clenches his fist
in and out and stretches his fingers. Hanseo has only seen this side of Vincenzo during fights. Vincenzo slams his open palm across Hanseok’s face, loud and painful. Hanseo has to wince at the sound. Hanseok falls off his knees and crashes to the floor. The most pitiful whimper escapes his lips as he stumbles back up to his knees. A single tear falling, and blood dripping from his split lip. There is a cut on his cheek, and his eye is twitching in pain. For the second time today, Hanseo’s groin jolts in excitement. His brother is silently crying. His face bruised, and his body shivering. The look on his face is rare – Hanseo has never seen his brother like this before. Hanseo grins, laughs.
This is embarrassing.” Vincenzo scolds, “Your brother is here to visit you and you are still in your
clothes from last night.” “I’m sorry,” Hanseok’s voice breaks, “I didn’t know he was coming.” He is looking down at Vincenzo’s feet. “You didn’t know?” Vincenzo asks, “Was I supposed to tell you?” I’m sorry,” Hanseok says again. “Say that to your brother.” It’s a demand from Vincenzo, and Hanseo looks at him in surprise.
What’s more surprising is that Hanseok doesn’t need to be told twice. Like an obedient bitch, he
turns to Hanseo with red brimmed eyes and mewls, “I…I’m sorry.” Hanseok takes in a deep breath. Humiliation present on his face. Hanseo opens his mouth. He laughs, and laughs.

The End

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