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Hanseok was going crazy, his sleep, the hunger, the migraines, the hallucinations, the flashbacks were all driving him crazy. He couldn't sleep peacefully after that night. He only sat in the corner of the room by night, eyes open not even a spark of sleep, the day was more horrible as his stomach only refused to eat what his brother got him. The feelings that he had sparked up for his brother all failed. He was not comfortable anymore with Hanseo instead he was scared. Even the tortures that Vincenzo had set him up was not as crazy as Hanseo's. His face was pale. Eyes red and begging to sleep, his cheeks had been thin at a point that he could feel more of his bones than his skin. His body still had marks from the whip. He's stomach refused to eat the food that he would forcibly gulp down. In the end he would throw up anyway. The migraines and panic attacks wouldn't give him a second to breathe. The flashbacks always got him crying and devastated. He would scrub himself for hours. The doctor would come and check on him over the weekends on to give bad news to Hanseo. Now it was Hanseo who was having a migraine. He would spend hours on getting wasted or treating his brother who was scared of him in a hope that he would stop acting traumatized. He remembers the day in the bathroom when he was gently patting Hanseok's back and Hanseok, the way pushed him and scooted away almost hitting his own head to the wall in horror after realising that it was Hanseo who was patting his back. He remembers it all his brother's eyes, the tears and the lust when he was tied. But he also remembers the aftermath. The horror and trauma in his brother's eyes. His brother rubbing his hands pleading to him to spare him since he couldn't take more. Today was the tenth day of Hanseok's trauma. Hanseo wanted to change that. He specially went out to fetch for his brother's favourite things. A pack of Chimaek, Bibimbap, Haemul Pajeon and Sundae. He tried studying some more things about what calms anxiety down and he came across some necessities that would help. Buying the bouquet of lavenders and a small teddy bear he found himself almost scoffing at what he was doing. Child's play? That was the best term that he could elaborate the situation with. Unlocking the door he walked with some of Hanseok's favourites in his hand, placing them on the kitchen counter he made his way to his brother's room. Slightly pushing forward the door he peeked in to check for his brother. He placed the items on the table turning his gaze to Hanseok. There was Hanseok sitting all zoned out that he hadn't even noticed Hanseo walking in. He finally broke through his thoughts as he slapped his face twice thinking that he was dreaming. " I can't be dreaming, he can't be here,  he'll hurt me. Please tell me I'm hallucinating again. Oh I'm going crazy". Hanseok spoke as if he was talking to someone in the room as he pulled his hair off his head Hanseo halted. Shocked at his brother's statement. "Big brother I'm not here to hurt you. Please Calm down." He spoke as he tried to be as soft not wanting to scare the elder. But his brother just repeated the acting of rubbing his hands pleading to him not to hurt him. Something in Hanseo snapped as his brother did not try to listen to him. "BIG BROTHER I SAID CALM DOWN I AM NOT HURTING YOU! JUST CALM DOWN" he watched his brother immediately stop. Terror showing on his face as he whimpered. "Sit down brother" his brother obeyed scared of being hit or abused. "I have something to speak to you. And I need you to listen to me carefully. I won't hurt you but if you do something stupid you can ask yourself in Vincenzo's warehouse forever about what you did. You need to stop stressing. I know about your migraines so that secret is no longer a secret. You need to eat and sleep properly, I won't threaten you if you listen to me. As for some time I'll let you out in the garden. You run your dead. Trust me this time I won't even let the gaurds beat you up I'll just tell them to drop you off to the warehouse. Also this is for you. If you feel traumatized smell them or hug this when I'm not around. If you get scared of me I'll try and stay away. But please for fucks sake don't stress me out. " Hanseo's words were genuine and sincere. Hanseok felt it. The emotion in his brother's eyes. The way he spoke. Hanseok scanned the teddy bear the table touching it pulling it into his arms and feeling the comfort. Even though he did not like toys in the past this toy meant a lot to him. He smelt the bouquet and Hanseo had a small smile on his face. He managed to fix one bit of his brother.

The End

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