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Hanseo screws his finger around Hanseok’s asshole and starts massaging meat with the tip of his finger. When his finger is comfortable enough to slide in and out of the hole; Hanseo drips more lube into his fingers and adds a second finger. The tips of his middle and index finger slid inside Hanseok, and the ass gap spreads sensually. Hanseok raises his neck, and whines; Hanseo doesn’t care, he slides the fingers deeper till his
middle knuckles are inside and starts finger fucking his brother again. “This is so good,” Hanseo increases the pace of his fingers; fucking Hanseok faster. “Stop,” Hanseok’s voice is between a sob and breathlessness while he mewls as his hips buck. “No,” Hanseo’s fingers go deeper, down to his bottom and massages his brother inside. Even though it is his first-time fingering someone; Hanseo read through countless porn sites to get an idea of what is required to make someone come. Hanseok’s hips are bucking every time Hanseo
fingers the spot on the left side of his ass, and Hanseo is pretty sure he found the spot. “What do you say, a third finger?” Hanseo asks while his two fingers fit snug and deeply inside his brother.
Hanseo,” The older brother whines, “Stop, this is wrong.”
“Is it?” Hanseo is really hard right now, he can feel himself getting wet. Hanseok’s breathless voice doesn’t help either, “I think you deserve a third finger.” He inserts the third finger slowly and starts pumping them in and out. Hanseo doesn’t know who is
feeling it more, himself or his brother. He feels himself wet in his pants, and the uncomfortable
angle of his groin. He wants to release himself more than fucking his brother right now!
Hanseok groans into the sheets, and squirms. His thighs are quivering, and he looks so sexual right now. Hanseo wants to pull out his dick and shove it inside of Hanseok; will that be, okay? Hanseo hesitates. He swallows hard, and his heart beats faster. He looks between his fingers, and to Hanseok’s face buried.
He would love to fuck him like this. Knees on ground, while his upper body rested on the bed.
Also, the thought of Vincenzo watching while he fucked his brother was inviting. Hanseok’s hips are moving side to side, as if trying to get rid of Hanseo’s fingers. The younger brother smirks, and wonders if his older brother realizes how good he looks from the back. Hanseo starts pounding him. Fingers inside and out; inside and rubbing the sexy parts of him.
Hanseo touches his own dick through the pants and starts rubbing it. He was getting close; he growls and makes a last second decision. He unzips his pants with one hand and pulls out his hard dick. He curves his free hand around it and pumps it to the same rhythm as the finger fucking, he is giving Hanseok. “Oh, shit,” Hanseo gasps.
Usually, he jerks in private but today is an exception. He looks at the camera and then down at
Hanseok. He pulls his fingers out of his brother and stands up. Hanseok still in his position as
Hanseo takes a deep breath and releases himself heatedly on Hanseok’s perfect ass.Hanseok is sobbing. Hanseo gives his dick another jerk and releases more come and watches as it slides down Hanseok’s curvy ass. The older brother has his face buried deep into the sheets and for that Hanseo is grateful. He quickly zips up his pants and shoots out of the bedroom. He doesn’t know why, but he wants out of there quick. He arranges his groin back into his pants as he walks out of the apartment. Such a strong feeling right now. Hanseo’s ears are filled with air, and his face is hot. The thought of doing his brother is even greater now.

The End

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