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Cha Young comes to his side, and she smirks at him; “Let’s go.”
Hanseo smiles apologetically, “I’m sorry I have to cut the interview short,” he says, watching Ji Eun closely, “But I have important matters to get to.” “This interview will decide the fate your company,” She spews, “Your shareholders are watching, if you walk away now, what kind of message does that send them?” Hanseo pouts, “My shareholders care about the company more than this interview. If you think I
should put this interview ahead of Babel Group, you have overestimated your influence.” Ji Eun starts convulsing. He stands straight and bows at Ji Eun, and then at the camera that is still recording. Vincenzo has already left the building. Cha Young rides with Hanseo in the car. She looks at him curiously, “Did you know she was going to ask about Hanseok?” Hanseo grins, “She’s always been obsessed with Hanseok. So, yeah.” Cha Young laughs. “I’m going back to work,” She says, “one of my clients is throwing a tantrum. Vincenzo went ahead first.” “Is that why he is missing?” Cha Young nods, “Yeah, Sorry. It’s a dire situation.”
“Oh, no worries.” He turns to her, “You guys have your own job to do.”I’m looking for an assistance that can work for you,” Cha Young says, “You are going to need them.”That would be helpful.” When the car comes to a stop, Cha Young steps out and waves at Hanseo. They separate and the driver takes him straight to his apartment. When he enters the building, the door man calls him over. There’s a package for him, and Hanseo’s heart jumps when he realizes what it is.
He hurries back to his apartment and tears the box open. It’s a flogger. Hanseo’s heart beats in frenzy, as he rips open the package. It’s a flogger! Hanseo’s mouth waters as he holds the handles and relishes in it. He slaps his hand with the leather tails and the sensation electrifies him. He slaps his hand again, feels the sensual sensation. He indulges In Hanseok’s writhing body as he imagines flogging his older brother. He is getting excited. Hanseo goes to the cctv room to spy. He hasn’t seen Hanseok since last night. The interview had interrupted his new routine. He wondered how he was going to manage working if his heart was sitting at home, right here on the screen. Hanseok is on his bed, as always. He is reading the newspaper. Out of the many habits Hanseo has
observed from his brother; reading the newspaper several times a day is one of them. With no television, internet or books to read, the only form of entertainment he has is the newspaper. Hanseok is wearing a white t shirt, and cargo shorts. His bare legs look exquisite, and he looks cozy in the soft bedding, and Hanseo’s stomach churns.
It doesn’t feel like a man imprisoned for his crimes! Hanseo’s excitement turns sour. Why is Hanseok lounging around like that? Yes, he looks good, but why is he so comfortable.
Vincenzo has given Hanseok too much space to get comfortable, and it is up to Hanseo to make
him feel terrified. Hanseo runs out of the cctv room, and grabs a bag to hide his flogger in. His heart and groin thumping in rhythm to his animosity.
Vincenzo had said to give Hanseok another week, but the older man seemed healthy enough. Also, Hanseo just wanted to lay eyes on him. Meet his gaze and hold them for a minute. He wants to see the look on Hanseok’s face as he enters his apartment without permission; it was something
Hanseok hated. Two years ago; Hanseo entered Hanseok’s apartment without permission. It was the first and last time it ever happened. Hanseok had been taking a shower and lost his marbles when he saw Hanseo hanging out in the living room.
Hanseo was there for work related reasons, but the way Hanseok reacted, it must have been like a robber had entered. That day, Hanseok had made him crawl out of the apartment. The humiliation and defeat he felt was dishonorable. Hanseo sucks in his breath. He can still feel the effects of the humiliation as if it had occurred yesterday. The two men at the door greet him and stand idly by. Hanseok enters with determination. The flogger. He sighs, maybe he should have brought brass knuckles instead!
Hanseok is sitting at the edge of the bed when Hanseo enters the bedroom. The newspaper sitting
on the pillow. He must have heard the door and was sitting by expectantly. Hanseo walks bitterly towards the bed and captures Hanseok’s calculating glare. The older brother looks well recovered except for a little line of bruise over his left cheek. Still, the man looks great. Hanseok remains quiet, but a slight glitch in the nostril gives him away. His breathing is hitching, but he remains composed. “Sit back.” Hanseo nudges his head towards the pillow. “What?” The older brother asks in confusion, “Why?” Hanseo removes the newspaper and throws it to the side. “Come, sit back.” He waits at the head of the bed and looks at Hanseok impatiently.There’s a dull look in the older brother’s eyes but complies. He sits back; head hitting the headboard, and legs laid across the bedding.
Hanseo lingers over the older brother’s bare legs; internally frothing in the mouth. Long and fit; epitome of sex on legs.
He stares too long, because the shift in Hanseok; bending his knees forward, brings Hanseo back to reality. Hanseo scoffs.
Hanseok bucks his knee when Hanseo lays a hand on him, resting and caressing him with his thumb. Hanseok looks at the hand and then at Hanseo. He wants to tell him to stay off, but words don’t come out.
You look good,” Hanseo licks his lips. Siting on the edge of the bed next to Hanseok. His hand
starts massaging Hanseok from knee to calf, then back to knee and under Hanseok’s shorts to his thigh. Hanseok remains stoic to the touch. Leg hair clean, trimmed, and soft to the touch. Hanseo can’t get enough of Hanseok’s legs. He rubs
them vigorously, as he appreciates the beauty in front of him. The grin on his face is manic and the bulge in his pants is growing. The things he wanted to do. Hanseok hisses when Hanseo squeezes the calf too forcefully, and the sound brings Hanseo back to reality. “Shouldn’t you be at work?” Hanseok voices content, “Why are you here?”
The younger brother just grins at him; eyes meeting displeasure. The flogger in his lap becomes
evident as he speaks, “I can be wherever I want.” He stands up and takes the flogger out of the bag. Hanseok eyes it with shock and confusion. Hanseo grips the handle firmly and slaps the leather tails against his open palm – the sound of wind cutting in air is sharp, but the pain is exquisite. Hanseok’s eyebrows crumble and the side of his mouth rises in question, “What’s that for?” He asks, watching as Hanseo leers over his body. The way the younger brother looks at him; Hanseok wants to cover himself in the duvet. “It’s for you,” And Hanseo swings the flogger forward and slaps it against the older brother’s
knees. Hanseok jerks at the stinging pain as he gathers himself inwards, “What are you doing?” He shouts while massaging the fresh welt on his knees. Hanseo has managed to keep the force down – careful not to make his brother bleed yet. He brings down the flogger again, and his brother hisses. The face Hanseok makes is sensual – teeth
clenched, and face wrinkled in anger, his eyes moist with pain.
He laughs, and then flogs him again – a little down the knees this time. Hanseok’s legs are turning pink at the spots.

The End

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