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What if the footage is being shared? Hanseok’s stomach churns at the thought. Will his face be blurred? He tried hard to hide himself into the sheets, but Hanseo was being rough and ruthless. He had no choice but to allow himself to breathe.
Hanseo isn’t in his right state of mind – he is different, he has turned insane. Did he finally break? No he didn't. All that abuse Hanseok had hurled at him; he must have snapped. Why else would his own brother
do something so shameful to him? Did he lose his sanity after the shooting, or was it a process that took years in the making?
Or has Hanseo always been like this, did he always want to violate Hanseok? The image of his younger brother laughing and growling while his fingers defiled Hanseok; It is humiliating, shameful, and disgusting! Was Vincenzo watching while it happened? Did Vincenzo put him up to it? His fist curls at the intentions. Was that why Hanseo kept looking at the camera? What was the point of doing that to him, what did Hanseo gain from prying on him? It must have been Vincenzo, or that bitch Cha
Young. She always used to say obscenities at him at the warehouse. Somehow she used to get off on it. For the six months he was in the warehouse – the torture and humiliation he faced daily was traumatic, now it is happening all over again. After what Hanseo did to him, he is afraid Vincenzo would make Hanseo go further next time. Further with something even Hanseo might regret. His fingers. Hanseok sobs and lets his body slide down the shower walls. He wraps his arms around his knees and cries openly as the feeling of Hanseo’s fingers entering him become real all over again. No number of showers are going to wash that feeling away. Never in his life has he ever imagined being at the mercy of another man – especially not his
brother. He is supposed to talk to him, manipulate him like the easy pup he is. But what happened to him after the shooting is a mystery that Hanseok doesn’t know of. Hanseo isn’t the naïve younger
brother he knew - he is the one in control now. He is the stronger brother and not Hanseok. He lets the water wash away his tears and thinks about going back to bed. After that night, Hanseo didn’t show up for the next three days, and today, being the fourth,
Hanseok doubts his brother will show up. Even if he hid in the bathroom all day, Hanseok believes his brother is regretting his decision the day he violated Hanseok. Or so he hopes. Maybe if he begged more or asked nicely. If he tried to make his brother understand what he was
about to do was wrong – Hanseo might have listened. He never should’ve called him sick. He
never should have brought up the company, if that is what he was so upset about.Hanseok picks at his fingernail as a tear falls down his cheek. Or would that have not mattered? He has been regretting his life decisions forever, and Hanseok can’t take it anymore. He stands up and turns off the water. Stepping out, he dries himself, and pulls on his old sweatpants, and a black t-shirt. There is a small hole in the sleeve of his shirt – the time when one of Vincenzo’s men had pulled a knife at him and held it against his wrist; threating to kill him and make it look like suicide. The sharp poke had ripped his sleeve, and Hanseok looks at the wrist that was captured. Nothing left to prove anything was ever held against him. Vincenzo is one thing, his men another. During his time at the warehouse, his men would come at night to kick him awake – either carrying out an order from Vincenzo or out of boredom. The sharp stomach pain from the force would make him throw up instantly. The sleep deprivation he suffered during the time was horrendous. The hallucinations that followed were worse; specially since it got
him in more trouble. These days, it is Hanseo keeping him up all night. The threat of him walking into the bedroom and climbing on top of him. Hanseok shudders at the thought; would his brother go that far? If Vincenzo put him up to it, it’s definitely concerning.
Every day is a new thing to worry about. Yesterday, Vincenzo’s men had come by to do an apartment sweep. The bathroom was thoroughly
searched, and the news articles about Babel Group that he had hidden in the sink cabinet were
discovered and confiscated. Hanseok purses his lips and shakes his head in fury. There was nothing he could do about it; however, he was relieved when the next day, a new newspaper arrived. He was getting worried his newspaper privileges would be stopped after the hidden articles were found. Small victories. If only he had played it right from the start. Hanseok starts regretting again. The first time Hanseo had walked through his imprisoned apartment doors. The first time they were alone together. If he had used the right words, maybe he could have manipulated Hanseo earlier. But day by day passes and it seems more and more becomes out of reach. This man is different than before. He has to keep reminding himself. Every night, when he tries to think about how to use Hanseo in a way to release himself from his confinement, the worry of Hanseo’s new personality comes to mind.
Hanseo has nothing to worry about. He has everything, everyone, and all the money.
That day after the shooting; If Hanseok had reached the airport a little earlier; he might have made it to New York. If Vincenzo’s grip on Hanseok’s arm was a little looser, maybe Hanseok could’ve run away.
If the warehouse had been a little closer to the city, maybe Hanseok would have escaped. It wouldn’t have mattered if Hanseok was barefoot and naked. But none of those things were possible. His life was over.

The End

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