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Hanseo pumps his dick with the thoughts of Hanseok crying and screaming. His brother; on his
hands and knees writhing in sex. What a sight. It was going to happen one day, Hanseo promises himself that. He takes sharp breaths and releases himself in the shower. The hot water washing away the come
that splashes on the wall. It’s been two weeks! Two weeks since he saw his brother squiring in different kind of pain. The pain, tears and blood on his face! Hanseo smiles. It was all coming together. His brother was
weaker than him. He was going to do whatever he wants with him. Vincenzo has told him not to visit Hanseok until the man recovered. Honestly, Hanseo didn’t want to see his brother anyway. Not with that face! He wanted to see his brother all beautiful and sexy. He can wait. He will wait. Though Hanseok looks better than he did two weeks ago, there are still cuts on his face. Maybe a few more days, and Hanseo can go and give him some fresh bruises. The thought of it shoots his groin to life again. He can’t wait to lay hands on that smooth soft skin of Hanseok, the weak attempts at defense, and the panic on his face once he realized he couldn’t hit Hanseo anymore. Hanseo cleans himself, and steps out of the shower. He would love to go for round two, but today he has an interview. It is going to be his first interview after taking over Babel Group. He knows it’s going to be exasperating. Hanseo’s interest in Babel Group is diminishing. He just wants to be homed all day and watch Hanseok through the monitors. Watch him wake up, watch him go to the bathroom with bed hair,
eat breakfast, stretch, take a shower, read the newspaper, and just stand against the windows and watch people live their lives outside. It is the same routine with his brother. Hanseo can’t imagine doing that for over a year. Hanseok is slowly withering away in his apartment. It may not be physically – physically he looks fit, some people have unfair body types – but emotionally, Hanseok is deteriorating. Hanseo still can’t get over that face. The day the article was released about Babel Group’s new CEO. Hanseok’s face had flickered between jealousy and fury. The way he scoffed every now and then while reading the article. Beautiful.
Of course, Hanseo was watching him through the cctv cameras.
Hanseo wraps a towel around his hips and walks into the huge closet. He has been through this
already, Hanseo thinks as he grabs the plaid blue suit, but his stomach still sinks with nervousness. He is doing an official interview with a financial market journalist. Not only that, but it is going to be live. Hanseo wears his clothes absent mindedly as one particular journalist comes to mind. Ji Eun – a female journalist with an arrogant attitude, she had some kind of animosity towards him.
When the news reached the ears of journalists, there were several articles released about Hanseo’s
incompetence. It bothered him the wrong way. Most of these articles were ‘opinions’ released by Ji Eun on her social accounts, but they were being discussed in serious situations regarding the
company. There was a narrative about him already and Hanseo rolled his eyes at the thought of getting everyone on his side.
He knew for a fact that Ji Eun had a crush on Hanseok, and always tried to flirt with him. The way Hanseok would look down on Hanseo, even she had started to do so. Hanseo scoffs at the thought. Hanseo wonders if the aggressive posts about him are business related or personal. Is she doing it out of spite because Hanseo is the new CEO, and her crush has disappeared. Hanseo contemplates, and then shakes his head. If that bitch says anything to him today, he is
going to end her career.
The doorbell rings and Hanseo quickly picks a tie to wear. It is a good choice; when Cha Young
sees him, she gasps in delight.
“Looking handsome as ever,” she says, walking inside with Vincenzo in toe. “Thank You,” Hanseo walks between her and Vincenzo. They are both going to be escorting him to the interview. Vincenzo and Cha Young are his councils for now. “Are you ready?” Cha young asks.
Hanseo doesn’t care. He just wants to get it over with. “Yes.”
“I’ve prepared all the questions for the interviewer to ask,” Cha Young gives Hanseo a batch of
papers, and he looks over them. “They are a lot but most of them are repeat questions with same
answers.” Hanseo nods, “You shouldn’t have bothered, I was just going to keep it short and end the interview.” Vincenzo tuts, “That’s a bad start.” “Not really,” Hanseo corrects, “I have a plan.”
Cha Young and Vincenzo look at him curiously, “What’s the plan?” Vincenzo asks. Hanseo smirks, “You will see.” “Anything big we should be aware of?” Vincenzo asks, as he starts going to the kitchen. He picks up the coffee mug and pours himself one in a plastic cup. “No not really. Just a little business plan I came up with. It will be okay.” He says, looking at his new expensive Phillips Geneva watch. Vincenzo and Cha Young look at each other and nod. Like Hanseo had predicted, the female journalist is there – Ji Eun – Hanseok’s fan. She should change her occupation from journalist to Hanseok’s personal addict.
Ji Eun sits across Hanseo on the round table. She has her nose high in the sky, and Hanseo wishes he could grab and pull it down to earth. She looks like she doesn’t accept Hanseo’s position as the new CEO. The entitlement of some journalist is astounding.
Hanseo is expecting a second journalist too but realizes soon enough it’s just him and her.
The camera man shouts at them, and Ji Eun turns into a completely different person. Her lips twitch into something of a smile, and she looks at Hanseo intently. Hanseo wants to stand up and throw his chair across the floor when Ji Eun starts asking him about Hanseok instead! It’s not a question that Cha Young has approved of, so he wonders why this bitch is going off script.
Thankfully Hanseo is also expecting it; but it still bothers. He keeps his composure and smiles. “My dear brother felt the need to step down because he felt his presence wasn’t enough to grow the company much further. He knew the possibilities, but he couldn’t deliver on anything.”
Ji Eun’s nostril tremble. “Do you think you can grow the company instead?” She asks, becoming uptight. “Of Course.” Hanseo looks at her with a smug smile.
“Oh really,” She plays with the pen in her hand, “How do you plan on doing that?” “I can’t share any information right now,” Hanseo pouts, “But it will deliver soon enough.” Ji Eun doesn’t buy it. She purses her lips while nodding in disbelief. “Where is your brother now?” Hanseo nods, “He is in New York.” Why?” She asks, “He disappeared without a word, no one has seen him for more than a year.” “He would like some privacy. He is going through a difficult time.” Ji Eun raises her nose and looks down at Hanseo with hooded eyes, “Have you spoken to him?” “I speak to him every day.” Really?” Ji Eun sneers, “What was the last thing you spoke to him about?” This feels like an investigation. Hanseo grinds his teeth but remains poise. “He said he believed in me, and what I can do for the company.” Hanseo’s lip twitch upward and Ji Eun looks at him tangibly. “Let talk about your past.” She speaks. Let’s not!
During the car ride, Hanseo had asked Cha Young to interrupt him in ten minutes. It’s been ten
minutes! It was great timing.
A young man, which looks like an assistant comes to Ji Eun and whispers in her ear. Hanseo
watches her eyes turn angry. Her face remains plastic as Hanseo doesn’t see any wrinkles forming
on them.

The End

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