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Tell us,” She says in her drunken voice, “How does it feel to be back from the dead?” Hanseo anxiously looks around the room – there are people he knows and strangers peering at him curiously.
“I... I didn’t die.” Hanseo stutters, chuckling at his nervousness.
But you almost dieeed,” Cha Young woos, almost about to pass out. Hanseo looks at Vincenzo, who is sitting and watching them. An embarrassing look covered by his hand. He looks between Hanseo and Cha Young, doesn’t interfere but pities them. Hanseo has to keep an arm on Cha Young, to keep her steady. He excuses himself from the crowd and sits her down on the sofa. Encouraging her to stay put. She pouts at him and raises a finger. She’s about to say something but forgets.
We are done.” Vincenzo shouts, shushing the room successfully as he stands up. Wine glass still
in hand as he swishes the content inside it. “It’s only been thirty minutes.” Someone from the crowd shouts back – obviously disappointed about the party ending. Vincenzo doesn’t reply, instead he raises his arm towards the door. “Don’t forget any of your belongings,” he starts, “Nothing will be returned to you.”
There is a collective sigh of defeat, but they all start gathering their belongings and leaving. Vincenzo looks at Hanseo – who is sitting next to Cha Young. The young man looks exhausted. Cha Young will have to stay in the guest room if she doesn’t wake up soon.
Do you mind if she stays here for a while?” Vincenzo looks at Hanseo, asking for his permission. Taken aback by Vincenzo’s question, he shakes his head surprisingly, “Of course not.”
Vincenzo picks up Cha Young effortlessly and takes her to the guest bedroom; he returns with
ruffled. “The party was her idea; I couldn’t say no.” He admits.
Hanseo grins, “It was short and sweet. I don’t mind.” “Can’t believe she got drunk so quickly.” Vincenzo looks over his shoulder to where Cha Young is
now, “She holds it well sometimes.” Hanseo doesn’t say anything, instead he looks at Vincenzo expectantly. There is something else on his mind.
Can I check the room now?” He asks, permission on his tongue.
Vincenzo looks confused for a second before he realizes what Hanseo is asking for, “Oh, sure. I’ll give you the code to the room.”
They both stand in front of the secret door, and Vincenzo punches in four numbers, “The code is nine one nine two. You can change it to whatever you want later.” When they open the door, the room is dark. There are computer screens flashing bright footage, and Vincenzo caresses the wall to find the light switch. Turning it on, he steps into the room further, watching Hanseo’s bright eyes sparkle.Like a little kid opening a gift from his parents, Hanseo squeals.
There are eight monitors. Four on the desk and four on the walls. And in none of them, Hanseok is available. There’s a camera footage of the bedroom, hallway, living room, guest room, dining room, entrance door, kitchen, and the entrance to the bathroom. “Where is Hanseok?” Hanseo asks, as he sits down on the desk chair with excitement, lips licking. “He usually hides in the bathroom all day.” Vincenzo pulls another chair over to where Hanseo is sitting. “He knows where the cameras are and keeps himself hidden.”
Then we need a camera in the bathroom as well.” Hanseo clicks on one of the monitors that is
labeled ‘bathroom door.’
Vincenzo contemplates, “If you want, we can do that.” Hanseo smirks. “Can I rewind these?” He asks, as he finds the playback button. “Of course, everything stays for forty-eight hours before they are erased.” Vincenzo adds, “I’m going to change it to twelve for security reasons. Just in case something happens in the future.”
Nothing will happen in the future.” Hanseo’s eyes never leave the monitor as he plays the footage backwards in two times the speed. Vincenzo smirks.
“Where is he?” Hanseo asks impatiently as the footage is being rewind. “How long did he go in there for.” “Probably since morning.” Vincenzo puts a hand under his chin. Hanseo scoffs, “Why are you letting him do that?”I want him to have a safe space.” Hanseo’s eyes slide downwards, and he looks at Vincenzo through hooded eyelids, “Why?” He asks, resentment in his stiffening voice. “It’s part of the game.” Vincenzo says, “Make him believe he has a safe space in the house, only to be taken away at a later time.” There’s a strong sadistic look on him. Hanseo nods, considering. “So,” but nothing comes out of his mouth.
He believes I can’t touch him if he goes to the bathroom,” Vincenzo starts, “I’ve beaten him
several times, and he goes to the bathroom to hide from me” He shares, “It’s a process.” Hanseo swallows the information.
When you,” Vincenzo points at Hanseo, “start doing your thing. He will run to the bathroom to
hide from you, but...” he stops, “You are going to invade his safe space and continue.”Yes,” Hanseo agrees. “He is going to be terrified knowing his safe space has been breached. Soon he will realize there is no place for him to hide when he sees you every time you enter his apartment. That in itself is another form of his punishment.” Hanseo bends his finger into his shirt collar, bashfully delighted. Everything Vincenzo is saying to him is exciting, his groin pulsating at every point Vincenzo makes.
Ten more minutes of rewinding and finally there is life on the screen. Hanseo’s heart pumps as he identifies the man on the screen. Hanseok. Tall and lean – face a little gaunt – hair a little longer than before but not much has changed. “He looks,” Hanseo swallows, “healthy.” “Hmm,” Vincenzo bears him a sly look, “Of course.” Hanseo rewinds the footage by five minutes and watches. Haneok is walking down the hallway. Hair ruf led and a towel slung over his shoulder. There are clothes in one hand and a cell phone in another. The man walks gingerly towards the bathroom
door and flickers his eyes upwards to the camera.
Hanseo inhales. Beautiful. There is no smug look on Hanseok’s face. The face he always carried
with his nose in the air is now draught with worry. His hair falls on his forehead, and poke at the
eyelashes, but Hanseo can see the dark circles and red rim of his eyes. Hanseok freezes the frame. Right where Hanseok’s eyes have flickered towards the camera.Hanseo ponders over it; it’s exciting looking at his brother all worried and tired. Was he scared right now? Hiding in the bathroom, was he crying? Did he worry all night thinking about his future? What will happen to him? “Why does he have a cell phone?” Eyebrows come together in question, as Hanseo rips his eyes away from Hanseok’s hand that is holding the phone.
“That phone has limited access to incoming and ongoing calls. I’ve told him to have it on him all
the time. Just in case I call him over something.” What do you call him for?” Hanseo asks curiously. “If I’m in a bad mood, I’ll make him do something.” Vincenzo thinks. Hanseo is intrigued, “Like what?” There’s a pout on Vincenzo’s lips – thinking of something that is good enough for Hanseo, “I can make him kneel on the floor for several hours.” Vincenzo can’t seem to remember anything good
he has done, “I wake him up in the middle of the night and tell him to stand facing the wall.”
I’m taking that one.” Hanseo says. “I have more in my books.” Vincenzo admits, “I’ve kept him healthy for the past three months.” Vincenzo breaks Hanseo’s look from the monitor. “You can start fresh with him.”
How thoughtful. Hanseo looks back to the monitor. Was that why Hanseok looked so worried?
Does he know If I’m back?”
No. I didn’t tell him you were coming.” Hanseo nods in anticipation. “I want to see him,” his thighs clench, “Right now!”

The End

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