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The younger sibling pouts.
“Do you know how to get out of this mess?” Hanseo makes a long face and pulls up his shoulders and raises his eyebrows as if he isn’t sure of It. Hanseok’s eyes dart nervously. He takes in a deep breath and his eyes wonder up nervously at Hanseo. His breathing hitches as he says, “Let me help.” He looks at the younger man with deep yearning eyes. Hanseo gazes into his brother’s eyes and starts laughing. The older brother grabs Hanseo by the jacket lapels, “I’m serious. You are going to ruin everything!” “What?” Hanseo covers his face as his brother shakes him.
“Let me help you,” Hanseok whines, his voice small against his brother’s obnoxious laugh. “I’ll fix it for you.” His eyes are becoming moist and his eyebrows wrinkle. “No,” Hanseo grabs his brother’s wrist and pulls him away, “I don’t really care about the company.”
Hanseok looks at him stunned, “Then what the fuck are you up to?” he asks, venom on the tip of
his tongue. “What do you want from me?” Hanseo nods and chews on his lip. “Well, today,” he pats his pant pocket where the lube is; he pulls it out and waves it in front of his brother’s confused glare, “Today, I’m here to claim you.” “What are you talking about?” Hanseok sits back on his knees; he is still kneeling on the bed and looking at lotion bottle curiously. The younger man looks at the cctv and smirks. He knows the two are watching – Vincenzo and Cha Young – this was for Hanseo to take his brother for himself. Again, Vincenzo’s leering eyes
bothering him. “Did Vincenzo fuck you?” Hanseo asks, standing up, and gazing down at his brother’s confused expression. “What?” Hanseok looks taken a back. Hanseo gets his answer by his brother’s baffled reaction. It was good enough to know Vincenzo really had kept him chaste. “Turn around and lay on your stomach!” Hanseo orders, throwing ice glares at Hanseok. He meant business. Hanseok’s eyes flicker in confusion and then panic starts settling in. He looks at the bottle in Hanseo’s hand and then meets his brother’s gaze. “What are you doing?” “Just do as I say.”
Hanseok shakes his head, “No,” He tries to get out of bed instead, but Hanseo grabs him by the
neck and slams him down.
“Don’t make it hard on yourself.” Hanseo’s hand is firm, and he growls and straddles his brother,
“I’ve been nice enough with you, by holding myself back.” His breath is hot as his face comes
close to Hanseok’s. Hanseok looks rigid as Hanseo starts eyeballing his mouth and neck, “I knew you were sick,” he dares to say, and Hanseo starts giggling.
“You’ve been thinking about it too?” Hanseo asks, getting off of his brother. “I know a sick person when I see one,” Hanseok gets on his elbow, “It’s why I hate you so much.” Is that really why?Hanseo’s eyebrows twitch and knit in anger, and he lays an iron palm on Hanseok’s cheek. The
brother holds his face to the side, with a hand on his cheek. There is hissing and whimpering and
the older brother glares at his younger brother with icy eyes.
Hanseo’s heart sinks at the sight, but it doesn’t shift his goal “Turn around!” he points a finger at
his brother, “or there’s more where that came from.” “Fuck off.” Hanseok spits, blood on his lip. “One of us is getting fucked, that’s for sure.” Seeing the panic in his brother’s eyes, Hanseo
smirks. He grabs Hanseok by the shoulder and turns him around.
“I’m your brother,” Hanseok whimpers in panic, “Are you out of your mind?” “You never treated me like a brother, so there’s that.” Hanseo pulls half of Hanseok’s body down – knees on the floor, and upper body on the bed.
Hanseok is wearing his black lounge pants, and when Hanseo touches the waist of his pants,
Hanseok whines into the bedsheets. “Stop, we are brothers.” The older brother grabs Hanseo’s hand to stop him from pulling down his pants.
“Not after tonight.” Hanseo chews on his lips, “After tonight, you are someone else to me.”
“Who put you up to this?” The older brother stalls, trying not to sound shaken, “Was it Vincenzo,
Is this another one of his tricks?”
At the mention of Vincenzo’s name, Hanseo looks at where the camera is, smirks and grins at his
brother. “No, this is my trick.” He winks and pulls his brother’s pants and boxers down in one
swoop. The older brother gasps in surprise. Hanseok’s ass is perfect. The younger brother slaps his butt cheek and is utterly satisfied with the little to no jiggle to it. Hanseok’s butt is curvy and firm, with the right amount of spread in the middle.
Hanseo’ mouth waters and his groin start thumping. No, not now. Today he was just going to finger him. Hanseo spreads out his brother’s butt cheeks and looks at the beautifully alluring asshole. Hanseo himself had never had a man before. This was going to be a slow process for him, he was learning
things that he was too confused about before. He still had the strong urge to do something to
Hanseok today; because of those lewd eyes of Vincenzo, Hanseo had to force himself out of comfort sooner than later.
If it hadn’t been for what he witnessed between Vincenzo and Minsung; this wouldn’t have been possible today. Yes, he had dreamed about it, but he never had the guts to go for it. In a way, he should be thanking Vincenzo.
Vincenzo - he was probably watching right now. Hanseo and Hanseok are both faced towards the cameras; later today, Hanseo was going to watch this on repeat and enjoy the look on his brother’s face as he writhed in pleasure. His groin is becoming uncomfortable, and Hanseo wants to release it, but he swallows down the desire and brings his attention back to the perfect pass before him.
“Think about this,” Hanseok’s voice is muffled into the sheets, it looks like crying has already
started. Nice. Hanseo drips a good amount of lube on Hanseok’s ass and licks his lip. There’s a first time for everything; Hanseo rubs his index finger at the entrance of Hanseok’s hole and watches as his brother squirm into the sheets. “Hanseo, please.” Hanseok turns to look at his brother, “Think about it.” “I’ve been thinking about this,” Hanseo slides the tip of his finger in and Hanseok’s mouth gaps open; mortified, he hides his face into the sheets. Hanseo grins with his pearly teeth and indulges with his finger. His brother is tightening his hole while the tip of Hanseo’s finger is inside. The younger brother watches in amusement and hunger.
He pulls the finger out and moistened it with more lube. He plugs it back into his brother; deeper until his middle knuckle is buried and starts finger fucking him. Hanseok is squirming, pulling one knee in and out, and hissing every now and then. The past year and a half; all he thought about was physical torture. Along the line, Hanseo’s thoughts had merged into something else. With nothing but his face to remember; and considering
how good looking Hanseok was; Hanseo’s groin had started taking an interest in other parts of his
brother. He still considered torturing his brother brutally, but after witnessing his obedient brother, he was thinking of other alternative methods. What a view~ This is the first time any part of Hanseo has been inside of someone. What a blessing it was to have Hanseok as his first.
Hanseo pulls his finger out, looks at the gap his finger leaves and it looks delicious. He moistened
his finger more and digs deeper into his brother. His entire finger burying inside of his brother’s
ass. Hanseok is whining, but the younger brother doesn’t care. He enjoys the squirming and knee jerks of Hanseok, and the low weeping of his older brother.
His groin is thumping in excitement. Hanseo grabs his bulge and rearranges it in his pants. He has to wait, not too soon.

The End

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