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Hanseo can't stop thinking about his brother. The way Hanseok's lips quivered, or his flushed face
and pink lips. He wasn't expecting his brother to look extra pretty when he came to see him. Yes, Hanseo knew how good looking his brother was; but almost two years away from seeing that face - he almost forgot the mesmerizing face. Hanseo couldn't believe how much he missed looking at him. He had thought about bending his brother over, but it was out of revenge. Today, when he saw his brother kneeling; his heart fluttered over how gorgeous he looked. He couldn't believe how obedient had become. What exactly did Vincenzo do to him? Hanseok looked completely healthy, except for the little weight loss. It was staggering.
"I'm sorry," Hanseok looking up at Hanseo and apologizing.
It was so beautiful. Hanseok on his knees and looking up at him from under his thick eye lashes.
Never in his days at the hospital did he imagine a scene like that.
Hanseo wants to see that often. It took him all his strength to not grab Hanseok by the hair and
shove his face into Hanseo’s groin. He is getting hard, but it’s been a long day. He is too tired to do something about it. He takes a
quick shower, and it helps a lot. Right now, the throbbing in his heart is stronger than the one in
his groin. He goes straight to bed; a smile on his face, as Hanseok consumes him with sleep.
Though he won't mind dreaming of Hanseok all night. It's a memory that overtakes him throughout the darkness. It's anything but a pleasant sequence. It's a memory from only two years ago. Three months before Hanseok mercilessly shot him. In his sleep, he remembers Hanseok slapping him in the meeting room; in front of an up-and-
coming CEO of a big shot fortune one hundred company. A CEO that was seen often these days on
the news. In his dream, Hanseo deludes himself by fighting for his pride, instead, Hanseok knocks him down with the heel of his dress shoes and laughs as Hanseo retreats into a dark corner with his cowering
body. Hanseo swallows hard. Sweat and heat building in his body as anger overtakes him.
The memories can only be replaced by retaliation.
Retaliation that he will conduct happily. The smell of Coffee wakes Hanseo from his nightmare. He rubs his face and looks at the digital clock on his nightstand- it's flashing ten thirty. Considering what time he went to bed - around seven - he still feels the jet lag in his body.
He sits up and stretches his arms and chest.Expecting a beautiful day today, he smiles and forces himself out of bed. There is sweat sticking to his clothes, and instead of visiting the kitchen - which is most definitely
occupied by Vincenzo right now - he options to take a shower first.
Vincenzo is dressed to work - for his office. But the blue cooking apron wraps around neatly as he
prepares a plate of English Breakfast. Hanseo's new craving - Toasted muffin, spinach, two
poached eggs and hash browns.
He drums his fingers on the kitchen Island and waits for the young Jang brother to walk in. He already heard the shower head turning on, and hopefully he won't be taking too long.
He pours a cup of coffee in a mug for himself and prepares another plate of English Breakfast for
himself. He is getting late to work, but he spares his hours for the young man instead. He already sent Cha Young off, so she would be taking care of everything herself now.
He drums his fingers on the coffee cup as he takes a bite out of his breakfast. Thankfully, Hanseo doesn’t hog the shower, and Vincenzo can hear footsteps approach. Hanseo walks in with his blue purple robe wrapped snuggly around his body. He has a bright smile on his face, as fresh as anyone can be early morning. "Good morning," Vincenzo says, grabbing the plate he prepared for Hanseo and pushing it forward. “Good morning,” Hanseo sits on the island chair, and grabs the utensils. “How was your night?”
Good,” Hanseo takes a bite of the hash browns and swallows the lie easily. His night was
anything but good – it’s not a problem though. Vincenzo spreads his hands on the island, the small red kitchen towel on his shoulder. “I know it’s
too soon, but if you are okay with it,” he says, “Me and Cha will release the news of you returning
and taking over Babel Group.”
Hanseo nods and continues eating his food. “You don’t have to go public now.” “I don’t care.” Hanseo isn’t interested in business right now, “Do what you think is best.” And then he stops eating, “Wait, where is she?”
Vincenzo smiles, and looks at his watch, “She left hours ago.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” Hanseo apologizes, “I was too tired, I know it’s late.” His eyes wonder, “Why aren’t you at work?”
It’s your first day back in Korea. I think I’ll cook breakfast to welcome you back officially.”
Hanseo squeezes his eyes, but and purses his lips in delight. “Thank you.” “So,” The mafia boss pokes, “What will you do today?” Hanseo chews on his food, and raises his fork at Vincenzo, “Give big brother another visit.” He
laughs. Vincenzo pokes at something in his teeth with his tongue and looks down.
What’s wrong?” Hanseo asks, as he notices the slight conflict in the mafia leader’s eyes.
Vincenzo shakes his head, “Nothing’s wrong,” he speaks, “I don’t want you to rush and give him leeway.” What do you mean?” “He persuaded one of my guys into freeing him.” Vincenzo takes a sip of his coffee and thinks deeply. “What happened?” Hanseo asks, curious. Indulging in his own coffee, he pushes for information. “Not sure how it happened, but we caught him at the lobby, thankfully. The doorman contacted me.” “The doorman?” Hanseo asks, coffee at his lips but eyes on Vincenzo.
I have a lot of people under me in this building.” Vincenzo watches the corners of Hanseo’s lips
quirk. Hanseo doesn’t say anything. He enjoys his coffee and ponders. He still wants to see Hanseok today, in person. “I won’t’ let him influence me,” not anymore, “I’ve been thinking of nothing but him over the past year and a half. I know how he is.” “What do you plan to do today?” Vincenzo asks, scratching the bottom of his chin.
Hanseo thinks. The quivering lips, and long lashes covered with tears. The bruise on Hanseok’s lips as he said sorry. He wants to see it again.
Before Hanseo can reply; Vincenzo struts backwards and says, “I have work today. I can’t go with you.” The younger Jang brother doesn’t reply. Instead, his mind hovers back to his brother, on his knees. “Hanseo?” Vincenzo calls. “Hmm?” Hanseo shudders, “Oh, sorry,” he apologizes. “I can’t go with you to his apartment. You have to wait for me to come from work, and we can visit him later in the evening.” Hanseo rejects, “I can go myself.” Vincenzo shakes his head, and the side lip twist in disagreement. “Take one of my guys with you.” Hanseo doesn’t fight it. The mafia boss watches Hanseo take a sip of his coffee, “You said it yourself,” Vincenzo reminds him, “He is a snake. I expect you to be smarter.”
Hanseo nods, “Don’t worry. I don’t intend to let him fool me anymore. My only goal is to hurt him."

The End

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