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He is no longer sure how he feels. He wants to torture Hanseok, but the thought of hurting him until he bleeds is becoming revolting. His brother has become fragile, and even a slap is making him bleed. He wants revenge, he wants it bad, and now he isn’t sure how to take it. Hanseo fumes all the way to his apartment. He sits on the couch; shoulders slumped and mind running in circles. “What to do?” As the words run through his mind; Hanseo thinks about what Cha Young said, “You almost died, are you really going to forget about that because he makes you hard?” I want to hurt him, I really do!But Hanseo did not want to leave any permanent marks on that perfect body of his brother. Hanseo wanted to take care of that body. In a way, he was hurting him already, but it wasn’t enough for Vincenzo and Cha Young’s liking. This shouldn’t be their problem. They should stop getting involved! Hanseo didn’t want his brother in too much pain; he wanted to take care of that luscious body
instead. Two years. Almost two years of rage gone because Hanseo’s heart swayed at the sight of Hanseok. Somehow, Vincenzo and Cha Young had figured out what Hanseo really wanted. As of now, he was aware both were watching him, but Hanseo hadn’t done anything, so how did the two jump to
such a truthful conclusion?
So, what now? Hanseo rests his chin on his palm, what should he do? The first thing he has to do is claim Hanseok. The way Vincenzo had leered at him when he said, “I’ve kept him chaste.” It boiled Hanseo in the wrong way. In some way he was grateful Vincenzo made sure his men didn’t touch his brother, but the thought of such behavior made Hanseo furious. He tapped his foot in thought and then stood up. He has to do it today! Hanseo cracked his finger knuckles and stretched his back. Why wait?
Hanseo grabbed a bottle of lotion from the bathroom cabinet and pushed it into his pant pocket. It
was small enough to fit, but it stretched his pocket. Five minutes later, he was greeting Vincenzo’s men at Hanseok’s door and walking into the
apartment with a goofy smile on his face. Hanseok wasn’t in the bathroom; he wasn’t allowed to
lounge in there anymore.
Hanseo found his older brother in bed with his nose shoved into the newspaper; Hanseok must’ve
been too engrossed into an article to have noticed Hanseo walking in. The younger man cleared his throat. Startled; Hanseok looked up to see his brother standing at the foot of his bed. His eyes wide and his
mouth open, he spoke, “When did you get here?” Hanseo smirked and walked towards his brother, “What are you reading?” he snatched the newspaper from his brother and read the headline, ‘Babel Group shares fall to all-time lows.’ Hanseo purses and stretches his lips to show his indifference; “Damn, oops.”
Hanseok’s already bewildered eyes flicker in shock, “Oops?” His mouth quivers in anger, “Are
your serious right now?” The younger brother flicks the newspaper out of his hand and sits besides Hanseok on the bed, “Of course I’m serious.” “You don’t look serious.” Hanseok pushes the blanket away from his legs and almost gets up, but
Hanseo puts a hand on his knee and stops him. “Stay,” Hanseo smirks, looking at his brother’s shirt that is open from the top. Such a tease. “What are you going to do about that?” Hanseok’s face nudges to the newspaper on the floor, “Is
this why you are back?” Hanseo bites his lip while his eyes flicker over Hanseok’s face. So much beauty. “You want to destroy the company I worked so hard to build up?” Hanseok’s hands turn to fists, and he looks at his brother with ire, cold animosity sharp on his face. “Don’t worry,” Hanseo raises his hand, “It’s not your company anymore.” He is about to rest his hand on his brother’s cheek, but Hanseok slaps it away. It stings. Hanseo hisses at the sharp pain. He wasn’t expecting that. Hanseok is flustered. He wants to fight.
“What is the matter with you? you need to take care of this!” Hanseok’s chest is heaving in anger; his teeth clenched and arms shaking. “Oh, relax.” Hanseo coos. “I’m not going to relax,” Hanseok snaps. He gets on his knees and in Hanseo’s face. “I’m not going to pretend this is all normal!” he spreads his arms for show, “this,” he looks around, and up at the camera, “This is imprisonment, It’s against the law.” Hanseo lays a palm into the bed and leans his body in. Smile still on the face, he asks, “So is
shooting someone!” for some reason, Hanseo’s voice cracks.
So, call the police,” Hanseok exhales, “put me in jail!”
So, you can come out the next day?” Hanseo knows better than that. Money can make heads turn
the other way. He didn’t trust his brother not to pay his way off of jail. Also, Hanseo would rather
have him here. Hanseok huffs, sitting on his knees. “Is this how it’s going to be?” he asks, “You and your fucking master coming over and hitting me and watching me over the cameras?” Hanseok’s nostrils twitch, “It’s disgusting.”
“I don’t think that’s disgusting,” Hanseo shakes his head in a mock fit. Hanseok pokes the tongue in his mouth against his cheek, “What are you are doing with Babel group?”

The End

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