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The next room is the same, but with some weapons.” Vincenzo quickly walks out and enters
another room. “Whips, bats, hockey sticks, chains, a hammer.” Hanseo looks at Vincenzo, “What did you do with the hammer?”
“Break his fingers one by one.” Vincenzo picks up the hammer that’s sitting on a large wooden
table. “Broke his shins twice.”
Hanseo cringes. He goes over to the table and looks at all the weapons. “What if he tried to steal one of them.” “He tried once.” Vincenzo admits, “That was a big lesson for him. Used every single weapon on him available here.” He puts down the hamemr and picks up a whip. “A hundred lashes.” Putting the whip down, he picked up a chain, “choked him with a chain.” And picking up a hockey stick, "beat him with a hockey stick until he bled into unconciousness.” Hanseo scratches his head as he looks around the room. “Was it you or your men that beat him?”
“If I was available, then me. If not, the men had to do it.” “How often?” “Once a week.” Vincenzo said. “Different methods were used each day.” “I thought you said to give him rest after injuries to not give him permenent damage.” Hanseo looks confused and angry, “Was that not followed here?” “That was set up after you told me you wanted revenge. You were in a coma for four months, I didn’t know you wanted to get back at him that time. When I realized you wanted to hurt him, I stoped being erratic.” Vincenzo says mournfully, “I went easy on him once I took him to the
apartment, but I made sure to keep the fear alive in him.”
Hanseo nods, remembering his dark days at the hospital. His chest rises in guilt as he looks at
Vincenzo apologetically, “Sorry,” Hanseo says, “I didn’t mean to be an ass.” Vincenzo blinks with wide eyes and shakes his head, “Don’t worry,” he smiles.
There is a barrel container in the next room. “This room was used to freeze him. Bury him in barrel
full of ice water with a lid on top.” Vincenzo pinches his nose, “Most of the methods don’t look
serious, but they were used vigoriously,” he looks at Hanseo for affirmation, “This used to be for rack torturing.” “What’s rack torturing?” Hanseo asks. Walking in, he opens the barrel lid and looks inside uncomfortably. There are small holes at the top that Hanseo assumes is for air.
“It was to dislocated his limbs by stretching them on all sides.” Vincenzo stands next to Hanseo,
“That was supposed to give him permanent damage, but I exchanged it for this method.”
Hanseo nods, “How many times did you dislocate his limbs? "
“His wrists were the easiest, and his knees would give out every now and then.” No wonder Hanseok didn’t have much strength when he slapped Hanseo. Hanseok’s wrist were
messed up. “I think you might have given him permenant damage in the wrists.” Hanseo doesn’t look at Vincenzo, instead he massages the top ring of the barrell. “This is a good exchange
though.” “I exchanged most of them” Vincenzo walks to the doorway, “I don’t think you would have liked them.” Hanseo pouts, “He turned out great though,” he admits, “He is submissive, which Is what I want.” “And he doesn’t have scars for you to worry about.” Vinenzo leads him to another room, palm on
handle but Hanseo stops him.
I want to go to the white room.” He looks towards the door where two of Vincenzo’s men are
standing.“I want to see it.”
Vincenzo looks to where Hanseo’s eyes are laid, “Alright.” He steps forward and leads Hanseo to the last room. Hanseo has never seen such a pure white room before. Walls, floor and celing. The place compared
to rooms in a mental institutions. There are no furnitures, and the walls are covered with soft
panels. Hanseok is sitting in the corner with his face covered in his knees. He looks up with squinting eyes, and stands up. He looks at them eagery, ready to leave. “Hanseo,” Hanseok runs towards the them. The older brother wraps his arms around the younger brother and pulls him in a suffocating embrace.
Hanseo likes the feeling of his brother against him, but he is confused. He pulls back and watches the tears in his brother’s eyes. “Hanseo, don’t leave me here.” Hanseok begs, “Please. I’ll do anything you want.”
Vincenzo pushes Hanseok back, and pulls Hanseo out by the shoulder.“I usually wear glasses but I forgot to bring them,” Vincenzo locks the door and traps the older brother inside, “This is seventy percent of energy, you can make it brighter.”Hanseo wonders. The lights are uncomfortable. It’s like staring at the sun with naked eyes. “Won’t
it damage his eyes?” There is banging from inside the door, and again Hanseo’s heart sinks.
“It will. We switch it up.” Vincenzo knocks the door awell, and the commotion inside stops.
“There are strobe lights, and flickering lights that can really mess with someone’s well being.”
Vincenzo starts walking back to the hallway, “There is a process to everything. No matter how
lenient they seem, when used correctly, they can be deadly.” He eyes Hanseo, “There is no sense
of time for him. It’s the same for him all the time. Those lights never go out.” “What about night time, do you turn it off?” Hanseo asks, looking at the locked door with Hanseok inside and walking slowly behind Vincenzo. “There isn’t a clock here. My guys work twenty four seven.” Vincenzo stops and leans on the wall,
“Every few hours, we take him to a certain room. Then another time, we let him rest a little longer, or a little less and repeat his punishment.” “It was like that for how long?”“For six months.”
Hanseo is impressed, “It took six months to break him?” he raises both his eyesbrows as he walks
back and forth. “It’s not easy on anyone going through this.” Vincenzo watches the uncertain gaze of Hanseo closely, “You have to be cruel and brutal. You have to have an iron heart to ignore the begging and screaming. The sound of torture will stay with you when you go home.” Hanseo scratches his forehead and laughs, “What are you trying to say?” “I’m not trying to say anything,” Vincenzo’s eyes never waver, “I telling you how it’s going to be.” Hanseo shrugs, “Okay.” “There’s a reason why I waited for a month to show this to you. And another month when you asked me to.” He admits, “I want you to know, you will have a human being at your mercy. And
whatever damage you do to him, permenant or temporary, you will never be able to take it back.”
Hanseo can see the concern in Vincenzo’s eyes. Did he think Hanseo was too weak to go through with the plan? The plan to torture his brother and make him regret his very existence?
“I know what I’m doing!” Hanseo states, “I know what I want.”
Vincenzo regards him, but doesn’t say anything. I know I can do it, but should I? Hanseo bites his lip and looks around the warehouse. His brother looks so horrified in the white room.
It’s not that his pride was on the line. Hanseo grinds his teeth and looks at Vincenzo slyly. “I have to go to work.” Hanseo swallows, clearing his throat. Vincenzo nods, “We can come after work and start.” What, no! “I..no.” Hanseo starts.

The End

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