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Hanseo fucks him in the shower. Bends him over and batters him, slaps his ass, and praises him.
“So good.” His voice is husky and breathless. Hanseok puts a hand on the shower tile and waits for his brother to relieve himself.
It’s been six months now. Six months since he accepted his role as his brother’s personal sex toy. It was a front, for now. He was going to be obedient until he figured something out. Hanseo picks up the pace, and Hanseok whimpers at the sudden speed. He should be used to this,
but it’s something he can’t get over. He is still disgusted over everything. Never did he imagine his brother bending him over and fucking him. Like this. In the shower, like a cheap whore. Whenever he wanted. Wherever he pleased. Hanseo comes inside of Hanseok, and he groans. He stays inside of him, and he starts laughing. His dick slides out easily, and Hanseok can feel the warm liquid inside of him spill out. Hanseo turns Hanseok around and kisses him. Wet and heavy. “Do you want to get off?” The younger brother asks, looking down at Hanseok’s half hard dick. Hanseok sniffs and shakes his head. “No, I’ll be okay.”
The younger brother laughs and shakes his head, “No. That’s not fair.” And just like that, Hanseo
is jerking him off and making him spill come as well.
Hanseo does all the washing. Himself and his brother. Satisfied, he dries and wraps himself in a bathrobe. “Why don’t you get ready, and I’ll make breakfast.” Hanseo kisses his brother on the lips and walks out of the bathroom, barefoot.
Hanseok stays still in the bathtub and doesn’t move. Instead, he lets the air dry him over. Six months of being fucked like a rag doll. It’s the weekend today, so Hanseo will be staying over all day. Which means, he won’t be getting any piece of mind. From sucking his dick at forsaken hours, to being fucked throughout the day. It was the price to pay. It was either this or being kept in a warehouse. Tortured, and still fucked. At least he was home, safe and away from that hell hole.
The television is back, and Hanseok can spend the weekdays watching dramas or news. He has little things in his life back.
The humiliation he can eat for now.It’s not something he imagined. The compromise wasn’t expected, but it happened.
His brother had a weak heart. Lucky for Hanseok, he was his brother’s weakness. He can smell breakfast, and Hanseok swallows and picks up a clean towel. He wraps it around his hips and goes to the bedroom. He picks someone casual to wear and cleans the room quickly. Hanseo spent the night last night and thrashed the place while fucking him. Must have been a rough day at work, because usually his brother will go gentle with him. Last night, his brother was
a little too rough. He fixes the pillows and walks softly to the kitchen where Hanseo is sipping coffee. He sits on the island chair and waits for his brother to turn around. Hanseo hums and pours Hanseok a cup of coffee.
Kitchen appliances are working. The dishes are back, and some sharp utensils as well. Hanseok doesn’t even imagine grabbing the knife and holding it against his brother – the cameras
are still up, and if Vincenzo catches a whiff. His life is over.
Hanseo was the one keeping him alive. Hanseok swallows as he catches his brother’s soft amused gaze. The coffee mug is handed to him, and Hanseok indulges in the rich taste of it. Drinking convenient store coffee had really made him sick. Another thing he got out of being
fucked by his brother was fresh coffee. Hanseok walks to the living room and turns the tv on. He can see his brother working and ignores him. Tonight, a new drama was going to premier and Hanseok’s thoughts wonder about. He should play it safe. No knives. No rebelling. Not yet.
Recently, Hanseo has been doing anything Hanseok has asked him to. From running to the corner
store to bring him chocolate, to making him spicy ramen.
Hanseok was trying to understand his brother. There was so much ruckus in that head of his brother, it was conflicting.
But. Hanseo was going to wait patiently and figure everything out. At some point, his brother was going to free him. Regardless of what Vincenzo wanted, or who
was the one in control. His brother was weak. Hanseok was the weakness in his brother’s heart and soul.

The End

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