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Hanseok was conflicting in his mind. He knew his safest place, the bathroom was now a haunting memory of his. He felt horrible at the thought where his brother fucked him mercilessly in his safest place. Even though his brother was being gentle Hanseok couldn't take it. Even though he was obedient his mind was still not stable. He wanted to kill each and every single thing that gave him pain including Hanseo. Vincenzo was on his top list. He knew that Vincenzo was still watching him. He knew if it was one wrong move it would be the end of him.

"Brother do you want anything for lunch?" Hanseo's voice got him back to reality.
" Make spicy ramen" he spoke his voice as soft as it had to be.
"Okay brother" Hanseo replied to him. He went back to the bedroom pulling the curtains so he could have a dark room. Hanseok sat on the bed as he tried his best not to break down or say more not to rage his anger. Few minutes of staring into blank space he startled as his brother got him the food he asked for. Hanseo sat beside Hanseok and stared at the way his brother ate his food. He simply watched him with a gaze full of unexplainable emotions. A part of him still cared for his brother but a part of him still wanted to revenge against his brother. Not after what his brother had done to him.
"Once you're done take a shower I want to fuck you real good today". Hanseo spoke making Hanseok freeze from further eating. He had lost his appetite the moment his brother spoke those words. He silently pushed the bowl of ramen making his brother raise his eyebrow.
"Brother I said once you're done not now. " "I know it's just that I don't want to eat anymore. I'll get going now." "What was that brother? Craving so much to get fucked? This is new. " Hanseok silently got up not answering hanseo's question. He silently walked to the bathroom, preparing the bath tub and then stripping, getting into it. He inhaled soft breaths trying to calm his anxiety down. He never understood why he would always have an anxiety attacks when his brother would fuck him. By now he should be used to it. A hand slowly made its way to hanseok's chest pinching hanseok's nipple. He knew that hand belonged to his younger brother. His heart was still beating fast. Biting his bottom lip, he tried hard to not fuck up. Hanseo slowly moved his hand around his brother's body enjoying his body react to his touch. The hand slowly rested on hanseok's chest. Noticing that his brother's heart was beating too fast gave Hanseo more encouragement to bend his over or pin him to the shower and fuck him. He pulled his brother under the shower making him yelp a little. "So brother tell me. How should I fuck you today? Should I tie you up and fuck you till you pass out or should I bend you like last time and fuck you until you are begging for me to stop?". Hanseok did not know how to answer the question. He just stood there lost in thoughts. "c'mon brother you need to answer me or I'll have it my way." Hanseok still remained silent trying to figure out which one would be better either way both were something horrible. The silence made Hanseo angry. He gripped his brother's hair looking straight into his eyes. "Since you are not answering me I think I'm going to have it my way". And there it goes again. Hanseok getting fucked all over the wall. Hanseo having no mercy. He grabbed the man's hips going forward in a inhumane speed. Jerking him off his brother did not stop there. He stuck to his words. Making him bend in the shower and fucking him till he begs. But Hanseok wasn't going to beg. Not for now,  he was too sure about that. No matter how much it pained him he could never beg. Gripping the bath tub it was almost a loss of hours of how much his brother came. Hanseo tried to pleasure his brother who only whined and sniffed. He saw enough pain in his eyes. Those tear stained eyes made him cum for the nth time.
"Clean yourself brother I have to go out and don't forget to take a proper shower. " Hanseo spoke as he moved out leaving Hanseok groaning in pain. He slowly moved his body into the bath tub. Sitting in the soapy water a tear dropping down his cheek. He started sobbing like a kid who lost his favourite candy. He limped back once he was done. Slowly dressing himself up. Climbing into the bed, pulling the sheets above his head he continued sobbing.

The End

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