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Hanseok’s gives Hanseo a scornful look, “And what’s going on here?” he asks, as he pulls at his wrist with no avail. The surprise strength of the hold still perplexing. “Do you know why I’m here?” Hanseo asks, eyes fluttering up to his brother questioningly. Curious to know if his brother is aware of the situation. Hanseok stops pulling his hand and looks at Hanseo dead in the eyes. Scoffing, he turns his head to the side in arrogance, “Let me guess, you want my fortune? Sit in the CEO’s chair and play baby boss?” He taunts, “Kiddo,” he smirks; free hand patting Hanseo’s cheek, “It won’t last long.” Hanseo starts giggling, but then squeezes Hanseok’s captured wrist some more. The older brother
whimpers in pain, but the arrogance remains. “Might as well let Vincenzo sit on it. You’ll probably crash the entire market when shareholders find out such a weak and insufficient bastard has taken over the company.” Hanseok’s lips move up on one side, “Imagine the rush they’ll get when they televise the time, I called you out on your stupidity.”
Hanseo remembers. He remembers the time during a shareholder meeting – A question about a merger had popped up. Hanseok had been busy answering a different question and wasn’t able to
answer. Hanseo – who was out of the loop during the time – had dismissed such news. The stock
price had gone down by almost ten percent that day. Hanseok, in all his glory had belittled Hanseo and told everyone the younger man was too naïve for his own good. Hanseo had made it on the newspaper the next day, and Hanseok had laughed at him. “I can imagine the shock and ripple - as I watch price go down.” Hanseok sways his body, “Hope
this time it would be front page news.” Hanseo breathes rigidly, doesn’t let Hanseok affect him too much. Hanseok swipes a tongue over his teeth, “Why don’t you be a good little boy, and let me go.” He stares deeply into Hanseo’s lingering eyes. He tilts his head to the side and looks slyly between his captured wrist and his younger brother’s numb face. Hanseo stays quite for a second, and then blinks away the anger that had piled up. A smile
reappears on his face, and he shakes his head, “No, silly. That’s not why I’m here.” Hanseok’s face drops, and he pulls at his wrist. Animosity pushing its way into his strength. He almost slips out of Hanseo’s grip. “I’m here to…” Hanseo thinks about it. Should he say it? Would it sound too childish if he tells his older brother he wants revenge? He mulls over it a second too long.
“You’re here for what, Hanseo?” The older brother asks, painfully aware of how Hanseo’s hand is
strengthening its hold on him. With each word Hanseok speaks, Hanseo’s grip tightens in anger.
“I’m here to teach you a lesson in humility.” Hanseok sneers, “Jeez, it’s worse than I thought.” He rolls his eyes and starts laughing.
Hanseo starts laughing with him.
“So, what are you going to do?” Hanseok asks; pouting like an innocent kid, “How is a second
fiddle to my shadow going to teach me a lesson?” Cute.
Hanseo clenches his free hand, and then relaxes it. “Kneel.”
Hanseok’s smug wavers, and he looks at Hanseo condescendingly. “You really think I’m going to
kneel for you?” he asks, voice turning serious. “I don’t remember shooting you in the head to make you believe this kind of nonsense.” He sounds offended. “Well,” Hanseo free’s Hanseok’s wrist and watches the older man rub it with another hand. “We have to start somewhere.” Hanseok swallows and looks up and around, not believing what he is hearing. “You are just pissing me off now.”
“But you looked so good on your knees.” Hanseo smiles mischievously. Hanseok sucks in a deep breath and slaps Hanseo in the face. The younger man steps backwards but the laugh echoes. “You shouldn’t have done that.” The younger brother says, surprised by the lightness of Hanseok’s strength. “Or what, huh? What are you going to do?” Hanseok is about to slap him again, but Hanseo dodges the hit and returns a solid smack to his brother’s cheek. The older man falls backwards on his bed and holds his piercing cheek. The busted lip from yesterday opens again and blood seeps through. Hanseok looks up with pink angry eyes. A pang of frenzy reaches Hanseo’s groin. The sight is beautiful. Hanseok’s lips tremble as he touches the busted lip; he looks at the hand with blood on it and starts
laughing – a single tear falling. “You’ve grown some balls.”
Hanseo nods in agreement.
Hanseok doesn’t let it pass. He gets up to tackle his brother, but Hanseo pushes him down on the
bed. Grabbing his shoulder painfully and pinning him to the bed. The younger brother straddles Hanseok around the stomach and laughs. “You should’ve kneeled!” Hanseok tries to push Hanseo off. He tries to bend his knee to kick him in the back but is unable to reach. His face wrinkles in anger and he grinds his teeth - writhing underneath his brother’s
weight. Hanseo is ferocious.
Get off me,” Hanseok demands.
Will you kneel?” Hanseo questions. Hanseok doesn’t answer, instead he thrashes his body violently. Hanseo’s bulge is hovering above Hanseok’s stomach, and with all the movement – it brushes against the body underneath. The thrill is electrifying. “I guess not.” He grabs the older brother by the throat in one hand and makes a fist with another. “You piece of shit,” Hanseok’s voice is hesitant, but he says it anyway. Hanseo slams an iron fist into Hanseok’s face - right in the middle.
Hanseok turns his face to the side, and whimpers at the pain. His nose is bleeding, and he turns back to look at Hanseo straight in the eyes. The left side of his face twitches in anger, and Hanseok spits right in Hanseo’s face. That’s it. There’s a surprise shriek as Hanseo puts down another fist, and then another. He continues punching Hanseok until he sees crimson blood start bubbling out of his mouth and nose. “From now on,” Hanseo starts, “you are going to obey me.” He stops punching his brother and starts chocking him instead.
There are tears running down Hanseok’s face as he tries to breathe through the gurgling of blood. He drags his fingers on Hanseo’s stone cold grip and tries to scratch at the fingers. He coughs, and blood splatters on the younger brother’s face.
Let go,” Hanseok breathes out, voice unclear but the younger sibling knows what is being said.
Hanseo’s grip loosens as he wipes away the blood with the back of his hand – his face is smudged with blood now.
Hanseok’s breathes heavily as the starts sobbing. “Look at you.” Hanseo says, amused. He grabs Hanseok by the chin and holds him still, “You look so pathetic.”
Hanseok’s hair fall on his forehead, and his face is wet with tears and blood. His throat hurts and his brother is above him laughing. Hanseok wants to grab him and throw him off – it’s a good opportunity to do so, but he hesitates. This isn’t the same brother he shot; this man is different. Hanseok whimpers and closes his eyes when Hanseo makes another fist above his face. “This is going to be so much fun.” The younger man says as his fist slams down on Hanseok’s face

The End

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