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He stays like that for ten minutes before he dashes back to the bedroom and grabs clothes and the newspaper. Hanseo watches as his brother flashes the bathroom door camera a look and disappears inside of it.
Hanseo waits. He finishes his food and cleans up. Drinks the full water bottle and drums his fingers on the desk. Again, Hanseok is taking too long in the bathroom. Hanseo gives him the benefit of the doubt. Taking a long shower is something he did often. Maybe the big brother was taking his sweet time because he had nothing to do. However, Hanseok had taken the newspaper inside as well.
Hanseo fast-forwards by five hours. Unbelievable. The apartment door opens again with Hanseok’s lunch, but the older brother doesn’t come out. One and a half hour later, Hanseok comes out. Out of his night clothes, and ready with his day
clothes. Snug and fit. Hanseok sits on the island chair and starts eating. There isn’t a good view of the older sibling, but Hanseo knows from the slump shoulders and numb hand movements that Hanseok isn’t enjoying his food.
Hanseo sneers at him, “This isn’t like before, dear brother.” There won’t be three course meals for
you anymore! No more luxurious restaurants or rare expensive food. Or cheap spicy noodles; Hanseok’s comfort food. Many times, did Hanseo got it for him; during busy work days, sick days, or the rare nights Hanseok would have Hanseo over because of boredom – Hanseo wondered if it was because of loneliness instead – just to belittle him until bed time. Thirty minutes later; Hanseok heads back to the bathroom, and Hanseo groans. That is it for the footage. Hanseo forwards until it is the current time. Seven thirty. It would seem like Hanseok won’t be coming out until dinner time; and that would be in thirty minutes.
Hanseo takes the opportunity to clean up the desk and go to the bathroom. Vincenzo had said Hanseok followed a strict schedule, but from what Hanseo was witnessing, the only rule his brother followed was waking at seven and going to bed at eleven. He needs to have a talk with Vincenzo about that! Dinner is the same as lunch. Hanseok eats white rice with a vegetable side dish. His composure is the same, except he seems a little more tired. The newspaper sits with him on the island, and he looks down at the article about Babel group; Hanseo knows because he can see the large, printed title.
Hanseo waits, and watches. His brother has really become a slow eater; from taking a bite to
reading the newspaper, it was being dragged. Hanseo wants to grab that damn paper and throw it to the floor.Bet he couldn’t wait for tomorrow’s paper; Hanseo knows his brother is going to be elated after seeing the price drop. Tomorrow is Saturday, and he is free; Hanseo can watch in real time as Hanseok’s face turns smug. It is an annoying look on his brother, but it is addictive. He usually wants to punch the look off of his brother, but recently he wants to devour it instead.
Hanseok cleans the island when he is done. The garbage bin full as he takes the bag out and wraps it at the top. He knocks the entrance door and waits. It takes a minute for the goons from the other side to open the door. One of the brutes looks at him and grabs the garbage bag out of his hands. Hanseok isn’t supposed to step out of the apartment, let
alone put the garbage out. The brute slams the door shut, and Hanseok shudders – Hanseo assumes from the sound. Hanseo laughs. Hanseok never used to be this anxious. It is good to see him come down the high horse he was on for so many years. Hanseok goes back to the bathroom, and Hanseo punches the desk in irritation. This is getting ridiculous. He tells himself; If Hanseok doesn’t come out in five minutes he is going to go to the apartment and drag him out. Why is there even a door to the bathroom? Hanseo’s temperament rises, and he clutches his forehead in anger.
His chair shoots backwards as he rises furiously. He goes to his closet and grabs some joggers to
wear and throws on a white t shirt. He slips into his flippers and dashes out of his apartment.
Hanseo had a long strenuous day today; he isn’t going to keep up with his brother’s shenanigans
today! It’s a five-minute cut and he is opening his brother’s apartment door. The sound making Hanseok pop his head out of the bathroom. “Why are you always in the bathroom?” Hanseo shouts, meeting his brother’s stupor. Hanseok
stands in the bathroom doorway and doesn’t speak or budge.
Hanseok steps back when the younger sibling steps into his personal space. Hanseo looks behind his brother’s shoulders, to see if there is anything in the bathroom, but he can’t see anything with Hanseok standing in the way. He pushes his brother to the side; force that makes Hanseok almost fall. There is nothing in the bathroom out of the ordinary. Hanseo raises his arms in dismay, “Why are you always here?” Hanseok is breathing heavily; hands turned to fists, and his teeth clenched.
The younger brother dismisses him with an eyebrow jerk, “I don’t want you here all the time. The only time you come out Is to eat and sleep.” Hanseo has his hands on his hips and looking around at the huge bathroom; he doesn’t sense Hanseok coming behind him. Hanseok grabs Hanseo by the shoulder and turns him around, laying a fist into his brother’s jaw. Surprised, Hanseo tumbles backwards and falls in the tub behind. He growls in anger as he holds his jaw and hisses up at Hanseok. “You shouldn’t have done that.”
“You are a fucking creep!” Hanseok screams, “You watch me all day long?” he says, sneering, “I always knew you were fucking weird, but this is ridiculous.” His voice starts breaking. Hanseo sneers back, but Hanseok kicks the hand gripping the tub curve. Again, Hanseo hisses in pain.
Oh,” Hanseo starts laughing, “What are you going to do about it?” Hanseok’s eyes flash in anger as he steps towards Hanseo. The older brother is about to hit again, but Hanseo grabs his wrist and pulls him forwards. Hanseok falls on top of the younger brother. Hanseo laughs maniacally at his brother’s weak attempts at getting up. They both wrestle a bit before Hanseo gets the upper hand and slaps Hanseok hard on the cheek.
Enough,” The younger sibling says as he picks himself up and gets out of the tub. Hanseo watches his brother wipe away the little blood on his cheek. When did he become so fragile?
“What do you want?” Hanseok looks from under his dark eyelashes. The same anger evident in his face, but his voice is wavering. Hanseo watches.
“Are you getting off on this?” Hanseok smirks, his gaze dashing, “Is this what you dreamed about when you were away for the past year and half. To lock me in my apartment and watch me day and night.” Hanseok’s nostril twitches, “You watch me sleep too?”

The End

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